Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The bankruptcy filing comes just days after the company behind OxyContin reached a tentative settlement with several state and local governments.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2lT9HFf

#ABCNews #PurduePharma #OxyContin


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy l ABC News”
  1. When is that crap coming off the market? Good I am glad they are filing bankruptcy … stuff is just poison and should have never been approved by the fda in the first place!!!

  2. Anyone remember 2008? We are only capitalist when it's convenient all those corporations who got F'n bailed out should have been bankrupted and disbanded….But we'll see the balloon affects from 2008 here really soon…. Our congress needs to be lined-up and tar and feathered…F'n crooks!

  3. Wow they just scammed everyone they made billions and when order to pay for the deaths and addictions they created against the American people they filed for bankruptcy so they wouldn’t have to pay. This is pure capitalism and you fight for this maybe a little socialism would do some good here lmao wow your politicians won’t change any laws or fix this for you because they have been bought off. If this isn’t the biggest middle finger I have ever seen just wow

  4. You mean file for bankruptcy, avoid settling lawsuits , then funnel money to another bank account and open up a new corporation under a different name. That’s the American way,

  5. Good riddance USA state sponsored corp heroine pusher , may your rebranding all be discovered, exposed and go bankrupted as well and ceo suffer just as much as the sum of harm they caused… Oh, very true, CEOs don't suffer, they get bonusses, only the masses of sheeps get to suffer. Two complaints: 1- the duration of the information in this video is shorter than the shameless selfpublicity. 2- Youtube doesn't allow to block entire channels anymore and that is quite a shame cause damn you'd get such an unrecoverable hit from the ban hammer. BANG!

  6. Yup moving money with no consequence yes the good old America at its finest! Bigger drug dealer then El Chapo Guzman or Pablo Escobar but yet no jail time!! Isn't great to be a drug cartel!!🤭🤪🤦‍♂️💩

  7. They should all have to live on the street doing cpr to people overdosing the rest of their lives. Scooping out vomit and giving mouth to mouth till they leave this earth.

  8. After the plague of death and despair they unleashed on this country the only level of true justice is capital punishment

  9. Americans are being scammed from everywhere : The Media, the terrorist federal, state, and local governments, IRS, churches, schools and universities, social security, the stupid private bank (the Federal Reserve) so fuck them all. I'm so happy oversees!

  10. So sue the car manufacturer for drunk driving. Anything but admitting fault and taking personal responsibility for your OWN actions.


    … then watch the 1% Mobilize the Military, etc…. No Way are You Going to Convict

    what the BILLIONAIRE CLASS are DOING to the PEOPLE of the WORLD….

    _____"God Damn the PUSHER MAN" Hoyt Axton

  12. Now they gotta Learn from this and NOT push Drugs that Are Addictive and DEADLY Drugs for Pure Profit…. My Guess is that Haven't learned Squat from this. We need to fight for more Indepth and longer testing before a drug is allowed to go public, AND Drug companies CANNOT Give Incentives to doctors to prescribe their drugs, ESPECIALLY to Lower Class people. Sure free samples are well and good for those who cannot afford the Astronomical Prices of these drugs, But when they pay with their Health and Livelihood it just isn't worth it! Physicians Also should be held accountable for being gullible enough to believe in the drug companies gimmick about these "wonder drugs" and treating those on State Insurance or have No insurance with just the "wonder drug" instead of Actually treating the patient for REAL. In reality this is JUST the tip of the Disgusting Iceberg that is our Medical System, this won't do much of Anything Until we Expose and Address the whole Festering, Disease Ridden System that is suppose to be our healthcare system. Now is the time to do it while big pharma is reeling from this loss, the more we break away at this toxic system Now the Better Healthcare will be for EVERYONE, Not Just the Filthy Stinking Rich. I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of paying with my livelihood and wellbeing while these Monsters line their pockets while I inch closer and closer to my grave every day. It is Beyond Time that we take a Stand Against this Deadly Soul-less Corporation, for the Lives of Our Children, Our Children's Children and their Children and so on and so forth.

  13. This is not a new tactic. They also just stop selling a drug and 'reformulate' it into a new drug, which is really the same drug with a new name, in order to keep selling it. They sell until there is heat, then dump it and rename it and just keep selling. But, when lawsuits pile up, move the cash elsewhere and file bankruptcy and problem is again solved. It's disgusting.

  14. Funny, it was the doctors (Drug dealers.) that prescribed these drugs and yet no one wants them arrested for it and sentenced to prison. This proves that the victims are just a bunch of lazy thieves looking for a huge payday.

  15. Anyone that abused oxycotin and died is not a victim they were addicts that took it to far. We cant start going after the makers of everything that kills us. What about the doctors that prescribed the drugs or the pharmacies that handed it to the people.

  16. I want to start an Assassin company. We could charge from $5k to $5 million per hit, operate for 10-12 years, clear $200-$300 billion and still not kill as many people as Pardue Pharma did. Then when attacked by the "legal" system we can just file bankruptcy and go back to our estates and private islands.

  17. How much more bullshit will the America people take before we revolt against this wholly corrupt system where Epstein can either be murdered or spirited away in a 24/7 suicide watch jail cell, where the Sacklers can move billions offshore and then claim bankruptcy, where the DNC can blatantly sabotage candidates (Gabbard now, Sanders last cycle). It is litmus test time for Trump, who said from day one that 9/11 was an inside job and that only explosives could take down the 3 towers that fell that day. If the University of Alaska Fairbanks engineering deptartments 4 year study that recently concluded WTC building 7's collapse was a controlled demolition and the NIST report was erroneous and fraudulent is not brought to the attention of Americans via Trump (the MSM is not reporting it at all), he is undoubtedly comprised. The time is now to end this depravity that encompasses our entire political and judicial system.

  18. Would you rather have these people buy their drugs on the street from drug cartels? You people will demonize anyone that the media tells you. Do not believe the fake news , Who are they to decide that there is an epidemic, Are they in pain?

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