Dangerous weather heading towards both coasts – Car Mod Pros Portal

Heavy snow in Pennsylvania is causing low visibility and hazardous travel conditions.


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Dangerous weather heading towards both coasts”
  1. The patient researches of Frobenius have brought this visionary researcher to one of the greatest discoveries of modern times.

    The Atlanteans were black.

    There were also whites, both ethnic groups lived in good intelligence but inter-ethnic crosses were proscribed under penalty of death.

    For thousands of years, this taboo of ethnic diversity has remained inviolable. Even today, without even realizing it, white can not help feeling superior to black.

    It is his way of making the black people pay for the glory of having preceded all the others. That’s why I had to restore the truth about this part of our history.


  2. The patient researches of Frobenius have brought this visionary researcher to one of the greatest discoveries of modern times.

    The Atlanteans were black.

    There were also whites, both ethnic groups lived in good intelligence but inter-ethnic crosses were proscribed under penalty of death.

    For thousands of years, this taboo of ethnic diversity has remained inviolable.

    Even today, without even realizing it, white can not help feeling superior to black.

    It is his way of making the black people pay for the glory of having preceded all the others. That’s why I had to restore the truth about this part of our history.


  3. All these people still remember this glorious past as evidenced by many customs and legends evoking the ancient gods from Alcor, Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Among them were the Yoruba.

    “The Yoruba people are an ethnic group of West Africa. The Yoruba constitute close to 40 million people in total, found predominantly in Nigeria, where they make up around 21% of its population or roughly 35 million in 2012, making them one of the largest ethnic groups of Sub-Saharan Africa.

    The majority of the Yoruba speak the Yoruba language.

    While the majority of the Yoruba live in western Nigeria, there are also substantial indigenous Yoruba communities in the Republic of Benin and Togo.

    Comparatively numerous Yoruba diaspora communities are found in the United States and the United Kingdom.”

    In every life there is that moment when one finds his sacred thread. For Frobenius, this was the meeting with a “Black from West Coast of Africa” who told him: “In my country, every man is, by seniority, a large stone.”

    Suddenly converted, Frobenius grabbed his sacred thread that guided him through the ancient Yoruba culture. He collected facts, festivals and fairies. “It did not take me less than nine to ten years to fully understand this sentence”, he confessed.


  4. Now, they were returning to Africa to develop on this coast of gold one of the most flourishing Atlantean colonies of this side of the Atlantic, the Yoruba country.

    Its civilizing influence will radiate all over the continent, forging sacred links with the Berbers of Morocco, the Tuaregs of the Sahara, the Dogons of Mali, the Fulanis of Senegal, the Masais of Sudan, the Nubians of Upper Egypt and even the distant Zulus of South Africa or the Bushmen of Kalahari.

    Between 19,000 and 11,000 BP, the “Iberomaurusians”, a population of hunter-gatherers arrived suddenly on the coast of Morocco and Algeria.

    It is generally believed that these modern men , technically and socially more advanced, were from Libya or Italy.

    But there are at this time the same harpoon in southern Spain and in Morocco.

    Other evidence also attest that these crops were present on both sides of Strait of Gibraltar and practiced both fishing off the coast.


  5. America is our new world. Whereas for Atlantis the new world, it was Europe.

    How things change!

    History goes at it again after millennia.

    The African people crammed into the holds of slave ships did he know that 6,500 years earlier, black heroes had done the reverse route to civilize Africa?

    Laugh on Friday cry on Sunday. Here they are, they return to the land of their ancestors crowned with glory, exotic exploits, smelling distant lands, the Caribbean rum and pepper of Mexico.

    They were returning home in Africa, after a long stay in America where they were honored as gods.

    And they were gods, these black-skinned Atlantean warriors.

    They belonged to the planetary elite before the flood.

    In Atlantis, they were noble. In Africa as in America, they were taken for gods.

    They are the ones found in the pantheon of the sixteen Yoruba gods, as we shall see.

    In fact they were sixteen clans rather than sixteen people.

    After the disappearance of their island-continent, they had developed a great civilization, that of the Chavins of Peru and the Olmecs of Mexico.


  6. All this is too forgotten. And then it goes against the current, it upsets the received ideas. Okay, but is it my fault?

    I tell you what I saw, what I still see when I put the cursor of my chronoscaphe on 12.000 BP. Do not be surprised if it surprises you. Forgetfulness does its work of sorting. It erases what shocks, blurs what displeases, spares what flatters, at the price of lying. So the story is written.

    Egypt transmits the Atlantean torch to Greece, which tends to Rome, which also flies to the Celts and ends in apotheosis with the end of the Knights Templar in the West. The shadow extends.

    There is light and light. The Enlightenment Century is the one where European, Arab and Black slave traders revive slaveryand shoot the movie in reverse.

    The transatlantic route is reopened, thousands of Africans are forcibly boarded for working on the plantations in the New World.


  7. Yoruba Country

    The extraordinary saga of the African people had led them all over Europe and then to America, long before the white settlers, when this semi-desert American continent was still called Tarana.

    Five thousand years ago, a large band of Black Gods landed on the African coast. They were returning to their homeland in Africa with a message of light. Black-skinned, large in size and wisdom, they came from the sister continent Tarana which is now called America.

    Across the Atlantic they had developed a brilliant civilization.

