Highlights and lowlights of the 1st public impeachment hearing | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Democrats and Republicans questioned two witnesses in the first public impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump.

#Trump #Impeachment #Highlights #Lowlights


By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “Highlights and lowlights of the 1st public impeachment hearing | ABC News”
  1. we want whistler blower idiots – the whistle blower can go live on ile des rats afterwards if he feels unsafe

  2. The Republicans are trying to say the Democrats are making this political but isn't what the president tried to do political? That's why he said he loved the undereducated there's a lot of idiots out of here😂😂😂😂

  3. If the whistleblower felt so compelled to come forward, he/she needs to show their face and be just as compelled to testify outright! # chickenpoop!

  4. Impeach Trump
    Vote out all Republicans
    They are protecting Trump
    Call them tell them to do their damn job
    They know he has committed crimes against our constitution and country

  5. This is a breakdown of Steve Hilton’s “The Next Revolution” monologue on how Trump will be remembered in history. Obama’s view of his presidency was as follows “At the end of the day, we’re part of a long-running story. We just try to get our paragraph right.” Maureen Dowd of the NYTimes said at the time, “Mr. President, I am just trying to get my paragraph right. You need to think bigger.” Trump does think bigger. He didn’t come into office wanting to write a "paragraph" in the history book. He wanted to write the new chapter, even a new book, not just a few tweaks here and there like Obama or like most presidents, in fact. Trump wanted to actually change the direction of the country. 

    Not with the economy, vital though that is, where, as promised, the Trump pro-enterprise agenda of deregulation and tax cuts has delivered historically low unemployment. Not with immigration, vital though that is, where, as promised, the border wall is going up and the numbers of illegal crossings are coming down. But the big one, is the truly historic shift on China and the associated issues of trade and manufacturing. For 50 years, China was barreling towards its stated goal of toppling America as the world’s economic and military superpower by 2049, not least by cheating on trade rules and stealing technology. President Trump, almost literally single-handed, challenged the conventional wisdom that China’s rise was inevitable.

    As a direct result of the Trump tariffs, manufacturers are moving out of China, and many more have signaled they’ll be looking to do the same soon. And the foundation of China’s power is crumbling before our eyes. They’re desperate for a trade deal. And they’re even saying they’ll finally act on intellectual property theft. For 50 years, we lived under an elitist ideology that was pro-China and pro-globalism, regardless of the impact on manufacturing, on agriculture, on rural areas.people who care about substance, about results — about the real world — should support him. His enemies — insufferable, pompous, sanctimonious, superficial — couldn’t care less about substance. It’s all just infantile insults.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., 2020 presidential candidate: Racist and xenophobic. Brian Stelter, CNN host:White nationalist. Sanders: He is a liar and a racist and a sexist. Ana Navarro, CNN analyst: Donald Trump is a misogynist racist, okay? Joe Walsh, 2020 presidential candidate: Not only is Trump a child, and not only is he a coward, and not only is he a traitor, Brooke. Here’s the thing — he’s a monster. "He’s a child, and he’s a traitor, and he’s a monster." Who’s the child now? Trump’s critics are completely oblivious, not just to Trump’s substantive record, but to the damage they themselves did to this country with their elitist policy agenda. They crashed the economy and crushed the working class. They enriched the coasts and impoverished the heartland — and not a word of apology for any of it.

    Trump supporters are not going to sit there meekly as the ruling class tries to cut short his term with this partisan farce of an impeachment which, let me remind you, has been in the works since practically the day he was inaugurated. Here are some examples: Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.: Impeach 45! Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.: … Because we’re going to go in there and we’re going to impeach the [expletive]. the election next year is an opportunity for the populist revolution to be reaffirmed. And my God, it needs to be after what we’re seeing with this impeachment. The ruling class never stops going on about democracy and the rule of law and the Constitution, and how Trump is undermining it. 

    Michael Starr Hopkins, Democratic strategist: Donald Trump is such an existential threat to our democracy. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.: No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States of America. Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif.: This president is a threat to the democracy. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law. Rep.Jim McGovern, D-Mass.: President Trump may have violated the Constitution. This is about protecting our national security and safeguarding our elections. Hey, how about safeguarding our elections by, you know, actually accepting their results and allowing the person who won to govern? A book by a radical left former mayor of London describes perfectly what’s going on here in America now: "If voting changed anything, they’d abolish it."It’s precisely because President Trump is delivering historic change that the ruling class is so violently, dementedly, against him. The Democrats, and the civil service, and MSNBC, and CNN have become an anti-Trump cult. 

    Here’s what they’re saying to you, the American people: You can vote for a different China policy to the one the establishment wants, but you can’t get it. You can vote for a different trade policy to the one that Wall Street wants, but you can’t get it. You can vote for a different immigration policy to the one that global corporations want, but you can’t get that. You can vote for a different role for America in the world than the one the military-industrial complex wants but you can’t get that, either. You get what we tell you. We, the ruling class, are in charge, and no election is going to change that. That’s what this impeachment is about. That’s what that stupid "anonymous" book is about. And that’s what 2020 will be about. It will actually be about democracy.

  6. I wonder how many innocent children ABC allowed to be raped from the time time they stopped the Epstein story, to the time Epstein didn’t kill himself in his jail cell.

    Fake news, persecuting the president over hear say, letting child raping pedophiles run free.

  7. I wonder how many innocent children ABC allowed to be raped from the time time they stopped the Epstein story, to the time Epstein didn’t kill himself in his jail cell.

    Fake news, persecuting the president over hear say, letting child raping pedophiles run free.

  8. I wonder how many innocent children ABC allowed to be raped from the time time they stopped the Epstein story, to the time Epstein didn’t kill himself in his jail cell.

    Fake news, persecuting the president over hear say, letting child raping pedophiles run free.

  9. I wonder how many innocent children ABC allowed to be raped from the time time they stopped the Epstein story, to the time Epstein didn’t kill himself in his jail cell.

    Fake news, persecuting the president over hear say, letting child raping pedophiles run free.

  10. the amount of dislikes of all the videos supporting impeachment tells you the real story of all this crap. OH no! hold on! we are provably Russian robots auto responding in YouTube? lol. all witnesses, they have been all asked the same question? do YOU have a solid evidence of treason, quid pro quo, or anything to impeach the president? they all answered NO!

  11. This isn’t news lol you can clearly see that they are leaning towards the Democratic Party. I highly recommend everyone of my friends unsubscribe from this page.

  12. Wow this is obviously bias news cookie excuses for trying to discredit a decorated veteran even if I knew nothing about manipulating information I'd still see something miss leading

  13. you all are full of shit!!!!!!! I am no longer going to support any thing Democrat sponsored!!!! If i was ever a democrat you people and the news supporting them are simply stupid when it comes to evidence!!!!!! get some balls!!!!!!!

  14. Somebody, ANYBODY, tell me what HARD EVIDENCE (NOT here-say like these “star witnesses) we have of an impeachable offense?! Anybody?

  15. I really wish people would blindly stop defending their party and look to see if there really was an issue be it dems or repubs. The country can finally move forward when the people stop just blindly defending their side for the last 30 years

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