Ex-White House aide testifies in impeachment inquiry l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Trump’s former Russia adviser Fiona Hill told congressional investigators that Rudy Giuliani and his allies in the administration went around the usual foreign policy channels.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/32jBbUF

#ABCNews #FionaHill #Impeachment #Whistleblower #Giuliani


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Ex-White House aide testifies in impeachment inquiry l ABC News”
  1. The facts are as follows: The Dems are doing the Impeachment thing to get out ahead of the FBI/DOJ/Prosecutor/IG Reports and Indictments coming soon because:

    -. The Barry Administration, Intell/DOJ/FBI/DNC/Hillary meddled in the 2016 election

    -. They abused FISA warrants

    -. They spied on the Trump campaign and Administration

    -. They conspired with foreign countries to help them perpetrate the effort to overthrow Trump from the time he was elected.

    -. Many from the Barry holdover FBI/DOJ have been fired and/or were forced to resign.

    -. McCabe was referred for Indictment.

    -. Report on Comey was very damaging.

    – What they've accused this President of doing are the very things they've done themselves.

    -. Pay attention, much more is coming soon.

  2. Testifying to what exactly …she wasn't working at the WH when the call occurred. She stopped working there days before the call. This is a Schiff fishing trip, squeezing her girl any juicy tit bits on anything at all. She can't testify on the call, she wasn't there.

  3. This entire administration makes Nixon and his crew look like choir boys. Congrats Trump. You actually redeemed one of the worst scandals of the twentieth century. I think you've even made Clinton (that's Bill) look good because that whole Lewinsky thing? Pales in comparison to pressuring a foreign government to dig up dirt on your opponent's son.

  4. There is trust ONLY in truth.. dictators and manipulation is so easy for the NEWS MEDIA because all they have to do is set you up for what they want you to here. WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE TO HEAR THE TRUTH HOLDING EVERYONE IN THE MEDIA 100% ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY WORD THEY SAY ..

  5. Pelosi states that there is evidence to impeach, she has the majority so how come she won’t vote to a formal hearing? Because the evidence is a lie, Shiff is a liar and if she holds no vote the other side is kept in the dark while they fabricate what they need to impeach

  6. No other administration in history has hired & Fired as many cabinet/staffers as this POTUS. As soon as they DONT do his dirty work or exactly what he wants, their ‘traitors’. He’s incompetent everyone knows it but too embarrassed to admit it. Stop drinking the Peach Kool-Aid people!

  7. John Bolton is one funny looking guy. Then again so is Donald, Rudy, McConnel, Sarah Huckabee, Conway. Plenty of others on the Republican side that look like comic-book goons.

  8. I honestly think these foreign countries involved must have detail knowledge of Joe Biden well before Trump was elected president of the USA. Everything flare out into the open after leadership changed.Joe Biden is absolute silence. At least he can speak up for himself.

  9. so the woman who has extensive connections with the Hillary Clinton clan is testifying for the Democrats??.. hmmm that doesn't say much… does it?.. bout her intentions??? ya there's absolutely zero people in Washington that have any integrity… on both sides… and all u sheep continue to follow every word that the "news media" gives u as gold… wake up u blind sheep… or don't… idiot's…

  10. “I am not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking.”
    Well, that explains why Bolton got fired.

  11. I'm amazed at just how dumb some of the people in this country are. People please read, think, ponder, ask your self questions about what's going on and try to think outside the bubble you live in. All these gut reactions and spewing of theories that don't add up or make any sense. We have a long way to go. Research from 2018 states 32 million Americans can't read and 50% of the population can't read a book written at the 8th grade level. So please If you haven't done the research don't spew the garbage.

  12. Faux impeachment inquiry.False. Trump is our DULY ELECTED sitting President. His accomplishments & results in under 3 yrs are extremely impressive. The results our 93% Democratic donor & voter media refuses to acknowledge or report. It's easy to research them on White House websites.

  13. When I typed in “news 10/15/19, the ONLY news that came up in the search was FOX.. anyone else find more FOX posts than the other news stations when doing a general news search?

  14. Why not subpoena Tillerson, Bolton, Kelly and find out exactly how many times responsible people attempted to stop Trump from breaking the law?

  15. Trump thought by winning the eelction it just became one of his one of his busenieses and he was free to do anything that corssed his moind. . and the 40% of americans that elected him agreed. There was just one problem the 60% that didn't.

  16. What I find fascinating and very confusing is that the American people have been fine with the president running his own shadow government since Reagan did it in the 80's. Why all the hub-bub now? I have always thought it was treasonous and Ollie North should have been executed as a spy. I like the change of heart but what changed everyones's mind all of the a sudden?

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