Rep. Doug Collins delivers impeachment opening statement l ABC NEWS

Rep. Doug Collins delivers impeachment opening statement l ABC NEWS

Collins criticized the impeachment process stating that the clock and the calendar are whats driving impeachment. Not the facts.

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32 thoughts on “Rep. Doug Collins delivers impeachment opening statement l ABC NEWS

    You are merely a politician who has completely set aside the spirit of the U.S. Constitution – who has completely set aside established conventions regarding litigation and trial. I'm not the only one saying this, and you know it. Highly regarded professionals, and highly regarded scholars, and many of your peers in government agree.
    You and your little "Republican Senate Club" headed up by Mitch McConnell discussed and made a pact to make your own rules because you could.
    You made a sham of the impeachment of Donald Trump.
    When you weren't governed by predefined rules of the process, you elected to take full advantage of the situation for personal gain… for partisan gain, and without regard or the slightest care for the country.
    You are corrupt – maybe more so than Trump.
    You reduce our government and as such you reduce our country.
    The United States will improve after your removal from office.

  2. This dude’s a fuckin joke seriously. All the republicans are doing is attacking people there to testify rather than asking relevant questions to find out what they actually know. Fuckin grifters man.

  3. Rep. Collins is unbelievably rude and disrespectful. If anyone interrupted someone else like he does in any work environment they would be immediately reprimanded by HR. Completely unprofessional and scary that such nasty people represent our country.

  4. So pretty much the Democrat's are still sore for loosing the election. Now oh let's try and impeach the president before the next election. The best part is there is no witnesses , no Adam Scihift what a joke of a hearing.

  5. Here's a thought for all RepubliCons: Trump should have been impeached his first year in office for abuse of power, disregard for the U.S. Constitution , Trump's daily lies to Americans.Trumps questionable business dealings for his own personal gain. Republicons have short memories. It was ok for Republicons to meet after President Obama's election and discuss doing everything in their power to make sure President Obama failed. THAT is treasonous!!!!
    Republicons left the Supreme Court short one justice for almost a year because they did not want a justice to be appointed while President Obama was in office. So it is a fact that Republicons have double standards. They believe whatever the Republicons do should be overlooked.
    If Trump is innocent, why doesn't he take part in the hearings?! When are you Republicons going to get it??!!! Trump cares ONLY about himself and his family and how they can benefit while he is in office. What is Trump afraid of that he won't take part in the hearings? Trump thinks he's a dictator and nothing applies to him. Republcons should be ashamed that they support Trump. He is very dangerous to the security of the United States. It is too bad there there were almost three million Democrats votes that did not count. As we all know that was how many popular votes Trump lost the election by. The electoral college is antiquated and elections need to be decided by the Popular vote.
    I believe Trump should be impeached and will be impeached.

  6. Rep. Collins … if you are too dum to follow the facts and understand the legal documents then quit. I am not a law student, and I live on the other side of the world … but I have been paying attention … if you think the American people can’t understand what is going on you are sadly mistaken …

    Charge Giuliani for ignoring subpoenas, question Nunes over his involvement and charge all of the GOP members who interrupted the witness testimony to conduct a sit-in with Contempt of Congress, Witness Tampering and Witness Intimidation and confiscate the devices they walked in there holding … Trump likely promised them pardons if they get arrested for this … well, guess what … Presidential pardons appear not to apply to a civil contempt procedure since it is not an "offense against the United States" or against "the dignity of public authority."

    Standard procedure during an investigation/inquiry (prior to a trial) to do closed door testimony to prevent witness tampering and harassment (or worse).

    The real WHISTLEBLOWER is Trump … read the transcript of the conversation between Trump and the President of Ukraine … Trump, Giuliani, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Barr, Pence … all implicated so far in pushing foreign governments for investigations into debunked conspiracy theories, using bribery, blackmail, extortion and lies, and their words, behaviour and public appearances have damned them.

