Michael Bloomberg suspends his presidential campaign l ABC News

Michael Bloomberg suspends his presidential campaign l ABC News

Bloomberg, who reportedly spent half a billion dollars on his campaign, has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race after a disappointing Super Tuesday.

Michael Bloomberg: Everything you need to know about the 2020 presidential candidate: https://abcn.ws/2VJM6Xi

#ABCNews #Bloomberg #Politics


38 thoughts on “Michael Bloomberg suspends his presidential campaign l ABC News

  1. Mini Mike had no chance what Soo ever😂😂😂😂😂

  2. As Mayor of New York, one third prospered, and two thirds lost out. Is that what we want from a president? Now's a good time for Mr. Bloomy to donate millions to Corona research, instead of wasting it on ads,

  3. But….but… Michael Bloomberg said we would have our campaign jobs until November "guaranteed" .. proclaimed it in his quit speech..this lying pile of dung laid off almost everyone not two weeks after those words crawled out of his smelly hole..good thing no one was fooled by this two bit joke."little Mike" the liar and fraudster

  4. So long bloomberg, I never liked you ever since you fucked with my ads😤🧩

  5. Dear Editor,

    Due to the vanity of billionaires Mike Bloomherg and Tom Steyer TV stations are about $600 million dollars richer. The wounded Warrior Project can function 2 years helping our vets on that amount. But then veterans seem to be less valued than the illegal aliens still streaming across our borders as we brace for an pandemic. And you know, had they given that money to the WWP they may have had a better chance for the nomination and they would have earned at least footnote when they died.

  6. 🇺🇸 needs Mike.

  7. The real reason he got into the race was not necessarily to win but to defeat Bernie Sanders. The establishment and the ruling class, especially the big defense contractors, cannot afford to have Bernie Sanders as President for the simple reason that Bernie represents a threat to a world of countries that fight with each other. I am talking about the new global order which hardly gets talked about in the media and which most of us don't think about. But that is why Bloomberg got into the race. Israel is a very important piece in the new global order, and Mike Bloomberg happens to be a close and personal friend of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mike got into the race because Netanyahu and all of the neo-conservatives and the neo-liberals who are puppets for the new global order are afraid of Bernie for the simple reason that he has no problem with criticizing Israel from time to time or with open showing respect and dignity towards the Palestinian people. This is the reason why the media and the entire political establishment are committed to doing whatever it takes to derail the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for President.

  8. You could almost gamble ya house on it, that Donald Trump is going to steam-roll Joe Biden

    Also, i think that Joe Biden clearly is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease and not fit to hold office, even just yesterday he got confused and called his sister his wife

  9. This was a bad investment , paying so much to get slapped around by a woman and acting like a deer caught in the headlight not sound investment , should have just donated to healthcare fundings for terminally ill children
    ( this comment wasn't paid by anyone )

  10. Mike didn’t get it done

  11. Good riddance you gun grabbing, tyrannical, SOB. Millions couldn't buy
    you the presidency, a personality, or any likability. Trump must be
    laughing his ass off.

  12. Good riddance you gun grabbing, tyrannical, SOB. Millions couldn't buy
    you the presidency, a personality, or any likability. Trump must be
    laughing his ass off.

  13. ABC immediately cut the part where Biden couldn't figure out which one was his wife . ROTFL … Wag the " massive come back " . Biden / Dementia 2020 . Bloomberg just embarrassed himself in the most despicable , opulent waste of money that could have been used to help the poor since the now forgotten Kings of France . Wonder why the French had a Revolution ?

  14. He peeled off Bernie voters as planned. Bloomberg’s campaign was clearly intended to divert votes.

  15. Billionaire Mike Bloomberg is an oligarch. He and his fellows oligarchs are bloodsuckers of the common people. They rule governments and people through the monopolization of their currency. Give a man a gun he will a bank, but give a man a bank he will rob the world.

  16. Thank God a end of the endless Bloomberg adds. Sanders and Biden will continue to tussle like angry grandpas for awhile yet. A low primary turnout is a indicator of bigger problems the Democrats face. Even when the huge positive Mainstream Media bias taken into account. The Democrats don't have this nailed down yet.

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