House of Representatives passes impeachment probe resolution – Car Mod Pros Portal

The vote now allows the House Intelligence Committee to hold public hearings. READ MORE:

The full House of Representatives on Thursday passed a resolution to authorize the ongoing impeachment inquiry, taking a pivotal new step in the process to investigate President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.

The vote is the first time members of the House have formally gone on record to support or object to the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

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By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “House of Representatives passes impeachment probe resolution”
  1. I think we pretended to be congress years back in school for educational purposes and did a better job than these people whom are actually suppose to be congress. I hope Trump is going to throw these people in Jail!!!! They should be having to defend themselves on treason charges, nearly all of them.. Then everyone there can do their Quid Pro Quo time as well.

  2. Do you people not understand how the Trump administration is so not shitting themselves right now?
    They are basically laughing over steeples fingers as the Dems walk right into their own demise

  3. George Stephanopoulos: "Click on the right, over here, you can do that by applying your finger to the mouse button, the one on the left, or the lower left portion of your laptop touchpad. For some of you more advanced users, you'll want to actually tap instead, on your phone screen, with your finger, and especially carefully if you have fat fingers, or get your wife to help. During this operation you'll want to be using your eyes to look at the place where you'll be clicking on the right. The eyes are those two things sort of above your nose which reminds me, do breathe somewhat more excitedly than usual because this is highly advanced technology."

  4. It looks increasingly evident that the Democratic Party and the leading Democrat politicians don´t want to try challenge eccentric, bully and charismatic President Donald Trump in the late autumn 2020 US Presidential Election with a real political agenda talking about real problems in the USA. They have been under a leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi only perverse way obsessed to President Trump trying to impeach him, doomed to fail, practically since his inauguration on January 20, 2017. "Keep America Great" 2020 and Greetings from Northern Europe, from partly arctic Finland.

  5. Wow did they just put up a picture with his mouth begin cover saying do us a favor.though yeah it about be a riot watch how this play out politics is not a game people. People lives is on the line and I'm not talking about the president. This is serious if u have a gun load up if u a white Democrat stay in the house cause if u think you are on the side of black America u got it fuck up you will be harm smh the whole Democratic party is about to calapse once he get impeach

  6. Dear Lord I feel so sorry for all who is fanning the flames,there shall be no peace for the wicked, I rebuke all evil plans In the name of Jesus Christ.

  7. No one can fight a mighty powerful, God who is feeble man who thinks that they are untouchable with their two seconds power.,How shall we stand on that great Day before God to give an account of our lives.

  8. Không có ông trum nước mỹ sẻ suy sụp. Trung quốc là bá chủ. Biết không phe dân chủ

  9. Poor old Trump. All these witch hunts, all these molested women, all these failed business deals, all these failed marriages, all these allegations. He really is the ultimate hero standing up to the horrible unfair world that simply conspires against him. It's so unfair. Still, he likes the colour orange and orange is the new black, I hear. And he's good at making phonecalls – he'll have to queue though / do they have phones on Alcatraz? Poor old Trump.

  10. There is an evil undercurrent in your country* that is encouraging the impeachment of your sitting President.** It is funded and encouraged by outside forces – the same ones who fund the demonstrations outside of his rallies. Many times, politicians are just politicians for themselves, and their actions are not a reflection of the will of the people. Such is the case in this movement prepared to upset the positive – Christ-centered path – your nation has set upon. Your President has never been given the respect that his office demands by this negative influence of an ambitious few."

    "I cannot be silent. I must uncover the motives of this ambition which are not towards democracy and the welfare of the people, but race towards the One World Order. Continue to support the Truth and not hidden agendas. Continue to support independence from foreign outside influences employed to undo the strides taken towards converting the heart of your nation in support of the Truth. Do not be fooled by political rhetoric designed to confuse you."

    "This is not a political issue. It is a battle between good and evil.
    "I tell you, solemnly, what looks like politics in this country* is really a battle between good and evil." Holy 💘

  11. Jim Jordon is swimming around in the fever swamp where up is down and black is white. Nothing matters but power…you know keeping white people in power…if we're being honest… and they're all doing their part to stand against the brown an black hordes at the gates. Lord I despise these people.

  12. Why is there an American flag in the democratic run house? Oh, I get it! They are acting like they are patriotic and care for the American people.

  13. This is all a joke we all know impeachment won’t pass in the senate waisting time instead of working for the Americans lmao 😂 ok keep waisting tax payers dollars I can wait for 2020 vote all this democrat out it was a mistake voting for them in the midterm

  14. Get ready GOP you all signed your death warrants in Gods eyes you sided with Trump and all those killings AR 15 like El Paso in Gods eyes it just like you pulled the Trigger have fun with the rest of your lives cause it comes quick and all who voted for him

  15. How can a blind group of immature individuals be aloud to waste resources, time, and tax payer dollars to such an extent. Allow the man to rid this country of your cheap labor.

  16. The anti-Trump whistleblower behind the Ukraine witch hunt has likely been exposed. According to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, one person’s name keeps coming up in the impeachment hearings that fits the description of the whistleblower — Eric Ciaramella.
    A 33-year-old Ciaramella is a registered Democrat, worked for Obama, worked for Biden, worked for CIA Director John Brennan, he’s a vocal critic of Trump and he helped initiate the ‘Russia collusion’ hoax investigation!
    Ciaramella’s identity was an open secret in the DC swamp, says Paul Sperry.

  17. How is this possible… When they never impeached Hillary Rodham Clinton for erasing and 33,000 emails and causing for Americans to die in Benghazi and all the money she laundered through the Clinton Foundation? How is this possible that they're impeaching President Trump and let Hillary go free? The United States is going to have a civil war.

  18. Ok, so……. 1. Adam Schiff says he and his staff never spoke to the whistleblower. That was a lie. In fact, Schiff's office advised the person. 2. Nancy Pelosi call for an impeachment inquiry on the basis of the whistleblower. Then Trump releases the call transcript. Nancy very, very pissed at Adam Schiff. 3. The two people on the call – Trump and Zelenski – say nothing was inappropriate. The transcript says nothing inappropriate. 4. The whistleblower has now been identified as a CIA operative that has close ties to his former boss and Trump hater John Brennan. He also (yes, it's a "he") worked and maintains ties to Joe Biden. Also, a very close associate of the whistleblower currently serves on Adam Schiff's staff on the House Intelligence Committee. There's more….but seriously, how can anyone take this whole sham seriously? IF Schiff allows the Republicans to call witnesses and issue subpoenas (both are at Schiff's discretion if you READ the resolution passed today) will Schiff agree to testify under oath as the fact witness that he is? IF so, he will either expose this whole sham…. or commit perjury.

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