Trump on the US economy l State of the Union 2020 | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president discusses the state of the U.S. economy in his State of the Union, saying the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century.

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38 thoughts on “Trump on the US economy l State of the Union 2020 | ABC News”
  1. I'll take "things that didn't age well" for $500!

    America sure is great again now that we're in the biggest economic catastrophe and highest unemployment since the Great Depression! You can try to blame the virus, but you'd have to try and pretend that the US is the only country in the world and definitely isn't being put to shame by everyone else

  2. Congratulations Donald Trump. By inflating numbers, faking profits, spending trillions of tax-payer money and getting the Fed to lower interest rates during a rising economy, we now have no safety net, no mechanism to stop the fall. The Fed cannot lower interest rates, because, with an economy as it was, interest rates would have been 3-4%, but since these were fake numbers, propped up by your fake economic stimulus, the FED is already low. And you want to cause more panic by going to negative interest rates, which would set off alarm bells throughout the world and leave the US open to foreign financial takeovers and attacks. You are Truly Putin's puppet. Not too late for Congress to Impeach you again, and get it done this time.

  3. Any anticorrupcion action about pensions?? Siedel rings a loud warning bell regarding the solvency of today's public pension system. Specifically, his investigations show that most of them:

    Are much too under-funded to meet their future payout obligations (e.g., Kentucky's state pension plan is only 12% funded)
    Are experiencing annual returns far below the required 7% average the plans assume in their forecasts
    Have oversight boards making portfolio allocation decisions that are staffed by individuals with zero experience managing financial securities (e.g., policemen, kindergarten teachers)
    Have little transparency. Many are rarely audited. And many have moved their capital off-shore without accounting for where it's been moved to.
    Are heavily influenced by politics when making portfolio allocations. Pet projects, such as sports stadiums, get funded to disastrous results while making local politically-connected 'friends of the pension board' rich
    Are paying much higher fees to Wall Street than they used to, whose advisors are putting them into riskier and poorer-performing vehicles (e.g. hedge funds) in a desperate reach for yield
    Siedel's Top 10 Reasons Why Stealing From State And Local Public Pensions Is The Perfect Crime is reading certain to give nightmares to anyone depending on a public pension, or worried about being forced to bail out failed funds by paying higher taxes in the future:

  4. Statistics do not lie. You might hate him, he might lie in some cases. But what he did was very good and the democrat become crazy because of those achievement.


  6. Under Obama, 20 million more Americans were insured, deficit was cut by over 800 billion dollars, exports were up by 28%, corporate profits were up 144%, stock market nearly tripled under Obama, middle-class tax cuts were preserved, American Auto industry was saved, Wall Street reform was enacted, oil & natural gas production was in all at an all-time high, solar & wind power at an all-time high, Reliance on foreign oil at a 40-year low, graduation rates hit an all-time high under Obama, No Child Left Behind replaced, Pell Grants doubled, new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created, new mortgage refinance program was created, new patient billing rights, newly Protected Lands & Waters Bill, new limits on carbon pollution, just to name a few. ;)Obama steered the country out of the deepest recession since the last depression in the 1930's. His economic policies saved worldwide economies from going under, saved the auto & banking industries, put the skids on job losses and took joblessness from 10.5% in 2009 to 4.6% when he left office, freed the U.S. from foreign oil dependency. Trump was very lucky to inherit Obama's economy.

  7. Trump runs the White House like it's some BAD Reality Show!! I miss having a REAL President who portrays dignity, class, & especially Respect!! Looking forward to voting in a New & IMPROVED President this upcoming November!! 🤗

  8. Dear President Trump,

    In your State of the Union speech last week you said, “for too long, countless American children have been trapped in failing government schools.”  I suppose that sentiment isn’t surprising for a man who appointed the least qualified Secretary of Education in history.  Neither you or Ms. Devos have ever spent any meaningful time in America’s outstanding PUBLIC schools.  You call them “government schools,” because that somehow ties our education system to the dysfunction in Washington, D.C. that you preside over.  In truth, the heart of America’s PUBLIC schools are the families who send their children to their neighborhood school, vote in local school board elections, as well as the teachers who live in these communities and understand that a PUBLIC school education is an investment in our communities and the key to a better future for ALL of the young people who walk through our doors every day.

