Desperate search continues for a 29-year-old Alabama woman | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Paighton Houston was last seen leaving the Tin Roof Bar with two unknown men.

#ABCNews #Alabama #Missing


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Desperate search continues for a 29-year-old Alabama woman | ABC News”
  1. On one of the Facebook pages called buried cold cases, One of the admins takes up for Hampton, and says that the person Who's rape he is charged with, consented. Anyway. I read through all of the court documents and no, It was not consensual and it was determined to be forcible rape. Anyway. The lady's name is Shannon Mary. I'm sure that's not her real name But she is a moderator and admin on quite a few of the missing and murdered Case Pages. It's disturbing that someone like her controls who can post what. I posted evidence, his criminal record and she deleted and blocked me. Not because of the record, but because it refuted what she said.

  2. Why is people calling her names and saying that she left for sex? She's already dead and her family are going thru hell already. Do you guys not have a heart?

  3. Risky business one night stand 3-some she took the risk with her free will! Should have stay home with her children and be a good mom.

  4. Waiting for police to confirm they investigated that co worker THOROUGHLY at the time and cleared them…and that they didn't not know that paighton leaving with two fellas as described was a total fabrication that completely pulled the wool over their eyes, and that they found the house themselves and not through a tip off.

  5. Her co worker isn’t much of a friend. Why would she allow her to go off with not one strange man, but two? It doesn’t make sense. What’s the relevance of going out with a friend if it’s not to look out for each other? Something doesn’t add up. I’d be questioning that co worker. She knows more than she is telling. Also, did the co worker immediately call law enforcement when she got that text about being in trouble? Very sad! I fear the body that was found is her.

  6. So, the friend goes home, falls asleep and does not see text until next morning? BS….what time was the text sent, and what time was it opened? Can the phone be pinged from location text was sent?

  7. I’m reading so many comments saying that this woman left with 2 men for sex. While that could be the case, I feel more likely that they could have lured her to their vehicle by saying they had some type of drugs? I am not saying she is a “druggie” but when we are drinking alcohol it’s not unheard of for people to offer you weed or cocaine especially as a young woman. I say this being a female in my 20s who goes to bars as well. I can just see how this may have happened, and when she got out to the car…. they could have taken off with her.

  8. Your fearless leader Trump would rather spend money on missiles and war equipment than start a task force to catch and put to death any one associated with the sex trade . I will say one thing , if it was Trumps daughter that went missing , then there would be a task force and something done about the sex trade. As long as it's not anyone's daughter people dont care. People are uncompassionate and selfish and ignorant in today's world . The people in the world are just fucked up, humans are peices of shit . I could shoot a human adult or teenager before I could an animal. And they say humans are so intelligent , that statement in itself is utterly stupid. Look around people are we really that intelligent. I think not.

  9. The police are fucked , get your head out of your asses , there are so many reasons why this is not just a person not returning home . Police sometimes can be so useless with there stupid beliefs of the 24 hour window this is why so many people end up being found dead . Because of stupid rules in place. The cops say themselves that is cases of kidnapping that time is crucial, but yet wait it has not been 24 hours yet. Fucked upnworld we live in .

  10. No video footage of the suspects? Must be black, they are highly protected and promoted on color only at ABC and all liberal news networks.

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