White House begins to assemble a war room as impeachment inquiry heats up | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president did not attend the funeral for Elijah Cummings, instead leaving the White House to give a speech at an historically black college in South Carolina.

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#ABCNews #Trump #WhiteHouseWar #ImpeachmentInquiry


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “White House begins to assemble a war room as impeachment inquiry heats up | ABC News”
  1. I love my country and i would take a bullet to protect any leader who is going to be able to make a difference that will better our people for the greater good. I cant say enough diehard i am for our nation and those suffering around the world. We must honor Christ and bring back moral standards. We all suffer differently in life from choices and events that unfold we can't change but once we sit back as adults and analyze our choices we then need to act and adjust our moral stand points not off the ways of weaker minded individuals but in the ways that bring honor and integrity to our nation, our military and us as a people.. Yes mistakes and wrong choices are made but we can always correct ourselves and make each one of us as individuals a better person in ourselves which will make our nation stronger which boils down to honor and discipline in all things to a moral standard thay is pure in intent.

  2. ABC is NWO. Cummings is not legendary. Cummings, Obama's, Clinton's, Bushes and ABC are part of the coup. He's burning in hell with Bush and McCain.
    ABC should investigate Cummings' wife about the millions of dollars that disappeared instead of being a part of the coverup.

  3. Please allow for me to be President of the United States 🇺🇸 for the last 6 months of his 4 year term if he is IMPEACHED. I have to sign a Presidential Pardon to get my children out of an abusive situation & Mandate that the State courts RESPECT parents, teachers, MD’s, RN’s, and all Mandated Reporters who report known paternal child abuse. Without this Mandate and Pardon; child molesters will continue to be set free by attorneys and judges who they accept bribes from child molesters and they set them free in our communities of America. President Trump and former President Obama ignored my pleadings. So, therefore I ask this Country to appoint me and to give me that authority as President to execute those right and just orders. Sincerely, Renea J. Chafe, BSN + Minor in Psychology, SSGT (E-5) Honorably Discharged US Air Force Gulf War Veteran (8 years US Air Force Honorable Military Service in defense of this Country, 🇺🇸 the USA). 🙏

  4. The DON  destroyed 16 republicans 

    The DON destroyed crooked H 

    The DON has destroyed  the MSM  as fake news 

    The Don has destroyed the dim party 

    The DON  has destroyed   the  deep state 

    The DON is about to destroy  another Dim nominee  and ZERO for TREASON and Racketeering  ??

    All this and a strong economy 

    Democrats don’t want to impeach Trump to save America  they want to impeach him to stay out  of jail

    This is why they hate him ?????

  5. Many Democrats will end up in Jail and Poor. Poor little babies. Cummins,,,yeah a ugly Rat is dead, so what….Its a Good thing Trump did not go there. All the Swamps was there to honor a human faillure……GOOD DAY FOR AMERICA.

  6. Bill Clinton sounded high as a kite 🤣🤣listening too Obama speak makes me 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

  7. I've given up completely. There is no God. The evil people keep prevailing while the good keep getting persecuted. Stalin, Hitler, Osama and now the Democrats. Talk about illegal aliens now the illegal political party. 👎

  8. Good, the House finally caved to GOP demands. They will FINALLY put it to a vote, it will pass. The result? No more closed hearings – lol!!! Then after ALLLLL that, it will go to the Senate where impeachment will be shot down. Oh please hurry up so we can all live in peace until November 2020!!!!!!

  9. Trump talking to black people about justice system and putting himself on level of blacks being prosecuted and put in prison. This is a plea for sympathy from African Americans to vote for him. Hell no, you are not on our level of being prosecuted, you were born rich, but just loves criminal activity and corruption and lying about everything and you crazy as hell and a traitor.

  10. The vote to convict or not in the Senate will be the first shot in the next American Revolution. I don't think the election will have any meaning if Trump survives the impeachment vote. If he loses the election, he will simply attempt to invalidate the results and hold onto power. Hang on to your hats and everything else, stock your pantry and hold on.

  11. If Schiff and Pelosi Cared about Their Constituents they would be taking and doing something about the "Wild Fires"instead of being CORRUPT and LYING every day about The President!! Both of them could care less about their State,California,they just WANT POWER!!!!

  12. people are saying if president trump is impeached the people will stop paying taxs because the government is going against the people and not helping this country at all its all a one way road ! no one wants to give their money to the enemy ! the people have a say

  13. Thank god that man is burning in hell. Maybe now Baltimore can get cleaned up. And he’s not a public servant, he got rich as a politician.

  14. Assemble a war room? There too busy unscrewing all the paintings off the wall of the white house so Trump can sell them out of the back of his car after he gets tossed out. Assemble a war room?…with who Moe, Curly, and Larry.
    Whatever you do though please include Rudy in your War Room lol. He's very sharp.

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