    Trump is now going after anyone who speaks against him using intimidation and threats … his attack on Romney intended to create a situation where republicans senators will be too afraid to vote against him during an impeachment trial in the senate … Trumps’ mob-like threats are dangerous and he knows it.
    “Needlessly Ambiguous Terms”

    The Latest Impeachable Crimes – The difference between what has happened here with the Ukraine and normal legal diplomatic agreements … is that in a legal diplomatic exchange there is an agreement regarding exactly what each party in the agreement will do or give each other at the time the agreement is made … usually with a public signing of a joint agreement in front of cameras … and generally these types of agreements are not kept a secret and are for the good of the country, not for personal profit … in this case, aid was already expected and on its way, and then Trump decided to withhold that aid to extort a personal favour aiming to destroy a political opponent … if there was ANY evidence of wrong-doing by Biden or his son then it would have been investigated by US officials long ago without the need for pressuring anyone into announcing a bogus investigation with no probable cause (hard evidence). Trump wants this just to make his opponent look bad … he will cheat to win anyway but he thinks it will seem less obvious with this distraction … Trump cannot win anything, ever, without lying, cheating, bribing, blackmailing, threatening or extorting … that doesn’t make him clever, it makes him the textbook definition of a psychotic malignant narcissistic sociopath. Anyone who supports him … bribed, blackmailed, threatened, complicit, misguided, manipulated, fascist, racist, ignorant, dum-as-a-rock, or all of the above.

    Someone should investigate Trump and his idiotic kids more thoroughly for their financial gains from the Presidency … Ivanka “I’m complicit … actually, I don’t know what Complicit means” …
    … and “Deep Throat” Don Jr who responded, “I love it” when offered “dirt” from Russia to help Trump get elected …
    They all drag their massive security details from one Trump property to the next around the globe at taxpayers expense charging the Secret Service for rooms and services and even golf cart hire to follow Trump around his golf course. Trump has spent over 100 million taxpayer dollars playing golf at his own properties, pocketing the cash.

    This situation with the Ukraine and China is EXACTLY the evidence that Mueller was looking for with Russia … proof of the soliciting of foreign aid and interference to win an election … this time they have absolute proof in the form of the official WH release of the transcript of the conversation with the President of Ukraine, the text messages Giuliani released of his conversations with Volker, the on-air statements Trump made using upcoming trade talks as a bargaining chip to threaten and publicly extort aid from China and messages between Republican Senators expounding on their shock and dismay that the President was resorting to blackmail and extortion of foreign governments to aid his re-election bid … soliciting foreign aid to cheat to win an election, even ousting an honest ambassador who refused to start a bogus investigation without any evidence of a crime to chase a debunked conspiracy theory for Trumps illegally-gotten personal gain 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Committing a crime in public view doesn’t make it less of a crime.

    Fun Fact : A suggestion made in a DOJ memo, that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime, is not a law … there is nothing in the constitution that says that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime or investigated … it does say that “the President cannot be guilty of a crime” … that does not mean that nothing he does is a crime … it means that if he is found guilty of a crime then he can no longer be the President. This is corroborated by the articles relating to impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanours” requiring that a President be charged and removed from office by forced resignation if necessary. Considering how many crimes that Trump has been charged with in his lifetime so far he never should have been allowed to run in the first place.
    The reason why Trump has been “persecuted” since before he was elected … he’s a life-long crook with the criminal record to prove it

    In the case of the accusation of the rape of a 13 year old girl at one of Epsteins’ parties … that case was only dropped a few days before the election with the plaintiffs’ lawyer publicly citing that she was withdrawing her case because of terrible fear due to “numerous death threats”. … Court Filing: Jane Doe v. Trump and Epstein (1:16-cv-04642, SDNY)

