Trump’s ‘critics say he talks loudly and carries a small twig’: NPR correspondent – Car Mod Pros Portal

The “This Week” Powerhouse Roundtable discusses the politics of the week and remembers Cokie Roberts.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Trump’s ‘critics say he talks loudly and carries a small twig’: NPR correspondent”
  1. Trump is not a liar. He's a bullshitter. Liars acknowledge the existence of truth, as his necessary to construct a lie. But, bullshitters don't care about truth or falsehood of their statements, they only care to convey some image of things they wish to have you believe. They say whatever they believe will support that goal, without a concern for what they truth might be. Liars respect the existence of truth because they must, bullshitters don't care. Trump is a bullshitter who does not concern himself with what truth is. For this reason, he is a greater enemy to truth than the liar. Credits to Henry g. Frankfurt – author of "on bullshit".

  2. Is this really the headline for a news article regarding the president of the United States?? Isn’t there more important things to cover, like the mass genocide in China on Muslims, or the negative impact this whole presidency is going to leave on our young. But somehow I’m not surprised, just disturbed

  3. certainly does not look that way to me, maybe the opposite. he is a criminal and is allowed to continue fucking over the country and nobody does anything.

  4. The facts are NOT POSITVIE that Iran bombed Saudis oil…the tanks will be up and filled in a month. NO ONE was injured or killed. It looks phony! The Saudis CAN BOMB THEIR OWN OIL (5% of their total storage) just to get USA into war on Iran. Israel is complicit. Smells like orange fish. Media bites on it.Russia is running USA from the White House…after all they are being paid our teasury to do so. Biden issue is a cover up for trump's more serious TREASONOUS ACTIONS. i.e. SELLING OUT AMERICA. Barr is still covering up the "suicide" haha of Epstein and all the traffickers in gov't. Trump's distractions away from Epstein (& Jr's part in it), extortion of our treasury, allowing foreign power run our Nation doesn't fool citizens who are keeping scores.

  5. trump tries to get a foreign gov to smear biden, trump hides the evidence of that conspiracy; trump illegally denies the legal rights of the whistleblower to release the info , and yet biden is the disgrace and the crook??? ;lloollol right

  6. 09:37 — "Do people really want their health insurance taken away?"

    I'm hearing this line with greater and greater frequency among Right-Wing Pundits, from the "talking heads" who grace our news programs, and, yes, The Biden Campaign (among Others).

    Now, I must preface by saying that I have always been a "Yellow Dog Democrat" (I'd vote for a yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican…Hell, I'd vote for a dead cat before I'd vote for Trump), and, maybe, to a lot of people, the following doesn't seem like such a big deal. In any case, I think that it's somewhat disingenuous to term the transition, from private health insurance to "Medicare for all", as "TAKING AWAY your private health insurance", rather than "REPLACING your private insurance".

    Obviously, when One says that they're "taking something away", it sounds like you will have LESS than what you previously had. However, when One says that they're "replacing" something, it implies an "exchange", and that, perhaps, it's an exchange for something BETTER. When you return a pair of shoes, you don't tell your friends that the woman at the shoe store "TOOK my shoes away".

    I don't care for this manipulative terminology anymore than I care for Elizabeth Warren's attempts to avoid admitting that taxes will go up on the middle class if we adopt a national healthcare system. Sure, taxes will increase, some, but Americans will receive MORE benefits for FAR LESS money than our current "profit-making" system (which thrives by denying you coverage).

    I expect this kind of BS from The Republicans. It's what they do. But I definitely expect more from The Democrats and The Media (with the exception of FOX). We should NEVER feel like we have to stoop to misinformation or confusing messages of any kind when it comes to informing The Public. Dishonesty does not suit us.

    This kind of "gaminess" is unnecessary, and it only makes people more suspicious about Warrens' agenda, which is actually a sound one.

    When it comes to The General Election, I am certainly a believer in the new adage, "Vote BLUE no matter who". However, if I continue to hear more manipulative "spin" on "Medicare For All", this type of behavior will definitely have an impact on who I vote for in The Primary Election.

    Bernie Sanders 2020 — The CLEANEST POLITICIAN in America with The BEST PLAN for Americans!

  7. The Establishment Always Pushing For War ,What's A Few Bombs on people They Can't Attack Us Right. Wait Till Bombs Drop on U.S You'll get a different view from you're Safe Space.

  8. So now our cowardly draft dodging Pretender in Chief is all locked and loaded to go to war with Iran. Saudi Arabia can handle their own problems, they have enough billions to buy all their war toys they need. And why in the hell would we go to war in support for the Saudis, it was the Saudis who attacked us on 9/11. Funny how most of the Trump turds turn a blind eye to that indisputable fact. All Trump wants is war for a diversion from his traitorous evil Deeds which are soon coming to light.

  9. Democrats should be ashamed of what they have become. Spiteful, socialist haters and dividers, who wont even support our own borders nor law enforcement. They will never solve any problems they speak of because these problems are what keeps them afloat. President Trump has "grown" into the job quite nicely, has lots of energy and a good head on his shoulders.  He is indefatigable  and pragmatic. The right person for the job at this time.

  10. The US was not attacked so why send our troupes as targets let the Arabs use the weapons they brought, they did not buy a army or did they?

  11. What a racist panel all women not one men..!!! Lol🤣😂🤣😂

  12. MSM is total FAKE news from the Democrooks/Demorats. !! Watch OAN to understand what is really happening. In the country. Meanwhile the SWAMP is being drained of the scum. !! TRUMP/PENCE 20/20 !! KAG .

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