‘I’m deeply disturbed’ by whistleblower complaint: Former Trump adviser | ABC News

‘I’m deeply disturbed’ by whistleblower complaint: Former Trump adviser | ABC News

Former Trump homeland security adviser Tom Bossert reacts to Ukraine controversy on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #Whistleblower #Ukraine #ThisWeek


40 thoughts on “‘I’m deeply disturbed’ by whistleblower complaint: Former Trump adviser | ABC News

  1. "There was no evidence of collusion" THAT"S NOT WHAT MUELLER FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mueller Report has almost 200 pages in Volume I of collusion. No evidence and not enough evidence (due to the obstruction of justice) to charge a criminal conspiracy (between the Trump Campaign and the IRA/GRU, which no ever actually alleged) are NOT THE SAME THING!!!

  2. CORRECTION: "There was no evidence of collusion [conspiracy]" is not entirely true. There was a lot of evidence for the case, but the evidence did not prove upon a reasonable doubt.

  3. First off let's be realistic. Biden couldn't beat Trump on his best day so stop with that non sense. This is about payback for the 2 plus years of false allegations of Russian collusion. Biden has something to hide and it's about to come out in a big way.

  4. From Bill Still: Was the RumorBlower Document a Fake?? Someone contacted Bill and said, "They keep reporting the whistleblower form was changed in August. If you go into the properties of the pdf file of the form, it shows it was actually CREATED on Sept. 24, 2019. It also shows it was then modified on September 25, the very next day. The reason for modifying it the next day was likely due to having forgetting to change the prior revision date on the form which was 28MAY18. They changed that on Sept. 25, 2019 to Rev: August 2019. They tried to BACKDATE it to August when the phony whistleblower submitted his complaint but the actual change in policy to allow heresay was actually changed on Sept. 24, 2019 which was right after lawyers like DeGenova revealed this person cannot claim whistleblower protection because the law does not allow for heresay." There is more….

  5. At about 4.26 sec in Bossert says something about a "quintessentially donald trump statement". The statement was in regards to Germany and how it wasn't helping Ukraine and so why should we hand over money to them. You know why this is quintessential D. Trump? Because it's not true. Germany chipped in about $190 million, and European institutions have helped Ukraine with 425 million. Donald Trump is the epitome of false news.

  6. Trump likes the conspiracy theory because it shows his unrelenting support toward Putin. Pursuit of the theory demonstrates a form of fealty toward Putin which may later result in restoring the Moscow Tower project, the most valuable monetary project ever for Trump.

  7. Funny, where is this networks report on Biden’s disturbing statement, in context with his son’s activities and gains through the Ukraine. Nothing disturbing or substantial here: https://youtu.be/urTk6O4c0mU

  8. The Ukrainian treachery investigations are only a few days old, by what we already know, the fill in, explanation and revelations of TRUTH and FACTS are going to confirm how ignorant and patriotically bankrupt Trump and his Republican apologists are. Thanks for stupidly stepping out ahead of the truth and honesty express Republicans. It's not the light at the end of the tunnel Republicans, it's the train.

  9. Pres. Zelensky refutes this argument and says the Ukrainian investigation is a follow-on investigation to the original investigation. We need to see the documents! https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307-solomon-these-once-secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-ukraine-story?utm_source=RC+Investigations+Today&utm_campaign=12d0ceed37-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_11_11_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d042379c8d-12d0ceed37-86156257&mc_cid=12d0ceed37&mc_eid=09b803a7ca

  10. He’s disturbed that Trump GOT CAUGHT.

  11. Under any other circumstance this would be laughable…whitsleblowing innuendo and rumor is now treated as credible lol. Our government is a joke…welcome to the banana republic. Our next presidents whomever they are face a new Alice in Wonderland political environment. Only people who will run will be tied to the hip to the swamp…no one else will risk dealing with the nonsense. Clearly, anyone can fabricate any allegation now and its enough to spur on a congressional investigation for the entire admin, unless you're an approved swamp creature of course.

  12. Trump never read the ‘memo’, IT WAS NOT THE TRANSCRIPT, anyway, and, only 1/2 of the phone call was put into the memo.
    If he’s calling Rep. Schiff a ‘liar’ for reading, verbatim, a memo TRUMP’S OWN STAFF WROTE then every single person in America are lying about Trump’s and his crimes!
    His sycophants keep harping on what THEY perceive Hunter Biden did illegal; even though several prosecutors found nothing illegal was done on Hunter’s part. Hunter. Is. NOT. Running. For. POTUS. Some have stopped throwing his father’s name into the mix.

  13. Wait, so it was Ukraine who hacked the DNC now? I thought it was Seth Rich! I can’t keep up with their conspiracy theories to exonerate Putin and soothe Trump’s ego.


  15. Shocking to read that adults in this Country do not realize identify and acknowledge the gravity of this situation regardless of outcome, its effect on our system, and simply put it into a Partisan dogma. God Bless USA

  16. Be aware of those who protest too much! First of all, no one knows if the President did anything. Right now it's all hearsay. The news media's Reich Ministry of Propaganda headed by CNN and the other fascist news toadies are trying so hard to bury Joe Biden's proud self-admission of his illegal participation in American-Ukrainian Corruption by withholding US Aid to Ukraine unless they fire the Prosecutor investigating his son, that it is comical. Now we see that the Whistle Blower Complaint form for the Intelligence Community was altered just prior to the filing of the current complaint — deleting the requirement to have direct or first-hand knowledge of the "urgent" offense. Hey if you are going to accuse someone — make sure the complainant doesn't have first hand knowledge of what really happened! I can't wait to see how the news media Reich Ministry of Propaganda, which makes Joseph Goebbels fascist propaganda apparatus look like Amateur Hour, tries to spin that into oblivion while they conspire in their continuous plot to execute a treasonous overthrow of our government. But hey! Who cares? A fascist government proudly bolstered by our news media is better than an democratically elected government. Why should we care? I worked directly for a Democrat Congressman from the Northeast — and in meetings they laugh at how stupid and easy it is to get the Black Vote — and they don't give a crap about the Black Community — that is why I left the Democrat — now socialist and fascist — Party. They don't care about U.S. citizens in general either — just power and control over your lives. Wake up folks.

  17. IDIOTS 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
    Trump is the Bain of the deep State who’s been hypnotizing and mesmerizing you for decades
    He’s brought their agenda to a grinding halt and still you’re oblivious to what’s obvious to the rest of us

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