Democrats May Pass Covid Relief Package Without GOP | NBC Nightly News – Car Mod Pros Portal

After the economy added just 49,000 jobs in January, President Biden made some of his strongest comments yet indicating Democrats could pass his $1.9 trillion relief package without Republicans.
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#Democrats #Covid #NBCNews

Democrats May Pass Covid Relief Package Without GOP | NBC Nightly News


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Democrats May Pass Covid Relief Package Without GOP | NBC Nightly News”
  1. \\ GLOBAL NEWS AFFECTING YOUR LIFE by 56 nations reporting to WHO, JHU include: 62% LESS US DEATHS AS % of COVID-diagnosed from OCT 22 (2.75%) to (1.67%) on Jan 6 – attributed, by verified facts, to President Trump, who can prepare, POST MID-TERM/NEXT-PRES-ELECTIONS, SIMILAR-GOOD-EFFECTS //// BY Feb 15, the BIDEN REGIME has raised that level by 8% (to 1.76%) \\ How other nations control the pandemic? //// "Bad" by MX/GRM/UK/PRTG/HUNG, "GOOD" mainly by "Abrahamic" simple diet, etc. \\ Check out Deaths/1M/LAST-2-WKS: \\ BLG 1,822-1,894/ UK 1570-1,762/ ITL 1,421-1,548/ US 1,439-1,517/ HUNG 1,231-1,403/ SP 1,280-1,386/ FR 1,097-1,219/ SWS 1,097-1,145/ PRTG 1,043-1,477 -////- % Fatalities of diagnosed/GROUP B/Feb 13 \\ FIN 1.41/ NL 1.44/ U.S. 1.76/ SWS 1.80/ SWD 2.04/ SP 2.12/ FR 2.37/ BRZ 2.43/ CND 2.58/ GRM 2.80/ UK 2.90/ AU 3.15/ ITL 3.44/ GRC 3.56/ MX 8.74 //// Feb 12/GROUP A/ %-FATL: ////SNG 0.05/ MONG O.10/BTN 0.12/FARI 0.15/QT 0.16/SVN 0.26/SBR 0.28/DBAI 0.29/MLD 0.33/BRN 0.36/TLN 0.33/MLS 0.37/SYCL 0.42/CRC 0.46/ICL 0.48 /CAYI 0.48/SRLN 0.52/KWT 0.56/CYP 0.68/SMRT 0.69/CUBA 0.69/Bora O.73/ISR 0.74/NPL 0.75/UZB 0.79/ARBA 0.92/VNZ 0.96/TWN 0.96 // We r what we eat, differ by DNA-DIET// ['in'; 10M+REFRS,Google; Supermaneuverability; Wkpd/youtube \\ In comments click name above to open own library of free to all videos and books that can be shared, say, at 'in' //////

  2. Nacy staff members was safe they couldn't get in the room y'all showed why would you lie like that 😡 the door was completely baracaded !! What makes me mad all my counsel members of the capital couldn't make it to the bunker in time 😡 how do someone like him know what the capital has ? Look at the people who put me on the military base for terrisom acts from 1976, if I wasn't put on the military base I wouldn't knew that the United States capital had a bunker, do that sound like someone put on the military base for the wrong reasons? I didn't take oath to serve in the military

  3. Get rid of all the Republicans in the Senate we don't need them there more like the people's enemy!!!!!!!Biden is absolutely right an hit it right on the head of the nail!

  4. I hope Pres. Biden remembers the garbage and procrastination the Republicans pulled with Pres. Obama in 2009. Dems need to go alone and help the American people.

  5. Why do Congressional Republicans do what is right for themselves instead of what is right for Americans? How is helping Americans not a bi-partisan decision?


  7. You have to have a willing partner for bipartisan legislation. The Republicans think they are still in charge, and saying in public, do nothing!

  8. Thank God for President Biden who is working hard for us and has been from day 1. Congress is woefully out of touch with the needs of Americans during this pandemic and I have nothing good to say about the Republican party which seems to be a little crazy these days. I was a Republican for most of my life, but the crazy conspiracy theories, Trump and people like Green is the final straw.

  9. As they should pass the bill
    with or without these lam foot dragging GOPs. The people need help and GOPs could care less!

  10. Excellent 🇺🇸💙 ignore the RepubliCONs!

  11. I can't make this Money due miracles 😂 1400 would help but it won't last long. A couple of bills and paying late bills I'm back were I started.

