The Last Days of Richard Pryor l PART 2

The Last Days of Richard Pryor l PART 2


Richard Pryor’s interest in comedy grows, he begins to explore his voice
Richard Pryor began stand-up comedy at a time when Bill Cosby was the only major black comedian. Unlike Cosby, Pryor didn’t want to play it safe for white audiences.

#ABCNews #RichardPryor #Documentary #LastDays


39 thoughts on “The Last Days of Richard Pryor l PART 2

  1. Red Motha Fuckin Foxx…..🎤👇🏾

  2. “Richie Pryor” 🙄

  3. He wanted to be like Bill Cosby? Thank God, he wasn't! 😥

  4. 🥇🔥❤😇🙏🌈GENIUS

  5. He like white women, 😂🤣😂😂😂

  6. This is interesting. Richard Pryor had to go through a lot, to get to where he was at, when he became a star. What was interesting was he went through a lot of imitations he really didn't want to do, to gain acceptance, to end up just being himself, which we just loved his uncharted humor, just naturally funny. This actually sounds like real life for everybody, how we go through hoops and hurdles, to finally arrive at being ourself. ✌❤🙏🌹🎵

  7. It's amazing how people of color look so beautiful as they age, men and womenand especially I think Mike Epps looks so much more handsome and distinguished as he is getting older

  8. Richard definitely wasn't like Bill Cosby. He may have been a drug addict and a bit of a scoundrel, but unlike old Bill…he wasn't a lowlife rapist. I'm glad he's not around to discover what Bill really was all those years.

  9. Cosby has the balls to call other black comedians sellouts. What a piece of 💩.

  10. Could we stop trying to write off bill cosbys comedy as this watered down accessible comedy for white folks???

    Do people not understand that bill cosby is/was one of the greatest storytellers of the modern era that was able to capture the human emotion in ways that we're timeless???

    All of his stand-up material transcends and is cross generational.You can't be able to do comedy past 50 and STILL be sharp.Most comedians can't get past 10 minutes of good material.Cosby could do hours worth of material and still hold up.

    This is why other top tier comedians like Richard and Carlin looked up to him.Everything you like about a Dave Chapelle for example comes from Bill cosby in terms of crafting jokes that are intellectually sound and detailed while getting the rawness from a Richard.

    But when it comes to storytelling, joke writing,and material that can last multiple decades Bill Cosby is the best at the CRAFT of such.

    The only reason why people write him off is because he wasn't dirty.He was so good at telling jokes that he didn't HAVE to be dirty but had he incorporated more raw aspects of his comedy he would blow a lot of dudes out the water.

  11. R.I.P. LEGEND 💯💯💯

  12. The real 🐐 rest well in eternal peace ✊🏾

  13. Ik that biopic coming, Mike Epps deserves it 💯💯

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