Female Syrian doctor saved lives in an underground hospital during airstrikes | Nightline

Female Syrian doctor saved lives in an underground hospital during airstrikes | Nightline

Dr. Amani Ballour speaks with Nightline about helping thousands of civilians who were injured by bombing and chemical attacks in a hospital 65 feet below the surface known as The Cave.


ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: https://hulu.tv/2wSmSrZ

#Nightline #Syria #Turkey #AmaniBallour #ChemicalAttack #Refugee


34 thoughts on “Female Syrian doctor saved lives in an underground hospital during airstrikes | Nightline

  1. As the American Army General said" we asked the Russian to go into Syria to help the criminal Ass-ad because he was about to fall" So America is involved indirectly in the killing of Syrians.

  2. Give her the NOBEL PRIZE 🥺

  3. I want this question asked, if there are any legitimate debates in November, “what are you planning to do about Syria”

  4. I watched this documentary last night on Rt channel at night (am in South Africa) u know I was teary till the end. I salute those women and the whole team in the most dangerous part of the world. Innocent lives are suffering WHAT IS THE WORLD DOING? Pls help

  5. Thank you very much……… you are very strong 😘😘


  7. I was so surprised that America, not only was allowing ABC to give news about a Syrian documentary but it gave an Oscar also….then i saw the documentary was talking trash about Bashar, Syria's leader. There it all made sense ..its just America being America… spreading fake news instead of showing the truth….only THE REAL SYRIANS know what's really happening and who the real enemy is

  8. Merece muitos prêmios… Merece morar no céu

  9. I want to help ppl like her ❤️ she is a hero

  10. Oh lord. This is so stupid " we wanted freedom, we wanted dignity and to to what we want" Yeaaah riiiiiiiight. So that is why you wany Al Qaeda to run your country. GTFO 😀

  11. She is a hero ❤️

  12. Dear Americans, do not want to pay the price to know in depth the leftist socialist misery. If you allow this misfortune to happen, remember that crying doesn't solve the problem. Venezuelans and almost all of Latin America countries was destroyed and thousands of people died because of this socialist illusion.
    Liberals-Leftists-Democrats, they are evident psychopaths, they have corruption in their blood, they are liars and murderers, they destroy every nation they take … History shows and proves that it is fact.
    As well as the people who vote for the leftists-Democrats are totally guilty and complicit because they keep feeding the establishment's, organized crime.

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