The biggest moments in former US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitchs hearing | Nightline

The biggest moments in former US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitchs hearing | Nightline

President Trump abruptly recalled Yovanovitch from her post in April. “Nightline” reports from Washington, D.C. and Kiev, where we spoke with an anti-corruption expert who worked alongside her.



#Nightline #PresidentDonaldTrump, #House impeachment #Ukraine #HunterBiden #QuidProQuo #Yovanovitch


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27 thoughts on “The biggest moments in former US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitchs hearing | Nightline

  1. except Trump did do something illegal: "The Government Accountability Office said blocking the military assistance violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress." – – Trump was mandated to provide military aid to Ukraine and blackmailed them until they agreed to his order to investigate Joe Biden, it was not his place or role to counter Congress that had decided to provide aid for personal campaign purposes – imagine if Trump blackmailed every foreign country part of his re-election campaign = obviously illegal

  2. I wonder if Ms Yovanovitch will sue Giuliani for the smear campaign and subsequent removal from her office by Trump and the intimidation that she was subjected to by Trump – would love to see this happen. They destroyed her career and attacked her character for no reason beyond getting her out of the way so their illegal activities could move forward.

  3. Oh her feelings. Lmao. Who cares what she feels. She was a bad ambassador and was complicit with the Biden’s in Ukraine. She had to leave

  4. ..this is like a co soon as any one reports wrong doing..she goes Google/Facebook tweeting meaner things..doesn't ever learn to stop bulling..gee Mr Pres ..U don't get to practice much freedom of speech in ur position does come w ur job ….🐩🐩🐩

  5. we have a president that fires honorable respectful people with perfect service records and replaces them with crooks and fools that he thinks he can control. honor among thieves never really works out so well

  6. Six people that had direct participation and influence over the Trump campaign in 2016 have now been convicted of crimes but somehow people think Trump is innocent of everything give me a break.

  7. I think the biggest moments for Yovanovitch was when she lied under oath. Opening statement she says the Obama admin. never raised issue about Hunter Biden and Burisma, and then later in her testimony admitted to being coached by the Obama Admin about what to say about Hunter Biden and Burisma in 2016. That is perjury.

  8. ABC biased TRASH NEWS as usual! — ABC Reporters without honor! Hearing was all "hearsay" once again with no proof of anything. Give us the truth for a change.

  9. After Yovanovitch admitted that she did not know of any crime or impeachable offense, she should have been dismissed – period.  Her personal feelings and policy differences are irrelevent. After seeing her dismal performance I'm glad Trump fired her.

  10. You going to go through some bad things. Said the President of the United States 🇺🇸.

  11. Yovanovitch lied about no prosecute list. Lutesnko didn't recant he clarified. She dictated the list to him during the meeting.
    Yovanovitch lied about the list. Do some fact finding and report. Lutesnko clarified not recant.
    Article in the Babble, Ukrainian News 4/17/18
    Interview with Prosecutor General Yurly Lutesnko
    Lutesnko was asked specifically about the do not prosecute list. Quoting from the article, Lutesnko:
    "She said that this is unacceptable, they say, will undermine the creditability of anti-corruption activists. I took a piece of paper, recorded the surnames announced and said: 'dictate a list of inviolable persons.'
    She says: 'No, you misunderstood me.' I said: 'No, I understood you correctly, previously, such lists were written (in the Presidential administration) on Bankova, and you offer new lists from Tankova (the U.S. Embassy).' The meeting is over. I'm afraid the emotions were not very good.

  12. She shouldn't even be a witness ! witness to what? this court is about her getting fired, and she has not came up with one reason why she shouldn't have been. Not doing a good job evidently…

  13. The Schifftocrats are crashing along with ABC which is full of LIES (no Republican is in favor of impeachment because it is a joke with no crime what so ever involved) The only people who believe these liars are die hard Hillary fans. Hillary could care less about her fans; she is interested in power and nothing else ; take a look at what Obama and Hillary accomplished-they bombed the hell out of Libya and now the refugees are in the US. President Trump 2020

  14. Given that Republicans are so very concerned about information security, as we saw in the case of Clinton and her e-mail server, they must be absolutely outraged that the President and his EU ambassador are discussing high-level matters over unsecured personal cell phones in the middle of restaurants in foreign countries, at volumes so loud other people at the table can hear both ends of the conversation.

    I guess their outrage is just very, very quiet.

  15. And?????? Nothing to see here!!! Who cares “HOW SHE FEELS”???? Seriously ABC?? Damn y’all are looking pure stupid! Report all the amazing things our President has accomplished!! Quit kissing the butts of those democrats that is pulling all the media’s puppet strings. Truly you like like dummies! Our President feeds off of y’all’s foolishness & negativity! And he gets STRONGER! And y’all look more stupid ! Bought and paid for, hypocritical, pathetic lying reporting going on at ABC! Among all the other fake news national channels. Notice your ratings falling? Damn!

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