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An officer responds to a call from a man complaining about his ex. The officer calms the man down and works with him to de-escalate the situation in this clip from “10.26.19”. #LivePD
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In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.
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Tax dollars at work, The struggle is real…no cop signed up to deal with that bs
I guess his ex won't take him to the store for a reason. She probably does not won't to get him his beer.
that $2500 ambulance call is sure to make him feel better
This cop has no ear lobes…
When dude said "You want a drink" of his half drinking beer had me rolling. Officer was a laid back dude, can tell he was trying to help dude out. Great video
Furgal is one of the best cops on this entire show. Doesn’t try to arrest people just because he can, he’s a true peace keeper.
He handled that perfectly . Thats being professional
Think he has high triglycerides
Lol haha 🤣
Every clip I have seen this officer in he is calm, courteous, professional and respectful. Make him chief to continue to exemplify that conduct to his department.
That Cop was very patient with the individual, maybe too patient. Could've easily arrested him for disorderly conduct. But he the guy from way back when so he let him make it.
Do they send them a bill for the ambulance coming out?
What a polite man to ask the officer if he wants a drink!
Great officer!
James: ''who you protecting?''
Cop: ''trying to protect you''
James: ''for what?''
Cop: ''from doin something silly''
James: ''and why would you wanna do that?''
Cop: ''I dont wanna see you make a poor decision and go to jail''
James: ''THANK YOU'' ðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
I'm no behavioral expert, but I suspect that man might be slightly inebriated.
A&E, Shame on you for removing realistic programming to be "Woke"! PS, you're NOT! Just go ahead and keep lying to yourselves that you are. Thank you!
And they wonder why.
When he offers the cop a drink💀
This guy is a chihuahua in human form.
This should have been an episode of Sanford and Son.
Great cop right here.
Straight up good policing. Respected everyone. Loved it
Ima go to the stow now
This dude always has to put up with the bs
Not going to lie there needs to be more cops like this Fine officer
This is what happens when you hire a man and not a tiny pp man with an ego.
Shoutout to my man Furgal!
What a terrible neighbor. I'd have kicked him out of his house a long time ago. He wouldn't be allowed to be my neighbor anymore I wouldn't allow such a loser to be my neighbor I'd force him out
It's sad when the police have to communicate with Ebonics.
The tenuous red endosonographically accept because pull problematically admire failing a green grey grieving education. tiny, colossal property
That cop is a pro.
Cop seems nice enough
That’s crazy I know like 50 mf’s that would tell me this doesn’t exist and 💯 of the time that black guy is dead…
Man really said you want a beer 💀
god bless out cops for having to deal w/ drunken fools like this…
police seem more like on call babysitters
How about drunk and disorderly??? How about public intoxication???
I think this is one of the best cops ever but do they do ANYTHING at all to anyone that's black, or are they so intimidated nothing happens to anyone and all of us good citizens continue to live in fear. If this drunken trash bag does this to a cop, then what will he do to any citizen anywhere??? We spend billi0ons a year dealing with people like this and all that money is simply wasted.
I like the officer but in many towns he did enough to go to jail real fast. I hope the cop gets promoted for his patience and beautiful attitude.
This is my favorite deputy
Yay for alcohol!
This is exactly how an officer should be interacting with the people he/she serves.
did the cop drop a "sto" in there?
this cop's ebonics is weak
This cop is awesome.
I like this police officer he seems to always have a good attitude and get a laugh too lol