  12. Why do Americans not ask what Obamas top virologist, as to what was doing in the Wuhaung Labs ? Malaysians, Japanese, British, German, Portuguese and the rest of the world are asking the question ? Don,t you think the world deserves an explanation ???? It,s common gossip that Corvid 19 was formed to get rid of Trump. If that is so, then the American Democrat must be tried for Murder ! It,s that simple

  13. “I do not consent to being told that I am not taking a virus seriously simply because I question and challenge arbitrary laws that revoke my basic human rights.
    I do not consent to the tracking and tracing of any citizens / Man and WoMan. And if we can easily track law abiding citizens, then why haven't we made pedophiles and dangerous criminals a priority for this technology?
    I do not consent to limiting free speech under the guise of protecting people from the spread of misinformation. No government has a monopoly on information.
    I do not consent to the extreme censorship that is taking place on social media platforms toward doctors, scientists, 👩‍🔬 political scientists and activists who uphold data about a possible differing outcome than the MSM would have us believe. This is modernized book burning, and concerns me far more than the virus. What if your current beliefs are being chosen for you?
    I do not consent to closing down our wild spaces when the big box corporations and franchises, the liquor store, and the dollar store are deemed essential. There is absolutely nothing more essential on this Earth than Earth itself.
    I do not consent to the closing of small businesses while multi-million dollar companies remain open. This will (and has) undoubtedly contributed to rising rates of suicide, depression, drug & alcohol dependency, and domestic violence.
    I do not consent to being prevented from freely travelling 🧭 while the politicians who impose these laws break them to visit their cottages or fly across borders.
    I do not consent to my tax dollars being used for bailouts on major corporations while heart-centered small business owners and their employees fall into poverty. 💔
    I do not consent to being told that all these decisions are for my safety when people peacefully sitting on park benches are fined $1300 for "not social distancing", and convicted criminals are simultaneously released from prison for their own "protection." 🤮
    I do not consent to violating the Commonwealth Rights and Freedoms which states that my body is sovereign, and that no medical procedure can be mandated.
    I do not consent to mandatory v@ccination, or forcible injection of any kind. Period! 💉
    I do not consent to the label 'anti-v@xxer' simply because I have concerns about MANDATORY, enforced v@ccines or medical procedures – especially high risk ones with limited testing that are deemed highly profitable to the most questionable of interests.
    I do not consent to being labelled a conspiracy theorist 🗣 simply because I question certain government, corporate and industrial motives.
    I do not consent to the amount of division and hatred that so many have fallen into between your fellow man, simply for upholding opposing beliefs, or for speaking openly about what THEY believe. A gentle reminder that: You don't have to be unkind to someone just because you disagree with them, or because you lead a different lifestyle than them. United we stand, divided we fall. 💞
    I do not consent to the idea that pharmaceutical companies are the ONLY way to prevent or heal from illness, and the outright dismissal of this side of the conversation is highly questionable from my perspective. 🌞🌊🍊
    I do not consent to the media only covering the death count 🥀 when the survival rate is immensely higher ⬆️! Fear cripples immunity. Why aren't we talking about both?
    I do not consent to forced testing, or laws changing based upon statistics gathered from PCR testing. This testing is largely inaccurate, producing so many false positives that a suspicious president tested a fruit. It tested positive for the virus. 🤦‍♀️
    I do not consent to the cen$orship 🔇 of healthcare practitioners for educating on how to promote healthy immunity through lifestyle modification and the utilization of nutrients, herbs and botanicals 🌱 which have served us for thousands of years.
    I do not consent to mad scientists and corporations who ignore the divine intelligence of our physiology and our Earth. 🌍
    I do not consent to the lack of discussion on how the exploitation and destruction of our planet by the very powers in charge of handling our current "crisis," has increased illness globally – everything from heart disease to depression, autoimmunity, cancer and autism, for decades.🤯
    I do not consent.
    Do you?
    Here's what I DO consent to:
    Being able to be a free and critical thinker, who wants to share my views with others to prevent further suffering in the world without being silenced”
    A free Man and free woman are exactly that….free….Recognise your freedom or recognise your slavery, I know which one I AM.