    You and Ms. DeVos wish to take our tax dollars and put that money into the hands of those who wish to make a profit off of our students or who have a religious or political agenda to promote.  The private, religious, and charter schools that you and Ms. DeVos hope to send public tax dollars towards can (and do) discriminate against all types of students.  They don’t have to open their doors to students with disabilities if they choose not to.  They can discriminate against LGBTQ students.  They are not held to the same regulatory standards as true PUBLIC schools.  And there is scant evidence that charter schools (like those promoted by Ms. DeVos in Michigan) outperform PUBLIC schools (  All that happens is that wealthy men and women who are eager to take our public tax dollars away from public schools get richer, wealthy Mega Churches open schools using public tax dollars to get bigger and richer, and PUBLIC schools (who open their doors to ALL young people) have fewer and fewer resources to meet the needs of their communities.

    President Ulysses S. Grant came to my hometown of Des Moines, Iowa and said the following, “Encourage free schools and resolve that not one dollar of money appropriated to their support, no matter how raised, shall be appropriated to the support of any sectarian school.  Resolve that either the state or Nation, or both combined shall support institutions of learning sufficient to afford every child growing up in the land the opportunity of a good common school education, unmixed with sectarian, Pagan, or atheistical tenets.  Leave the matter of religion to the private school supported entirely by private contributions.  Keep the church and state forever separate.”

    For all of the talk about the need for “choice” in schools, students would be best served by having more choices in their neighborhood PUBLIC schools.  In Iowa, the continued underfunding of PUBLIC education has led to larger class sizes, reductions in fine arts and related arts offerings, and is leading to a growing exodus of outstanding teachers from the profession (with fewer and fewer young people wanting to teach).  In the State of the Union you encouraged all schools to have vocational and technical education programs.  I agree wholeheartedly with your desire to see those programs grow, and yet the chronic underfunding of PUBLIC schools is making it impossible to create or maintain these programs.

    Mr. Trump, I encourage you to visit some public schools and see what is really happening.  Don’t listen to a Secretary of Education who has no experience in PUBLIC schools. Don’t allow our country to repeat the horrific model that she inflicted on the people of Michigan.   I invite you to see schools where kindergartners are doing science experiments in small collaborative groups where they problem-solve issues with the movement of water.  I invite you to a middle school jazz rehearsal where young people are playing music from one of our countries truly authentic art forms.  I invite you to attend a high school literature class where they are studying Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and are talking about the horrors inflicted on an entire class of people by an authoritarian government.  I encourage you to attend a Friday night basketball game anywhere here in Iowa where the community comes together in their PUBLIC school and celebrates the talent of their young people.  I encourage you to attend a physical education class where students with special needs are supported by their peers in building life-long fitness habits.  I would encourage you to attend a school’s Community Night where interpreters are available so that teachers can talk with our immigrant families and discuss the future of their children, encouraging them to dream big.

    PUBLIC schools are the cornerstone of American communities.  PUBLIC schools are an investment in all of our futures.  PUBLIC schools open their doors to EVERY young person craving an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace the future.   No one is trapped in a PUBLIC school; students are welcomed, supported, and lifted up every day in PUBLIC schools.  Great PUBLIC schools shouldn’t be a partisan issue.  Everyone is better off when our PUBLIC schools succeed.


    Patrick J. Kearney

  9. Pelosi 😲😲😲😲Democrats don't want prosperity

  10. He aint lying ive had 9 raises since he was elected. Im now making just about double what i was in 2016.

  11. Im just wondering why no one is mentioning the fact that Trump awarded Rush Limbaugh, the greatest hater and racist in the US, a medal of honor at this speech! Why?

  12. While Nancy Pelosi is a pathetic, grandstanding embarrassment to the same party she was tasked with defending, Trump isn't much better. Instead of electing a qualified statesman, we elected a failed casino builder. Here are the hard, cold facts.

