Live PD: Will Do Anything for a Cigarette (Season 4) | A&E

Live PD: Will Do Anything for a Cigarette (Season 4) | A&E

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Officers pull up to a car that crashed and flipped over on the side of the road. The driver is unharmed and only cares about finding his cigarettes, so much so that he goes to jail over it in this clip from “10.04.19”. #LivePD
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In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.

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29 thoughts on “Live PD: Will Do Anything for a Cigarette (Season 4) | A&E

  1. He ruined his life and truck, my god, let him have a smoke. He was very cooperative, and listened after you said no 100 times. You even said my man could have a smoke after the tow truck arrived. I thought “honesty goes a long way with the police.” Should go both ways, all I’m saying

  2. I’ve never seen a cigarette smoker say I need a cigarette to make me more nervous.. how is she gonna tell him it will. It’s just common sense that people addicted to cigarettes need one to calm them down. It’s their addiction

  3. Every cigarette smoker I’ve met smokes cigarettes because they need one and it calms them down.. how is she gonna tell him smoking a cigarette will make him more nervous, like if she knows smokers smoke on purpose to make themselves nervous. That makes no sense..

  4. Been 3 weeks today that I quit smoking. This video is a great reminder why 🙏

  5. The camaro had a headlight out 🤣

  6. Why do people that smoke cigarettes act like they can’t go 5 minutes without a smoke?

  7. Tobacco free agency?😂 but I bet they drink

  8. Why do police have people do a field sobriety test anymore? Courts ruled that the police can use a breathalyzer to determine if they are drunk and to arrest them. They just can not use it in court.

  9. That truck isn’t rolling anywhere. Cop knows it too. He probably just doesn’t want him getting to what ever is in the pack of cigarettes. You don’t need to be a physics major to see that that truck isn’t moving anywhere unless towed.

  10. Do you smoke? Sir we are a tobacco free agency. Most corporate answer I’ve ever heard in my life, lol.

  11. It’s sad how people are with cigarettes like take 10 mins and you would be good all you have to do is pass and then go to the gas station and get a pack

  12. Lmao I thought his neck tattoo was a pink glazed donut 😂

  13. He’s worked up from being in a rollover accident and wants nicotine to chill himself out, and instead of letting him chill out a minute they’re giving him a field sobriety test instead of a breathalyzer… top notch..

  14. He wants a cigarette because he knows he’s going to jail. 🤣

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