    But all this is forgotten, denied, hidden. I want here to do justice to the black people of Africa and their conquests in Europe and America, when the little whites were only savages just out of their caves and the cold shelter of the hollow earth.

    I told this unknown episode in a section entitled 100,000 Years Under Earth.


  8. The white gods came straight on the European coasts while further south, the black gods have safely touched the Yoruba country.

    Let us not forget that they had tele-information means to detect reefs, follow a cape, know the strength of winds and the power of currents; their expertise in astronomy allowed them to plot a position as if they didn’t care.

    This expertise is particularly evidenced by the Book of Enoch, which calls them the Watchmen because they were spending their time watching the stars.

    This allowed them to predict the coming of the comet that would cause the Flood.

    They also had many other useful powers, like clairvoyance, remote viewing, telepathy, the gift of healing, etc … These powers, which were ours, have atrophied by dint of being unemployed. To find them back, the shortest path is probably the awakening, this gift of Isis that made us gods.

    Refugees from Atlantis, after a successful installation on the American continent, were therefore back on European soil, their distant homeland. Off the coast of Brittany, and then on the plateau now engulfed by the North Sea, called Dogger Banks, they established the successive capitals of what became the Second Atlantis, constantly reduced by the rising waters.

    The Britons have kept the memory of two of them, now engulfed, one off Brest, the incomparable Ys, and the other to the west of the Minquiers reefs off Erquy, the beautiful Nazado. The Irish remember the White City, drowned off the Connemara.


  9. And before the Celtic monks, in the Antiquity, the Phoenicians of Tyre were going there through the road of Iceland and Greenland. When Plato mentioned the island of Atlantis, didn’t he speak of « the continent which is on the other side of the ocean »? (source) What continent could it be? We wonder a lot. The mystery is really unbearable.

    Ancient Road To America

    According to new study, researchers have become convinced that the ancient Chinese discovered the Americas 2000 years before Columbus.

    Trade exchanges between Southeast Asia and America took place long before Columbus reached the “New World”.

    This study is based mainly on an old card copy, drawn by Admiral Zheng in the 18th century. The original map was dated, meanwhile, 1415, and other documents attest that it was itself a copy of cards dating back much further in the past.

    It seems that the world had always been known, but very often forgotten. Inuits, Phoenicians, Vikings, Celts, Yoruba and other seafaring peoples have continuously plied from one bank to another.

    Before the flood, says Plato, the island of Atlantis provided an easy passage between the two continents.

    And the disappearance of the island did not have the Atlanteans forget the way to Europe, quite the contrary.

    In any case, around -8000, while the Wurm’s great thaw was quickening, the transatlantic road was not a secret for them.


  10. The Vikings, for sure, “discovered” America.

    Besides, even before the Templars, there had been the Vikings Erik and Ullman, through the road of Greenland.

    The Nordic legends evoke the saga of these conquerors. An astonishing website gives you the evidence. There is also this coin of ancient Nordic currency found in Maine. The Vikings, for sure, “discovered” America.

    And even before them, there had been Saint Brendan and Saint Malo, geniune celts. Some authors wanted to see in Saint Brendan the white Andean god Viracocha, for he spoke as Jesus. I rather think that this episode is much older.

    Viracocha is another name for Enki, the Sumerian god.

    He had the city of Tipon built as a paradise resort, where he lived under the name of Tiki.

  11. Gee, the soldiers-monks knew the road to the West Indies for they often went there during their glorious years, when their troops were roaming the roads of Europe and the East, when their ships were sailing to South America, three centuries before Columbus.

    Before embarking on the Atlantic continent, and we then called the great land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean , Christobal Colon said Columbus left Lisbon for a first trip that had led to La Rochelle

    In this former Templar port, one who commanded the maritime trade winds route to America, Columbus had met one of the secret masters of the dissolved order.

    He had given him the most precious treasure , an ancient chart , one of those famous portulans collected as the Turkish admiral Piri Reis.

    Notable Templar had also given him the address of a guide, himself great-grand-son of the last browser to cross the ocean, during the Hundred Years War against the English.


  12. America Was Often Discovered

    The existence of America has always been known to a minority of Europeans, who have visited it at all times since the earliest times. Our ancestors were great travelers and many paths and artifacts tell us that America has a much more pluralistic and varied history that settlers have tried to make us swallow to establish their domination over indigenous …

    Christopher Colombus? a discoverer of many. Come, I will take you to the reconquest of the history of the Americas … The findings are often only rediscoveries. Columbus was perfectly aware of the fact he had not discovered America: the Templars had given him a map of this continent including the ocean road of Alizees.

    Decimated by Philip the Fair, the Templars had found refuge in Portugal.

    True sponsors of the expedition, the Portuguese Templars invented the advertising sponsorship: the sails of the caravels were struck with their logo, the famous red flared cross on a white background.


  13. “It’s not winter yet”… isn’t December14th a winter date?

  14. I just lost 2 very dear friends on December 1 due to bad weather that moved in around Thanksgiving. A 69 year old couple who had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. I would urge everyone to be extremely cautious when driving in winter weather. I've no doubt my friends were doing just that but lost their lives anyway.

  15. And that’s why it’s so pricey to live in so Cali. We bitch when it’s in the low 50S .let alone a storm..

  16. thank God we live in Texas we're barbecuing right now we're having a wonderful time right now may God bless everyone up north y'all take care don't be driving in the snow

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