    As we anxiously wait for Trump to build his "Great Wall of Mexico" (which I have predicted from the start will never be built), I have a few questions, particularly when just this month, three of the last remaining Toyota truck manufacturing plants in America have just permanently relocated to MEXICO, leaving three more entire Midwest cities to go as jobless as Detroit. While I'm certainly no economic expert, I have compiled a short list of 10 major points that fly directly in the face of Trump's claims of an "amazing" economy, below.

    1) If Trump's economy is doing so 'amazing,' why is the Federal Reserve Bank constantly lowering the interest rates, possibly even into negative territory, always a sure indicator of an economy in distress?
    2) Why is the Fed still issuing Quantitative Easing (now "QE4"), artificially buoying up equities with trillions of free paper money, if the stock market is so apparently sound? And did he even bother to mention his massive tax cuts to the rich?
    3) Why are the wealthiest, most powerful hedge fund operators like Ray Dalio, or even bankers like JP Morgan, retreating to the safety of gold and silver, with every major US city's pension funds nearly broke, or already bankrupt, with millions of their residents fleeing to other states to avoid the exploding taxes?
    4) Why is the entire retail sector of North America collapsing in record numbers, with both retail operations and shopping malls throughout the country permanently shuttering their doors, declaring bankruptcy, and laying off millions of hourly wage earners, who have no other jobs skills except for the retail industry? From Sears, to JC Penny, to Macy's, to Walmart, to Payless, to K Mart, to Abercrombie & Fitch, to Forever 21, to Kohl's, to Victoria's Secret, to every other retail operation in the nation, large and small, they are all dying off in record numbers. So why is this, especially when consumer spending is one of the surest indicators of solid economic growth?
    5) Why are one-third of all new car buyers in the US already at least months behind in their car payments, and in continual, record credit card debt if the economy is doing so "great"?
    6) Why has student loan debt surpassed the one trillion dollar mark last year, and still rising, with the majority of them never able to pay them off? Does this sound like a healthy start for the lives of millions of Millennials entering the marketplace for the first time?
    7) Why are 50% all American men at the age of 25 still living with their parents, unable to afford their own apartment, to get married, buy a home, or start families of their own?
    8) Why is the entire US infrastructure collapsing into dust and debris, right before our eyes, with many bridges, dams, roadways, power plants, and drinking water systems already in critical condition?
    9) Why have all the fatal flaws in commercial banking that led to its catastrophic failure in 2008 not been addressed since the subprime mortgage debacle? What was the "Too Big to Fail" trillion-dollar corporate buyout all about if not to fix their many underlying problems?
    10) And why is America right in the middle of the largest "Everything Bubble" in world history, with the Federal Reserve Bank unable, or unwilling, to do anything to avert the next long overdue financial/fiscal crisis?

    I invite any and all who wish to challenge or debate any of my comments to respond. I'll be anxiously waiting…

  13. 2016 berry obamanation questions PresTrump about jobs,factorys. Cant be done,
    Where is your magic wand? I guess he stuck it up someones buttox.

  14. Democrats when people are lifted out of poverty, jobs are being created, useless wars are being ended, and America is becoming great again:


  15. ……..I thought skelitor was doing her commie 101 homework during the speech….but she was separating the speech into smaller sections…that her weak, drunk, dirty hands could tear. What a POS.

  16. They just clap when they’re told by Trumps head nod to them😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂it’s like North Korea in the White House right now

  17. This thug guy is missing the courtesy to a lady that he refused to sake hand
    The interpretation of american first is very dangerous ..
    For me, american first is starting by family first, my relatives first … My friends first then others
    Some remarks, do people knows about the composition of american people, you are all immigrated people, the cow boys movies showing the bad indians, red skins,
    It is a subliminal propaganda policy for justifing the invasion. The American territory belongs to red skins first.
    The ideology my family first consists to promote my daughters.. My son in law….​Etc
    Peopke can observ and analyze how the thug man asking elected women to return to their origin countries… But american territory is by excellence the immigration country
    Each year, it is organised a lottery for the green cards

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