Pregnant women seeking asylum in peril after ‘remain in Mexico’ policy: Part 1 – Car Mod Pros Portal

“Nightline” speaks to a desperate mother-to-be who must stay in Mexico until her asylum hearing, due to the new policy. She’s among thousands of migrants forced to live in camps overrun by cartels.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Pregnant women seeking asylum in peril after ‘remain in Mexico’ policy: Part 1”
  1. Mexico needs to send people back to shitty countries we don't care about them and there children. There shithole countries and government she be the ones supporting them with freebies. It's not Mexico and the USA problem got back we don't care about your problems.

  2. Why you get pregnant? if you are saying you don’t have money and you are so poor 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t have kids because I’m not a irresponsible person

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  4. You chose to get pregnant in an effed up situation. Don't bring your problems here. We 're doing bad enough with the problems we already have.

  5. Why don't the ACLU lawyers spend their own money to put the pregnant women up in a nice resort in Cabo San Lucas? Nobody will oppose. But don't expect me to pay for someone else's baby by brining them in to my country that taxes me. As long as I'm payinig taxes, it's my right and freedom to refuse to take care of other countries' pregnant women. ACLU needs to call Planned Parenthood to help this lady abort her pregnancy if she feels so bad about it. dah

  6. That's tough, but it's not like they're north korean. If they go back to their home countries, it's not like they're facing prison camp or execution for talking to Americans.

  7. Thomas Jefferson (one of America's original deadbeat dads) loved undocumented citizens. I think Stephen Miller would too if someone would hook the boy up with a little blue pill…or two.

  8. It is NOT the duty of the USA to provide asylum protection & care for people that are "participants" in the UN migration pact! The USA did NOT sign the pact and is NOT a participating country!

  9. The best way for America to solve both "the homeless and immigration problem" is to issue a National I.D. Card and utilize E-Verify. Without a National I.D. Card or Resident Card an individual could not; work, rent or own property, get a business license, go to school, drive a car, open a bank account or receive any type of government benefit or assistance. Self-Deportation would solve the illegal immigration problem within a few months, at virtually no cost to the American taxpayer. Without the need for walls, barbed wire, guard towers, drones, police dogs, land-mines, moats, armored vehicles, 10,000 more Border Patrol Officers, killer shrews or machine-gun emplacements. The 15 million undocumented aliens in our country would leave forthwith; and hopefully prosper and improve their homeland.

    Once passed that issue, with the money saved, housing, educational, care, medical, occupational retraining programs and facilities could be set up in every state. Only then will our nation flourish again.

    Will it happen? Not a chance.

  10. How do you have kids but have no adequate money or food. You shouldn't even want sex. They want they children to be born citizens. I feel bad for them but what if Americans needed to come live in their country. I wonder.

  11. Lol dude literally China, russia, india, Ukraine all have business that get you visa when you are a month from giving birth. Also in Mexico and some richer south American countries. It's a little to late to keep america white trump tards. I don't support it. I'm just saying.

  12. Don’t come here illegally. We have laws. Seek asylum in Mexico first, follow the rules. Democrats need to stop advertising free health care, free jobs, free money to these illegals & getting Soros to pay for them to get here.

  13. Have any of you that are so holier than thou ever been to the villages of these people? I am not talking about the resorts because most do not live there. And they are not slobs they work very hard for what they have. Even American's can be slobs and they can destroy their homes. No one is perfect!! This country gives Asylum to different countries every year that you do not know about. Cartels are in our country already and you don't even realize it because it. Mexico has more kidnappings per capita every year than most countries national debt. Don't get to comfortable in your own delusion that what is happening in their country could never happen in ours. It won't be because of them either.. You can blame who you want but you better look at your own hatred. We have walls and it isn't stopping cartels do think it will stop anyone else.. These women need help, what if it was your family member?? So many Americans go to Mexico to play but, they never go to the parts of Mexico where the people are being mistreated..

  14. Lol I just thought about something not that I support these salvadorians but wouldn’t it be easier to go to Puerto Rico have their kid their boom now you got and American child I hope they don’t think of this tho

  15. Already in peril before they were seeking asylum.. RIGHT?
    Why don't you care about the idiots causing this plight?
    Where is the source of their hell?
    Not the destination for charitable relief.. WE UNDERSTAND THE NEED.. But nobody seems to do anything about what is causing them to flee. Hmmm Guess you don't care.

  16. I wish I could dislike this propaganda BULLSH!T 1,000 times! When was the last time this shrill, puppet reporter walked the streets of downtown Los Angeles? Yeah looks exactly like the shantytown where that pregnant "asylum" seeker is loitering. Let's take care of our 1million+ homeless, and take care of our own for a change!!!

  17. They know exactly what their doing! Their headed for USA to Birth a baby & Americans pay for it & becomes US citizen who's kidding who here? I'm tired of these freeloaders coming to US living off the sweat of hard working Americans. Then all these FAKE News Media portrays these illegal deadbeats as hard working people that gets attacked in their country and are running in fear for their lives. They can seek asylum in the closest country instead that is if they really are scared that's what I would do. Please spare me the poor pitiful illegals act!! Why don't we start helping our starving children, elderly Americans before these deadbeats!!!! This needs to STOP that's why we voted TRUMP in 2016 and will reelect him in 2020 and if Dems want to cry let them take their own money and keep the illegals up themselves. TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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