    In 1989 Trumps’ 3 casino executives and two pilots all died together in a helicopter crash after leaving a meeting with Trump … the rotor, tail rotor and transmission fell off in mid-flight .. he then declared a loss of almost a billion and walked away from his casinos … Did these men want to talk to him about the missing money? Did they know that Trump pocketed it? The Trump Taj was finally closed by those left behind to manage the debt, on the anniversary of the helicopter crash … it seems I am not the only one who thinks he loosened a few screws on that chopper while the executives and their two pilots sat, forced to attend an impromptu concert in Trump Tower after the meeting …

    Donald Trump lied about almost being on that helicopter when it crashed and killed all five people onboard, a former Trump Organization official has said. Barbara Res, who was the company's vice-president of construction, told MSNBC the US president once fabricated a story that he decided at the last minute to avoid the 1989 flight. Ms Res branded the claims a “total, total lie”, and said they were promoted by Mr Trump himself. Trumps’ staff always flew in Trump Choppers while he always flew in his own private helicopter … for some unknown reason though, on this day Trump chartered a helicopter to bring the men to meet with him … after the meeting he ordered them to attend an impromptu concert while the helicopter sat unattended for a few hours. The three executives – Stephen Hyde, Mark, Grossinger Etess, and Jonathan Benanav – and two crew members were killed in the tragedy.  👉🏼

    Re: Contempt of Congress

    Charge Giuliani and Nunes with Contempt of Congress … then subpoena Trumps’ staff, surrogates and his dumbass do-nothing, profiting-off-the-Presidency kids. If they ignore subpoenas charge them with contempt and arrest them too. None of them are above the law or immune from prosecution. Giuliani and Trump waived their rights to attorney-client privilege the moment they went on camera and discussed the conversations with the Ukraine and provided the WH transcript of the call and when Giuliani released screenshots of text messages with Kurt Volker.

    Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative is also considered contempt of Congress.

    Congressional subpoenas are within the scope of the Speech and Debate clause which provides "an absolute bar to judicial interference" once it is determined that Members are acting within the "legitimate legislative sphere" with such compulsory process. Under that ruling, courts generally do not hear motions to quash Congressional subpoenas; even when executive branch officials refuse to comply, courts tend to rule that such matters are "political questions" unsuitable for judicial remedy. In fact, many legal rights usually associated with a judicial subpoena do not apply to a Congressional subpoena. For example, attorney-client privilege and information that is normally protected under the Trade Secrets Act do not need to be recognized.

  7. This man's comments are supported by the ussc a statement as well as evidence is the reason how, why people make their decisions in everyday living I agree the people well conqure in history but now it's the media to agree how the court system works is it appropriate to continue .

  8. Collins is a fool along with the rest of them. Wonder why pinhead J. Jordan wasn't whining today. Must not have been his turn, but still he's a whiner and should have been bawling about always having a turn and then some.

  9. The loss of power: "The pure insane grip of the tribe, and the absolute terror of being without it" (Jack Reacher). Someone once said you can run but you can't hide. What blowhards and loud at that.

  10. This one gets on my nerves. Doug looks like he’s in such a hurry like he has a possum in the oven at home.

  11. If you republicans do not stand up and impeach Trump , America is lost ! Our democracy will be dead and you will go down in history as the killers . The greatest most powerful nation will become Trumps and Putins . I'm disgusted byyou republicans , every single one that covers for Trumps crimes .🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. Scream, scream, scream. Yell, yell, yell… like a god damn child. What's going to go down in history is that you Republicans were on the wrong side of this debate and allowed a corrupt man to continue to abuse his powers so you can look good to your base and get reelected. Country and constitution before political party my dude. This is so sad.

    And if Obama even thought about doing any of the shit you guys are allowing trump to get away with, you would throw a big ass, yelling like a child, fit and demand that he be taken out of office and thrown in prison. You contradictive babies.

  13. Collins shows us today he is a lying pile of cowardice. He has made a career of lying for the rich & ensuring racism. You are a fool Collins, yelling & talking fast is acceptable to the stupid republicans & the orange buffoon you serve, Not us.

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