Deval Patrick joins 2020 race for president l ABC News

Deval Patrick joins 2020 race for president l ABC News

Former two-term governor of Massachusetts joins the Democratic race for president. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #DevalPatrick #2020Candidates #Election #Politics


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41 thoughts on “Deval Patrick joins 2020 race for president l ABC News

  1. Phony panderer. Carpetbagger from Chicago. Warren carpetbagger from Oklahoma. Romney carpetbagger from Utah. All Harvard graduates. Harvard believes they create Presidents.

  2. dont discout him to quickly, all he needs is one endorsement…Obama's and thats it Biden will lose all his African American support and alot of candidates will lose the independents, and even though obama isnt progressive, progressives love him so an endorsement from him to Deval could see Elizabeth Warren lose supporters too.

  3. This guy made a fortune foreclosing on people's homes. He doesn't have a chance in hell and has no grass root support. No thanks. On to the next corrupt corporate establishment centrist.

  4. Deval Patrick may be “the former governor of Massachusetts,” but he is CURRENTLY the Managing Director and a Co-Partner at Bain Capital — Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, the private equity firm that has closed businesses and destroyed towns. Say what he is NOW. (HuffPost has it right — they call him the “Foreclosure Mogul”).

  5. Anyone who is still throwing their hat in the ring is just an asshole at this point. If you’re so confident on your standing why didn’t you just enter earlier.

  6. What happened to Epstein plz I’m curious 🙄🙄🙄

  7. LMAO I CANT BELIVE THIS CLOWN IS RUNNING!!! I am a Massachusetts resident! He sucked as a Governor! The people in Massachusetts call him DO NOTHING DEVAL PATRICK! He never done a dam thing in Massachusetts and one of the worst governors Massachusetts ever had… This is why Trump will win again lol alot of talk in Massachusetts that people rather vote for trump again, rather than Sanders, Warren and now Patrick lol

  8. Corporate news eagerly covers this guy's announcement, but when Sanders announced, they were silent. Corporate media has a Sanders blackout, because they are the servants of the billionaires.

  9. 😂🤣😂🤣

  10. 😂😂 get tf outta here dude with that fake ass corporate Obama. Taxes are getting raised on you greedy fucks and throwing in these corporate hacks won't help .

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