New Hampshire couple disappears on road trip across the country | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The frequent travelers’ bodies were found buried on a Texas beach.

#ABCNews #Traveler #Disappearance


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “New Hampshire couple disappears on road trip across the country | ABC News”
  1. I drove with my mom for 7 days on a road trip from north east to west. There are no signals on lots of area. I am just glad nothing bad happened. But still I felt like one car was following me in Utah in an evening just to be safe I decided to stop driving and book a hotel nearby…

  2. So sad 😥 unreal 💔 2people murdered travelling I'm so sorry for your families 😭😭 Prayers 🙏

  3. I drive cross country once a year from California to Ohio and back. You've really got to be careful out there. And don't drive at night! Don't stop to help anyone and be extremely aware of your surroundings.

  4. It was a white couple that killed them.. now the media doesn't have cameras at there funeral. Because it doesn't make Mexico look bad. ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

  5. They kill random people and then send threat letters to our politicians saying why and how many more they'll kill if they don't do their bidding. You think they would tell you and alarm the public?

  6. Dear ABC News Can You Please Read This Message That I Am Writing To You With All Sincerity…I Am A Righteous Person That Believes In What Is Right And Desperately Need Some Clarity…Why Is It That Your Women Wear Black And Red As If They Represent The English Colors On "Tel-A-Vision"…Do All These Women Have Stylists That Dress Them Or Is It Entirely Their Decision…Is America Still Part Of The English Monarchy And They Never Really Seceded…Others May Not Know The Truth But I Know To Fool The People A Fake Revolutionary War Was All That They Really Needed…Can You Please Explain To Me How You All Have The Hearts To Be So Inhumane And Mock All Of Us Out In The Open…Is It Because People Are Asleep And Do Not Pay Attention To The Repetitive Numbers, Colors And The Words That Deliberate Liars Have Spoken…Are You All Really Infatuated With Money And What You Can Purchase So You Willingly Take Part To Broadcast A Deceitful Lie…I However Am The Type Of Person Who Will Always Be Devoted To The Righteous Mind And Heart Because Happiness And True Love Is Something Money Just Can Not Buy…Do You All Willingly, Knowingly And Intentionally Lie To Further Push An Agenda That Only Deceives And Spreads False Information…Why Do You All Serve An Unrighteous Agenda That Uses "Tel-A-Vision" To Program A Persons Mind To Think A Certain Way In Every Single Nation…This Undeniable Truth That I Have Written Might Put The Readers Mind In A State Of Dismay…The Truth Has Been Falsified So That You Could Intentionally Be Mislead The Wrong Way…Are All The People In A Deep Sleep Because Of An Intentional Planned Agenda By The American Corporation…Can You Tell Me Why Has The Entire Country Been Brainwashed By The Murdoch Owned Corporate News Station…Unfortunately These Facts That I Have Stated Are Undoubtedly True And Not a Lie Whatsoever…To Brainwash Entire Generations Because Of What Was Reported In Newspapers, Radios And "Tel-A-Vision" Programs Was Very Clever…Why Have You Deliberately Put All Of Your Viewers In A Comatose State Of Mind…What This All Well Planned In Advance And Executed So Their Ears Are Deaf And Eyes Remain Blind…Do All Of Your Viewers Not Have A Clue They Are Being Misled And Deceived By Every Day Phonies And Liars…Why Won't Any News Station Report The Truth As To What Started The Intentional California Fires…Is The Real Reason Women Constantly Wear Red And Black Colors On T.V. Because The "UNITED Kingdom" Still Controls The "UNITED States"…Why Does Every News Station Choose The Color Red For Their Breaking News Updates…Was The American Revolution All Planned Well In Advance To Make People Think That Independence From England Was Really Won…Can You Tell Me Who It Was That Thought Of This Master Deceptive Plan Because They Did Not Deceive This Righteous Prodigal Son !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. And some of my friends wonder why I carry a concealed weapon 24-7. You have to be your own first line of defense in this very dangerous world.

  8. Camping on the southern border is not advised while Dems are on a rampage to end all law and order down here. You would be safer vacationing in Syria.

  9. The Mexican drug cartels probably did it for some reason. I wouldn't go anywhere near the boarder, or near any remote area out in the middle of nowhere. It's far too dangerous these days to do so. It's a shame that the victims obviously didn't have any firearms with them to have a chance to protect and defend themselves. An AR15 would have came in handy.

  10. Some kind of closure? Are you out of your minds? Yeah how great to have every last hope demolished when you find out your people are dead. Another great example of why the news should stick to the news and stop pretending to be part of the family.

  11. They must of been robbed and them murdered..Traveling,having fun minding their own business💔My deepest condolences for the families🙏🏻💔👼🏻🦋🕊

  12. This is the reason why u need to have 24/7 resting bitch face. Stop being friendly to mofos u don't know, these two totally looks like the type that stops their car in the middle on no where to help some stranger

  13. Cartels love those styles of trucks. The RV was just a bonus. Guaranteed they ran into the wrong guy at the wrong time and they most likely will never get answers

  14. 😳🙏💔😪🙏

  15. Well based of what that young lady said they were trusting of everybody and would open their home to everyone. That’s no such a great thing to do on a road trip. You should,be careful and cautious around people you don’t know. That blind trust may be what cost them their lives.

  16. This is why I almost never leave the house. It’s a dangerous world out there and what makes it most dangerous are the psychopaths that are roaming free, victimizing innocent people daily.

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