Trapped | 20/20 | PART 4

Trapped | 20/20 | PART 4

Gina DeJesus is third, youngest girl abducted by Ariel Castro: Part 4

DeJesus was kidnapped at 14 years old, when Castro asked her to help him find his daughter. DeJesus said she agreed because she was familiar with Castros family.

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


22 thoughts on “Trapped | 20/20 | PART 4

  1. He was a con man! He conned those girls and he conned everyone!

    But seriously how come no one investigating these missing girls didn't figure out that at least Amanda and Gina were friends with his own daughters.

  2. Did we ever find out why Michelle’s family wasn’t looking for her?

  3. Couldn’t they get some of Michelle’s eggs and have a surrogate carry for her? A doctor should donate services to do this for her!

  4. These 3 women are completely different people. I’m honored to hear each story and how they handle it today. This definitely is safety awareness…

  5. Why do the two other girls stick together and don’t do interviews with Michelle knight and act stuckup to her

  6. He was the most attracted to Amanda I feel like she got it the worst with sexual abuse that’s why he let her keep the baby , and Michelle got it the worst physically because she exposed his weakness with her strength , and Gina was just there after awhile , he sexually assaulted all of them to see who he would connect to the most

  7. 💔

  8. This is why "stranger danger" is the worst thing children are taught. They're taught to fear the strange man in the van they've never seen before, when actually, abductions by strangers is the rarest type of abduction. These girls thought it was okay to get in Ariel's car because he isn't technically a stranger to them. If they were taught the truth about abduction statistics, what he did to them could've been prevented.

  9. Stop sleepovers.You do not know,where exactly ur child go.👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

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