Gaining support from minority voters is ‘going to be on me’: Sen. Amy Klobuchar | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Martha Raddatz interviews Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #AmyKlobuchar #DemocraticPrimaries


By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “Gaining support from minority voters is ‘going to be on me’: Sen. Amy Klobuchar | ABC News”
  1. 最近別去日本.
    【鑽石公主號】日本專家真相告白 不能說的秘密? 日本的危機現在才開始?

  2. Interviewer: “Can you tell us the name of the president in Mexico?”

    Klobuchar: “Manual Labor?”

  3. The AP report centered on the case of Myon Burrell, an African-American teenager who was sentenced to life in prison over the 2002 murder of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards. Klobuchar led this case against Myon Burrell when she was Hennepin County’s district attorney. But the AP report says she may have mishandled the case and that Burrell could be innocent. The Associated Press report shows how prosecutors had no DNA or fingerprints tying Burrell to the murder and that they relied on jailhouse informants, some of whom have since recanted their testimonies. Burrell has always maintained his innocence.

    On the campaign trail, Klobuchar has cited the jailing of Burrell as one of her achievements. She brought up the case during a debate in September.

  4. Anyone else watch the Telemundo interview where she had no knowledge about Mexico? Way to gain support from Hispanics. How does she expect them to get to know her if she doesn't spend any time getting to know the issues that are important to them?

  5. Guess you don’t need to know anyone’s name if you’re not going to do anything.

  6. “Huge crowds over one thousand people in Reno”
    Bernie Sanders 20,000 plus in a stadium. LOL

  7. Amy lost Iowa, (her neighboring state) coming in 5th, and came in a distant 3rd in NH (13,627 votes behind Pete, and 17,360 behind Sanders).
    She is just now being vetted and it's not going great. Klobuchar, a three-term senator (& Steyer) were stumped on naming the president of Mexico elected in 2018, a truly painful interview…so much for "experience".

    The Racial Justice Network, Minneapolis NAACP, Black Lives Matter Twin Cities, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar and Communities United Against Police Brutality all asked Klobuchar to suspend her White House bid over a wrongful conviction and lack of police accountability.

    The vetting and attacks are just getting started so who knows what else is out there and if she’ll handle them any better than the Nevada interview. Amy got very flustered so going head to head with Trump is worrisome.

  8. Amy lost Iowa, (her neighboring state) coming in 5th, and came in a distant 3rd in NH (13,627 votes behind Pete, and 17,360 behind Sanders).
    She is just now being vetted and it's not going great. Klobuchar, a three-term senator (& Steyer) were stumped on naming the president of Mexico elected in 2018, a truly painful interview…so much for "experience".

    The Racial Justice Network, Minneapolis NAACP, Black Lives Matter Twin Cities, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar and Communities United Against Police Brutality all asked Klobuchar to suspend her White House bid over a wrongful conviction and lack of police accountability.

    The vetting and attacks are just getting started so who knows what else is out there and if she’ll handle them any better than the Nevada interview. Amy got very flustered so going head to head with Trump is worrisome.

  9. Being a minority, or a Democrat, certainly shouldn't keep a person from realizing that Amy Klowncarr is running on Trump hatred; getting nowhere fast. Waiting for her to give it up and, eating a meal with my haircomb… cuz somebody 4got the spoons😀

  10. Amy doesn’t know what’s she’s doing…….. Bernie gave up last year and he’s getting old and can’t handle anything in office and he can’t even handle war and will make things worse. I’m in neither side but trump got things rolling 2020 is bunch of idiots if ya democrats want to vote a real candidate go vote for Bloomberg

  11. This was atrocious on Martha’s part. These folks at ABC are knocking themselves out trying to bury Sanders and M4A.

  12. Why do Democrats in primaries always jump all over themselves and each other, desperate to get the minority / black vote? Minorities vote about 80% Democrat every election. What they need to focus on is the white vote whites are the only swing voters

  13. Klobuchar has not been consistent on the debate stage, one lucky break doesn't prove anything. Who believes a former prosecutor like Klobuchar will resonate with minority voters? What will happen in next debate, I believe her feet will be put to the fire as Pete Buttigieg and others come at her with their own questions, challenging her 3rd place finish in NH primary…Just sayin'

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