‘Saturday Night Live’ fires Shane Gillis amid controversy l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Soon after Gillis was announced as a new cast member, video surfaced of him mocking a Chinese accent and using a racist slur to refer to Asian people.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2kEmUS7

#ABCNews #ShaneGillis #SNL


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “‘Saturday Night Live’ fires Shane Gillis amid controversy l ABC News”
  1. SnL is woke AF and only supports the leftist views ….. Chinese blacks gays Mexicans and atheists can mock white conservative Christians but don’t offend the left woke

  2. Hey, Pablo Torre. If you want anyone to genuinely listen to anything you have to say, have Mina Kimes convey it.

    P.S. I think it’s troubling that you’re so accepting of closet racism. I mean, I, personally, would simply prefer that authentic racist beliefs/actions cease altogether. That said, comedic ‘racism’, said in jest, by a comedian, such as this is not something I would ever sincerely take to heart(..because..who would?). If it HAS to be perceived as problematic, though, wouldn’t the knowledge of someone whispering racially insensitive remarks in the shadows, behind closed doors, as opposed to it being down on a comedy podcast, fully aware that it is public & available for anyone/everyone to hear a more frightening scenario? To me, the former has a significantly higher capacity for the person in question to actually be placing some amount of genuine hate into their comments while the latter at least allows the listener an opportunity to decide for themselves.
    I believe the social media opportunity that the topic of the highlighted jokes afforded you is the sole reason you, not only spoke up at all, but went the route of taking a negative stance on it.
    [Since that would be far too petty & opportunistic for a gentleman of Harvard, though, I look forward to seeing you actively advocate/rage against the comedic machine by publicly addressing every comedian/instance of ‘racism’ that you feel hits close to home. It’s quite a daunting/time-consuming task but luckily nobody really watches HQ ever since LeBatard left, cares for any radio in which your presence is a driving force, &—other than those that would consume ESPN Daily regardless of the host—most people can take it or leave it once they hear a voice speak that isn’t Mina Kimes after that short, blissful music plays.]

    Pablo S. Torre, do better. You have a Harvard education & a relatively-newborn baby. Raise your kid. Cut out the authoring of subpar-witty ‘shade’-posts where you’re commenting on the craft of others & hone yours(maybe move up in your field in a manner that isn’t due to the mishandling of star talent by inept management & the company being left with suuuuuch a diminished pool of bodies to choose from).

  3. ‘I was good enough to get SNL & that cant b taken away….’ lol Yeah & Vanilla Ice ruled the charts for 15 minutes too. Ask him how ‘cant b taken away’ feels…..lol 😁

  4. Didn’t Alpacino do a skit on SNL taking the piss out of Arabic names after the 911 attacks?
    Seems like double standards to me !

  5. i just dont get the mocking of chinese accent, or chinese speakers have to apologize for not speaking english while the other end only speaks english.. poor Shane, he is just a victim of whiteness

  6. Starting to think this was an SNL setup to get them some publicity coverage while their show has been going down. Hire someone they knew they would fire before even starting. 🤔

  7. He said chink. I mean, he could say guido, wop, dago, etc and I certainly wouldn’t cry about it and I don’t even think Chinese people are even the ones complaining! It’s F-ing ridiculous!!! Yeah, all for a show who hasn’t even had a single Chinese comedian on their show in 45 years!!! Wow, just wow!

  8. Lame of SNL. Here comes a service that business will use, like a background check, that will fork through any old tweets, comments, Facebook page and look for a reason to not fire or hire you. Now your personally life will be picked apart.

  9. How bout he "mockingly mimicked a 1920s racist tycoon mockingly mimicking a chinese accent and using a racist slur"? That's more accurate. Some people might care, others may not. Good jokes and bad jokes come from the same place.

    Haha and wait, you follow that with "reaction was immediate"? The video was at least months before the reaction… maybe even a year. One guy on twitter posted it after mining for any mistake Shane may have had and his outrage cronies grabbed their pitch forks.

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