Death row inmate Rodney Reed maintains innocence ahead of execution date l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Protesters and celebrities have called for justice for the 51-year-old charged with the murder of Stacey Stites.

#ABCNews #RodneyReed


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Death row inmate Rodney Reed maintains innocence ahead of execution date l ABC News”
  1. Even though Trump's reasons might've been backhandedly malicious, i give no condolences, and he may not rest in peace. <3

  2. Reed is guilty as hell.
    One of his victims escaped after he tried to abduct and rape her and then picked him out of a line up.
    7 accusations previously of rape. Multiple previous convictions
    Dna in the victim.
    Denied knowing the victim when arrested then changed his story to we were having a relatonship when the dna was brought into the evidence.

  3. This is like the Anthony haynes and Chris young case yeh sure they committed a crime but still 1 murder should not be a death penalty

    Chris young commit one murder and got the death penalty james holmes commited 12 and got life unfortunately young was killed by lethal injection one minute before he wouldve gotten a stay off execution.

    Anthony haynes killed a cop that would have took his life if he didnt shoot first cops kill innocent people and get fired
    People kill cops and get the death penalty however luckily haynes got a stay off education before he could get injected.

    Rodney reed killed 1 person and got death nikolas cruz killed 7 and managed to get life and he allegedly killed the girl its not confirmed but he hasnt been killed yet

  4. Sounds racist AS!! Lock the poor black guy up while any idiot can see her freak ex killed her… plenty of motive and pent up rage..prayers for you rod ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  5. Stop lying. Reed was not a suspect early on. It was only after he tried a similar assault on another woman in the same location and that woman managed to flee and identify Reed. The defends always ignore this second assault as it does not help their case.

  6. the evidence was lifetime of "small bugs." the determination was based on the lifetime but the lifetime is no longer evidence becuz it was no less than past erroneous assumption. time has come that he can exonerate false accusation. btw how much is it his state compensation?

  7. Rodney Reed’s saliva was found on the chest of Stacey Stites along with 16 other DNA samples tying him to the murder, soooooooo

  8. In my opinion, I think they locked him up and sentenced him to death coz he slept with a white woman who was engaged to a white police officer. The state knows Rodney Reed did not kill her. They are just angry that a white woman fell in love with a black man and that sooner or later she would call off the wedding. They all know who killed her. Jimmy Fennell!

  9. This man did some stupid mess but he did not kill her they were sleeping together the people at the job said it white people most don't like black people everything that happens black people did it the semen had been in her for three days they said they only found three semen heads the doctor said that meant it was from days ago like and the boyfriend done done some stupid stuff as well and needs to be look at for failing two lie detector test and for telling in prison that he killed her for messing with a black man make sure he gets the same death penalty as Rodney and how do you tell someone they gone die the Bible says thous shalt not kill like so crooked some of y'all going to a real bad place when y'all leave this illusion we got here keep playing around with people lives that you did not create neither of these men are innocent men if they weren't doing the stupid mess they was doing they would be more likely to believe charged them for what they actually did not for what with out a shadow of a doubt you cant prove

  10. why does she have to emphasize "BLACK MAN" this is a MAN who may have been wrongly accused. stop making literally everything race related.
    I don't think people like her realize that they are part of the problem.


    Stop spreading misinformation .


    This guy knows EXACTLY what he is doing. Should be ASHAMED of himself.

    You can tell his body language is that of a liar.

    You can see the hard swallow case bah—- ba ba… ba. Back in Texas”

    Uhhhmmm….yeah that sounds like a confident person not at all a liar trying to APPEAR confident

  12. He messed up dating a white woman in Bastrop, TX of all places. He could have traveled to nearby Austin and dated his woman, he may have faired better…poor mr. Rodney is guilty by association and Abbot aint going to overturn that. The only execution Abbot stayed was that of a wealthy man's son as a result of the good ol boys system. Rodney Ill pray God's will be done over your situation.

  13. “When someone gets a death penalty, the other cases are often not taken to court because of resources and not wanting to put other victims through trials once ultimate punishment already given. All of those cases are still there and have been the entire time,” Darby explained.

    Lucy Eipper, whom Reed has two children with, claimed he physically abused her, even when she was pregnant. He also raped her “all the time,” including one time in front of their kids, according to Eipper.

    There was also Vivian Harbottle, whom Reed was said to have raped six months prior to the murder of Stites. “When she pleaded for her life for the sake of her children, Reed laughed at her,” court documents reveal. “The foreign DNA from Harbottle’s rape kit was compared to Reed; he could not be excluded, and only one person in 5.5 billion would be expected to have the same foreign DNA profile.”

    Reed also allegedly attempted to rape 19-year-old Linda Schlueter after he convinced her to give him a ride home. “Reed led her to a remote area and then attacked her,” documents outline. “After a prolonged struggle, Schlueter asked Reed what he wanted and Reed responded, ‘I want a blow job.’ When Schlueter told Reed that ‘you will have to kill me before you get anything,’ Reed stated ‘I guess I’ll have to kill you then.’ Before Schlueter could be raped, a car drove by and Reed fled.”

    Reed was acquitted of the rape of 19-year-old Connie York. Though he at first denied knowing York, he later claimed, “Yeah, I had sex with her; she wanted it.”

  14. He’s a black man? So that plays into everything now? His DNA is in a dead woman. Would you specify that she’s white since we’re being so race specific??

  15. What's Kim thinking she is??? Is she trying to get canonized??? Does she think she's the saviour of black people??? Probably. Does she think, I'm good at getting people off so I'll just keep doing it because, I can??¿ Shutup kk??

  16. How convenient for him that NEW evidence came at the very same time he's going to get the needle. Where was this evidence all these long years. I just hope they give him a new trial but it sounds a little convenient to me. I wonder if, after they free him, more new evidence comes along to prove him guilty. What would happen then?? Everybody probably would put their tail between their legs, zip up their mouths and go home just like that POS Chris watts' parents did when the new evidence from his own mouth that he did indeed kill his family. In the beginning, they were doing media and saying foolish things about their daughter-in-law and how rotten a human Shanann was. Hmm?? They were loud back then, loud and WRONG. Now we hear nothing from them anymore. Not one thing. I say, be careful what you ask for or you just might get it.

  17. Taking another persons life at will should never be allowed. Sure murders happen, but being able to schedule the death of a man or woman and actually have the deed of execution completed is immoral. We are not GOD.

  18. Rodney brother say that the 12 year old girl, came years after n admit to him that Jimmy n the rest told her to say that Rodney rape her,n she is now can't be found…

  19. I just feel if there is a great possibility he is innocent he deserves a honest trial…When they see us and the murder of the black officer by the white woman are perfect examples of how this justice system is…I dont trust your justice system it wasn't created or ran for us or protecting us…

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