Bloomberg has slight advantage paying for commercials: Sanders | ABC News

Bloomberg has slight advantage paying for commercials: Sanders | ABC News

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called out former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg for spending hundreds of millions of dollars on commercials.

Democratic Debate in New Hampshire l ABC News l February 7, 2020

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21 thoughts on “Bloomberg has slight advantage paying for commercials: Sanders | ABC News

  1. All of Bloomberg’s commercials are targeting a black audience. Don’t be fooled people, they are counting on New Yorkers to have a short memory and the rest of the nation to not know his history of racist policies.

  2. Oligarchs don’t earn their fortunes. They take it from the rest of us. Capitalism and the merits of hard work and the American Dream are broken when you live in a rigged economy where billionaires buy politicians to keep the government boot down on your throat. Bernie Sanders is the only hope to transform this rigged economy to give salaried working folks raising families the chance of a decent life. When a system allows a few individuals to accumulate much more wealth than they can possibly spend, that is a very serious problem for the rest of us trying to compete for those same opportunities. Jeff Bezos voluntarily drops billions of dollars of losses over many years in India, in order to bankrupt his competition, then he takes his monopoly and crushes the population’s economy. It is the cost of doing business, and is immoral and malicious. But this is what you can do with these massive amounts of money. Bloomberg is the same opportunistic vulture as Bezos and Trump and other oligarchs. Join Bernie’s revolution against this class warfare.

  3. The voters of America are not afraid of you, Mr Bloomberg. We don’t want oligarchs running this country and enslaving us to this rigged economy that feed you the billions that you steal from our work. You are a loser, Mr Bloomberg. We all know you should be in prison. Nobody makes 58 billion dollars. They TAKE it from the rest of us.

  4. How Is He Suppose To Get Notice If He's Not Promoting His Videos And Backing Up What He Say He's Going To Do? 🤔 You Will Always Need Promotion And For That Reason He's Doing Exactly What He Needs To Do To Let People Know That He's Legit💯💯#StayWoke
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  5. Mike Bloomberg's commercial says he worked hard to be successful, but turns around and spends millions in advertising to avoid working hard to become a president.

  6. Another new garbage of the democratic prostitution, the same concept of the left anarchism, proposed from a supposed departure of the candidates failed by the immorality and the corruption.

  7. Trumps children will be going to jail, including Kushner. Eric most likely not. But Ivanka, campaign funds violations and selling citizenship to Chinese citizens. Its documented and on film.
    Don Jr trips and contacts to the Ukraine, using foreign sources to secure loans in exchange federal funds.
    Giuliani soliciting federal aid in exchange for a fake and conscrewed
    Fabricated stories to obstruct the impeachment. Acting on behalf of trump as a federal agent.
    These are document on filmand travel documents!!!!!

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