Many Sides of Jane | Premieres January 22nd at 10/9c | A&E – Car Mod Pros Portal

In the new series, Many Sides of Jane, a 28-year-old mother of two, Jane Hart, who was recently diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, allows cameras into her life to follow her journey. Her more than nine identities, ranging in age from 6-28 years old, can appear at any time. Diagnosed only three years ago, she is on a journey to understand what caused her DID as well as figure out how she can best co-exist with her many “parts.” Throughout the series, Jane will be coming to terms with past abuses that occurred during her childhood and her relationship with her family under the watchful care of her clinical psychologist. This is a raw, unfiltered look at an extraordinary young woman who is learning how to live her life again with a rare, commonly misunderstood, disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Tune in on Tuesday, January 22nd at 10/9c for the Premiere of Many Side of Jane! #ManySidesofJane
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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Many Sides of Jane | Premieres January 22nd at 10/9c | A&E”
  1. documentary many sides of Jane. I watched two episodes of This documentary and I found it fascinating and I just would like to say that Jane has a Beautiful Soul and she's a beautiful person and she looks beautiful ..however I believe her mum needs to own to her part in it for Jane to be able to move on and understand more of what's going on with her

  2. Anyone who has known someone with true dissociative identity disorder will recognize that this show has done a disservice to those people. I won't pretend to know Jane's truth, but I think she has created a storyline that somehow makes her existence more explainable and helps her explain away the normal differences in personality that EVERYONE experiences. This is not true dissociative identity disorder, and when you ever meet someone living genuinely with this condition, you will instantly recognize how this show has done a disservice to and tainted the authenticity of their reality.

  3. One of the interesting things (from only seeing the first episode so correct me if I’m wrong) that I find strange, is how she was able to gain FULL custody of her two sons and move hundreds of miles away with such a incapacitating disorder. Doesn’t state or show what happened with the husband. And she states her “personalities” came out once she began therapy at 24 years old as she uncovered memories of her abuse, but the therapists states she first walked into therapy “practically dragging a blanket with a sippy cup”. Something isn’t adding up, and I’m starting to feel like this show is staged in some way. Doesn’t feel authentic or raw or anything you’d expect a real victim and sufferer of D.I.D would. Just my opinion.

  4. Not denying her disorder but the quality and validity of the show.Would be very naive to think the network is doing it to shed light on people with this condition and educate rather than ratings and entertainment and profit

  5. These comments are disheartening and why so many don't seek help, why there isnt more research etc. I have D.I.D. I spent years completely unaware of my others. Had no idea where the missing time was going, people coming up to me I didnt know calling me by a different name, numbers in phone I didn't recognize. I knew I had disassociative episodes, I have since I was little. I have a history of severe trauma. It saddens me to see so many people still stick to the stigma of its fake and for attention. I believe she truly has this disorder, I think there was editing done to make it more dramatic. Only people closest to me can tell when I switch because we've hidden it for so long. I wasn't even aware for a long time lots of therapy. Im in the process of integration.
    The editing is what makes it seem more dramatic. It isnt that obvious in real life.

  6. Completely fake and disgusting that this person craves this must attention! Not remembering what happens during each personality distinguishes them from each other. She makes mistakes while recalling different childhood days time smells, as well as her life recounted and through devastating detail she laughs, cries and knodds. She has phycological problems alright.

  7. She obviously has a lot of control if she's able to stay present as Jane while with friends and her mom. She also seems to be herself or at least one of her older 'alters' when with her children because they would have to be aware that there was something going on if she was switching into a child 'alter' or any 'alter' since she'd go by a different name. And she said she hides from them that she has the disorder because "it's not appropriate for them to know yet" (how convenient). The biggest clue that she has full control is that she obviously isn't switching into her 6 year old alter when driving her car or she'd be dead, I'd imagine. So from what I understand about DID is to have control of alters means you'd have to be coconcious with them and once you're coconcious with them you no longer switch in and out of these 'alters' because you have full CONTROL. Which then leads me to wonder why she is deliberately dissociating, for fun, attention, for 'reality' tv? If I had this disorder and could have the control to keep myself together at all times, I would. Wouldn't everyone?! I think she's either faking it or she enjoys putting on a show for others by purposely switching into her 'alters'. Either way, she's enjoying the attention and more importantly the money she's receiving for her performance. It's one thing to exploit herself by putting herself out there for the world to see but she shouldn't be exploiting her kids along with her. Imagine what their peers at school would be saying to them after watching their mom on tv, especially as they got older…

  8. D.I.D. is just a rare and different kind of conflict resolution … another form of depression. Another way to handle the trauma. Started with what almost everyone does, displace.

