Trump faces backlash over ‘lynching’ tweet – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Trump compared the impeachment inquiry to a lynching, drawing rebuke from some in his own party but a defense from Sen. Lindsey Graham.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Trump faces backlash over ‘lynching’ tweet”
  1. Biden: Clinton’s impeachment was a lynching!
    President Trump: The impeachment was a lynching!
    AOC: You can’t say that!
    Also AOC: the shooting was a lynching!

  2. Pressley condemns President Trump’s tweet
    Forgets Biden’s comments of saying Clinton’s impeachment is a lynching

  3. I think it’s appalling that you guys point out and define the statement in this way. ABC and CNN are some fire starters.

  4. Stop making black people out to be weak victims. You are a bunch of liars. Fake news. All you lying psychopaths need to burn in hell. We need honest news with actual facts and no brainwashing. This gangrenous media needs to be amputated. People aren't falling for your lies anymore.

  5. Moron Liberal idiots think they can hijack the language and keep yelling "RACIST" at anyone they don't like. It's a joke, the emotionally mature people are watching and laughing at this crap. Get a life! Lynching, Lynching, Lynching. You people are mentally defective. Most of you on damn meds anyway for your psycho behavior.

  6. Ah, the Leftist word police strike again. Message: If you're White, you can never use certain words, because words are infused by us Leftists with racial significance for use in the politics of power. Here's my response: F**k you, racist.

  7. I see blankets and thumb sucking,, buck up!! What world do you people live in. Every day I'm challenged with something in my life, it is what it is. If you think for 1 second my life is going to stop and I have a melt down because the president used lynching to describe the actions of democrats. The term is factually correct to describe the action! You are pansies and if your a man you may want to consider that gender selection option your pushing. Cause your beeotches, don't have real men struggles.

  8. It's more sad that all these people don't know the american language. Lynching means accusing and punishing someone before that person has any ability to defend themselves. That is what is going on here. It is a fair use of the word. Just because someone wants to associate a word with past events doesn't mean anything. From the dictionary: : to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission. So the Mob (Dems) are killing his presidency without any legal approval or permission, which permission mean a judge/jury/court has found the person guilty via due process.

  9. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t whites get lynched in the wild Wild West days for robbing banks, stealing cattle and etc.??? So how is lynching only a racist term?!?!? Everything is offensive to this soft generation.

  10. Donald Trump is the Johnny Manziel "Johnny Football" of presidents. Popular, arrogant and overhyped as being a Washington "outsider" and a man of the "blue collar hard working class folks" but he shows time and time again he doesn't care about Americans or anyone for that matter but HIMSELF. He's selfish and beyond erratic with his decision making. The clown was way over his head thinking being president was an easy job… Trump cares more about his approval ratings than actually fixing and uniting the country, all he does is tweet, lie, take credit for things Obama already implemented and divide the nation. I'm still surprised he still has his core supporters.

  11. Given this President's history? You mean all-time low black unemployment & prison reform? Just those two things alone are so much more than Obama ever did.

  12. Dang, now the deranged Democrats have put the word "Lynching" on the Democrat's prohibited word of the political correct list?
    I guess that all of the cowboy movies where they "lynch" horse thief's, cattle rustlers and bank robber will now have to Bleep the word Lynch or Lynching out of the movie.
    When are the "WE the People" gonna tell the insane hateful Liberal Democrats to "stick it" and stop voting for these destructive fools.

  13. How dare Trump!! He's a racist, nazi, and that other word us on the Left say, but can't spell "zenophobe" I think. Oh I'm so mad, but not sure why. The media said I should be mad though.

  14. 😐😐😐😐😐😐

  15. ❔🙄🤦‍♂️, Backlash from who…?? Seriously from who?? CNN, or ABC… Does anything those networks say even mean anything anymore? I didn't think so.

  16. 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

  17. Graham is right. Both cases are un-American and nothing good comes from cowering from our past, we'll never heal as a country if we keep finding reasons to be outraged and we'll never learn from our mistakes.

  18. “He and other democrats don’t have the same issues”
    Oh, sure. Let’s just forget the fact that you guys created the KKK, but other than that, and Biden using the word lynching in the Bill Clinton impeachment, you guys don’t have an issue with this kind of statement

  19. How many times did they say Clinton 's impeachment was a "lynching". No one said anything about THAT.
    STFU already with these stupid 'offended' people making mountains out of a pimple.

    I guess the Wiccans should get all up in arms because he used "witch hunt"….lol

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