A California family was shocked when they received a bill for a past medical emergency that was not covered by their insurance.
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#ABCNews #HealthInsurance #MedicalBills #NoSurprisesAct


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “This couple was blindsided by $11,000 medical bill: How to protect yourself l ABC News”
  1. I got a horror story for ya. My daughter had hip reduction surgery for her hip displaysia. We had this done at University of Iowa children's hospital. It was supposed to be a simple procedure, we could do it outpatient. Thing is, she had to be put in a cast afterwards and that was a 2 part process that took an entire night. All was well until a couple weeks ago when I got a bill for 27 thousand dollars. 25 thousand of which was for one night hospital admission. Apparently my insurer UMR had a objection paying it and now I'm left holding the bag as it goes to collections. Now we're looking into bankruptcy. Apparently billing at U of I wasn't concerned with the fact that one night sleep over cost more than her surgery or the national average cost of a week on life support. Price gouging at it's worst ladies and gentlemen. This is a huge injustice and I am furious about it.

  2. Tell me what about an ambulance ride should cost over 50,000…its price gouging to the fullest…something has to be done so people can live….and pay reasonable medical bills…

  3. Do you know how many episodes long breaking bad would’ve been if Walter white was from Canada? 1 episode.

  4. I live in Australia, I've had 2 MRIs and about to have Shoulder surgery, but I'm going to have to pay 20 for parking. I hate Australia.

  5. I pay 300.00 a month for insurance and I now owe 1300.00 for blood work and test because the Dr wanted to make sure I did not have cancer I pay 20.00 a month till it is paid off sorry that is all I can afford or else I stop paying for the insurance my Dr was in network it sucks they put me in credit bureue because they want all the money at one time and I dont have 1300.00 but they cashed all three checks I paid every month on time even the IRS and the State lets you pay on time why can t we pay our medical bills on time every month

  6. It should not cost that much to operate a helicopter. They all rush to the location when they hear of a accident. Air ambulance is a scam and if you can go by ground you are better off.

  7. The medical system is run by a bunch of disgusting sociopaths. They know they're taking advantage of people. There shouldn't be any such thing as networks. You should be able to see any doctor or go to any hospital you want and know up front if going to be paid for.

  8. I just got a call last week saying I owe from operation in April this year. I told them I have all paperwork stating that insurance company took care of it don't call me because I owe you nothing.

  9. I don't want to read a single headline or watch a single second of ABC news content after they tried to defame Kavanaugh and the Covington Catholic kids and hide the Epstein scandal. I want to know the truth and I want to know who at ABC is responsible for withholding the truth from the public.

  10. I'm enjoying watching Americans bleeding money from medical bills. Enjoy your private insurance and say NO to MedicareForAll bcoz it's a fucking socialist idea, America is a rich country you can afford these 5 🌟 medical bills, nothing to worry

  11. Air ambulance are almost never in network. I bet BCBS, doesn’t have a contract with any air ambulance provider! The reason people hate insurance is because of big companies like blue cross, Cigna etc… they deny and hope you don’t appeal. Appeal, appeal complain to your insurance commissioner.

  12. If you need your medical debt erased just get ABC News to call on your behalf. 🤔

  13. Health insurance is not the issue, it's the price gouging done by hospitals… $25 for one asprin… $5 for one Q-tip… $100 for a diaper… etc. And these are small costs.

  14. I had a phone call from a neurologist the day after my husbands stroke. I did not know him. He had been with my husband 10 minutes and I am not sure why. I never heard from this doctor again till an $800 bill arrived for the cost of his phone call. He also collected from the insurance company.

  15. ABC News is a joke. No credibility. They didn't want the world to know Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 20+ times, didn't want us to see the pictures, Epstein donated tens of thousands to the Clintons, ABC wanted Hillary to win the election. Do the math folks.

  16. lmao whats wrong ABC? scared that u finally got caught? disney owns this company and thats even more fucking disgusting. FUCK U ABC, ADMIT WHAT U DID

  17. Most of that would not have happened with medicare for all. Also what is not covered is told to the patient before it happens.

  18. Unacceptable the medical costs…greed of insurance companies & private companies who take advantage of others for financial gain…it's a totally shameful & unacceptable practice…hope legislation is put into place to help stop this practice….

  19. Only Donald Trump can save us from unexpected medical bills 🤕 yeeeeeee haaaaaaw 😲 how bout Donald Trump making America great again 👍 yippee 🤸

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