‘We are not done with ISIS yet’: Retired Adm. Stavridis on the death of ISIS leader | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Retired Gen. Joseph Votel and retired Adm. James Stavridis join “This Week” to discuss the ongoing conflict in Syria.

#ABCNews #ISISLeader #Abu_Bakr_al_Baghdadi #Syria #ThisWeek


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “‘We are not done with ISIS yet’: Retired Adm. Stavridis on the death of ISIS leader | ABC News”
  1. 4:32 "…it will link with Al Qaeda, it will link with Al Shabaab, with Boko Haram, with other groups around the world" ..holy shit! So just yesterday, Al Qaeda and ISIS were killing each other and suddenly they are linking up ? I've always wondered, how does the video game strategy of the amplifiers creating media propaganda, become directives on the ground for the regional fighting ? Are the fighters really so mindless and the bordering countries so incompetent, that only contractors know who is truly fighting who, for the next youtube video ?

  2. We expect to keep finding and fighting against terrorist; no one believes POTUS has ended his mission.
    Great for America and the world Bagdadi is dead.

  3. Democrats refuse to give Trump any credit because Obama didn't accomplish this feat. I think it's great that even the military brass that served under Obama is still giving credit where credit is due

  4. it would have been better to capture the piece of crap and every day take him out of his cage, and pretend to kill him one of many different ways he did to his victims till he shits and pisses himself make him eat it, and then dump a bucket of pig blood, pig shit on him every day…..put a carcass of rotting pig in his the hole he would be kept in………stfu, good riddens you islamic rat, death is much to easy for you

  5. The intelligence agencies just acted on this to keep trump from telling Putin. Then the W.H. takes credit for something they knew nothing about.

  6. What I want to know is how the canine soldier is doing Hopefully someone can answer that as soon as possible.If he makes it and is okay It would be great to see the President reward the Very Special Four-footed Soldier with a medal in the Whitehouse.It would be one of the greatest photo -ops in history for us Dog lovers who love our pets and have so much respect for these brave canine units,as well as the Respect we have for the brave men and women in the military wherever they may be.

  7. This will never end unless the USA leaves the MidEast. The US kills one leader while creating a generation of kids that wait to join and kill the great Satan of the West. The West is reaping what it has sowed in greed and blood-lust.

  8. "News" keeps reporting we are pulling out of Siera. But they know that is not true. Clearly, we still have a large number of troops protecting the oil from ISIS attacked to keep them from disrupting the world oil supply. That oil is not even owned by the US but we know it will be targeted to use against us. US Military is ADDING forces and equipment to these regions IN Seria that will also help snuff out ISIS hotspots when that pop-up. THAT is the real story. This report is misleading the viewers in order to fit their narrative. Big surprise.

  9. Don’t pull a bone spurs. Let’s finish this thing for good.

  10. Even Russian experts say nope you missed , even talking about having DNA evidence explain that …… de de deee special forces got fooled

  11. Its not going to end!!!! They want to bring in the califate. The goal is to turn you to islam. One way or another by persuasive means or by force, its
    there duty to Allah. America wake up!!!

  12. Something smells fishy about this whole operation. From telling the russians before congress. To the kurds being our friends. To all the planned media appearances right after the "mission". Starting to sound like a contrived episode of the Apprentice.

  13. Straight-up, I don't hate anyone, but I get the feeling that the NYPD are going to run me out of town, because I'm not picking up the clues. Too much. Nothing but stress. I'm having a hard time keeping my head focused because I'm getting my head scrambling. Way too much!

  14. Oh look..abc is now pushing isis propaganda.
    Go figure.
    They don't care about journalist like James Foley.

  15. Breaking news we are not done killing each other yet. Smh! History shows that when people do wrong. they always end up learning the hard way to make the right discussions.

  16. How do we know this?
    Trump doesn't trust his own Intelligence agencies,

    What about his Taxes?

    What about collusion?

    What about Ukraine?

    What about Impeachment?
    Sounds like BS to me………

  17. ONE must always follow HER TRUE NORTH .♥️♥️♥️👣🕊🌎🙏

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