    Have seen the documentary and I believe her. Especially because she is not alone with it. I hope she finds herself and can finish that.

  9. Aw, I'm sorry about all the hate this received. Jane is incredibly brave to tell her story and try to educate the masses about this disorder. I am training to be a licensed therapist and I am glad Jane had the courage to share a bit of her journey with us. There are many forms of media that do not accurately depict DID and so we needed this. We needed to see what it looks like when it's real and de-stigmatize it.

  10. To all of you who say DID isn’t real or that Jane is faking it for attention, haven’t seen an honest representation of someone with DID. Split, Psycho and many other movies are a sensationalized portrayal based off of one specific person named Billy Milligan. Most people with DID won’t hurt a soul. They are more likely to hurt themselves than anyone else. Also, systems can switch on command when there is better communication in the system. When the barriers are less rigid it is easier to communicate and switch from person to person. That doesn’t make anyone less valid or faking it. DID is a trauma disorder. It’s hard enough to accept as it is. Taking it to the public is even harder. As so many wish to prove you’re fake. It’s a coping mechanism that literally saves peoples lives. I am proud of Jane for sharing her story and am happy to finally see someone with DID given a platform to share their experience.

  11. I've seen the first episode and I think Jane is incredibly brave to take her story public. I can't imagine all the criticism she must have to face constantly but she's doing an amazing job showing the world what DID really is and letting people see the reality of her condition and that she's not dangerous or crazy

  12. Whether or not DID is an established mental disorder is for the scientists and doctors to hash out. But this woman makes my "spider sense" tingle. Looking SOOO dramatically in the camera, in a little girl's voice, "I've got secrets to tell." The whole show grates my nerves and I can't watch any more of it. I'm deeply disappointed in A & E for buying into this.

  13. She said her kids didnt know? But if one of her personalities was a 6 year old, with another name, wouldn't she want to play with her kids? IDK…. how would they NOT know their mom was a 6 year old…?

  14. Given the history of DID I don't think it exists and this show looks to be very boring. But here's something interesting: every one of us has five different identities. There's the 'actual' you, the you who you think you are, the you who your family think you are, the you who your friends think you are, and the you people who you interact with but aren't your friends think you are (co-workers, etc). Accordingly, you act differently when you interact in these different types of relationships. And I think that identifying the differences and figuring out why they're there would probably be very beneficial psychotherapy, as opposed to messing around with this DID nonsense.

  15. I have a question for anyone who has or thinks they have DID who might be reading this: Do any of your identities ever have the same first name? Because, why not? That's the way real identities work, people have the same first names as others in their social group, so people might add an initial from their last name to differentiate when addressing them in the same group. Or how about, lets say the name your parents gave you is Jason, and you have 5 more identities, all of them named Dave. There's Dave S., Dave H. Dave T, and the other Dave T., etc. Does that ever happen?? Why get so creative with the names?

  16. Im sorry, but i call BS. i work in psych, and alot of what im seeing in this series looks to be forced, made up, and poorly acted. There are many things that she does/says/acts that are not 'appropriate' for this disorder. Im going to continue to watch to see how it plays out, but at this point, im extremely skeptical that she has this disorder. If anything, she has most certainly been misdiagnosed

  17. It doesn't really matter whether she's 'faking' or not, because either way she has major issues. In fact, it may be an entirely meaningless distinction. A better way to judge the condition is by looking at her reactions to it. She clearly enjoys having the condition, and loves the attention it brings her. She is the definition of a 'drama queen'. When a person wants to be the center of attention but has no traits interesting enough for that to happen, then that person has to somehow make themselves more interesting. The problem is that while this behavior may make her more interesting as a spectacle, nobody in their right mind would want to foster a personal relationship with someone exhibiting that behavior. So she is doing all this to get attention, but it's superficial attention, probably not the kind of intimate attention she really craves, and her behavior actually repels that kind of attention.

  18. If she is truly DID, her children are not safe in her care thus Jane's diagnosis seems a convenient excuse for her combination of poor behavior/impulse control, immaturity & need for attention.

  19. Another typical white girl💊💉😂😳😰😡🤢


  21. Mental illness is a real life experience it's so hard but it's not something you make a show about and show it to the world, you just get the help you need and live life as normal and happily as you possibly can

  22. Not saying I don't believe in the disorder because anything is possible but watching the show she was able to tell her story fine without one of her other sides interrupting..Seems like she switches sides when she wants to everybody can have there own opinion but seems fake

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