  14. According to the official statistics, South Africa has turned into one of the greatest epicenters of Covid-19 in the world. Since the beginning of April to the 12th July, the cumulative number of infections in South Africa has doubled about every 14 days. On 12 July 2020, 264,184 cumulative cases have been recorded, slightly more than double the 131,800 on 28 June, 14 days before. South Africa was firmly on track to record half a million cumulative infections by 25 July. Community spread appeared unstoppable. At that rate of increase, 1 million would have been infected by 8 August, 2 million by 22 August, 4 million by 5 September, 8 million by 19 September, 16 million by 3 October and some 32 million by 17 October 2020. That would represent 53% of the population of over 59 million people. The daily number of new infections should then have dropped off steeply. On that trend, over the first two weeks of October, between one and two million new infections were likely to occur daily. The growth of new cases in adjoining areas, such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Botswana and Lesotho was much, much slower – less than one-half to one-third the rate in South Africa. But now, with the current wave in progress, the numbers in these countries are growing in proportion with numbers in SA.
    On 13 July, the number of new cases in South Africa dropped significantly by about 1,440, or about 11%. The day before, the 12 July 2020, sales of alcoholic beverages were prohibited in South Africa, creating a false impression that the ban was the cause of the drop in numbers. However, this is false, because the normal lag period of some 5 to 10 days between the introduction of a new measure that is effective, and a reduction in case numbers, was completely absent, clearly identifying it as fake. This trend of a reduction of new cases continued daily and became progressively stronger. Today, 7 February, 2021, with a second (or third?) wave well underway, the official cumulative number of cases in South Africa stands at 1,473,700 instead of well over 50% of the population, had the 'trend' of doubling every 13 or 14 days continued. It had taken some 89 days to double to this latest number. There is no rational reason for a ban on liquor sales to cause such a sudden, steep drop in new cases. Hence the conclusion is that, over the three-and-a-half months before 12 July, the numbers have been manipulated up, as were the numbers on recoveries. Death numbers, on the other hand, were manipulated down:
    The question is, why have the case numbers been manipulated up?
    Early this year, South Africa applied for an IMF loan of US$4.3 billion at a very low interest rate. On 27 July 2020, the IMF publicly announced that the loan was granted – Most likely, South Africa was informed of the grant earlier than the public announcement, perhaps around 12 July? Clearly, the numbers in South Africa have been manipulated up to impress on the IMF an urgent need for funds to fight the epidemic in the country. Most of the funds are likely to disappear into the pockets of corrupt people in positions of power and their family.
    A further question is, what is the real motive for the ban on liquor sales – back in July 2020 and again now in early 2021?
    The answer is that the ban on liquor sales will most likely drive many liquor stores out of business. The liquor trade is seen as lucrative, easy business. White owners of such businesses are exempt on a racist basis of financial assistance to weather the covid storm, including the IMF funds. Many of these businesses are likely to go bankrupt and be bought up at bargain prices by black politicians, their family members and other black business people, perhaps using some of the IMF funds paid for other contracts where contract prices have been loaded –
    Fraud and corruption assume many a guise. The South African government is rotten through from top to bottom and the people in power are out on the loot. They saw an opportunity and they jumped on it. But at the same time, they are doing the South African population a grave disservice, endangering peoples' lives and livelihoods – subsequent waves of infections in South Africa are being masked by the huge false first wave. The statistics are being adjusted according to ulterior motives. Such as the opportunities a good crisis offers for personal enrichment. This time, however, the South African black elite defrauded and made fools of the international community, their co-members of the IMF, rather than their own citizens – perhaps strategically a grave error?

    Now, only 5 months after South Africa was granted the USD 4.3 billion IMF loan (which comes to USD 71 per person in South Africa), the South African government cannot find the USD 4 per dose for the Astra Zeneca vaccine to vaccinate the population!

    See also:

    Its all true!

    But the cherry on top?? – South Africans like this one:
    "Samuel Makhetha 23 hours ago @Jan Viljoen no sir, a lot of Africans used their forefathers best method of killing all kinds of flu viruses, steaming using different natural herbs and I'm one of them. No need to pay billions to sons and daughters of Colonialists who still have their own agendas of depopulation of black African people."

    Not an isolated opinion either!

  15. Kristen Welker refers to Trump as "President Trump" and the actual President as "Mr. Biden". She is in the news, if she wants to call it like this, I am sure News Max and or OAN will happily accept another reporter. Get it right Miss Welker!

  16. Biden you are destroying America the entire Democratic Party is corrupt. Why people like Omar Maxine waters are allowed to take political campaign money an give it to family members. Biden you talk about Covid, well by opening borders you bring more diseases crime an drugs. You mr. Biden are a disaster.

  17. \\ YOUR LIFE DILEMMA TODAY? Feb 7, #6 //// May escape corona-variants, say, by Simple-Diet-in-Stand-Alone-House-Garden, or by Health-Tourism/Immigration to Simple-Diet-GROUP-A-Nation characterized by drastically low CORONA-PANDEMIC, some grand islands-places \\ 2 scientific methods, reported by 2 groups of nations listed below, indicate high CORONA-CONTROL in GROUP A, which, unlike Group B, is characterized by simple diet ///// Method 1) \\ COVID Deaths/1M Jan 26 v Feb 7 \\ Blg1,822-1,864 UK1570-1,673 Itl1,421-1,500 Hng1,231-1,333 SP1,280-1,314 Fr1,097-1,173 Sws1,097-1,125 Prtg1,043-1,336 //// Method 2) \\ % Fatalities of diagnosed in GROUP B reported on Feb 7 by //// NL1.43 Fin1.46 U.S.1.72 Sws1.81 Swd2.06 Sp2.07 Fr2.38 Brz2.44 Cnd2.58 Grmn2.71 UK2.84 AU3.15 Itl3.47 Grc3.65 Irn4.00 Cn5.17 Mxc8.59 \ US EARLIER/// Oct 22 2.75; MID JAN 1.67; Feb 7 1.72 \\ GROUP A //// Sngp0.05 Mng.10 Btn.12 FarId.15 Qatr.16 StVnc.26 Dbai.28 StBrt.28 Mldv.33 Bhrn.35 Tlnd.35 Mlas.36 Sysc.39 Curc.46 Icln.48 CyId.50 SrLn.50 Kwt.57 Cyp.67 Mrtn.69 Cub.73 Bora-Bora.73 Isr.74 Npl.75 Uzb.79 Arba.86 BrtIl.88 Vnz.94 StMr.97 Twn.97 //// We r what we eat, differing by DNA-DIET \\ daily reported by listed nations to JHU, WHO, etc. ['in',10M+REFRS.Google, Supermaneuverability, Wkpd/U-tube]…

  18. It’s the tax payers money. Just raise the 1% back where is was. Maybe the 1% should be paying more than they do.

  19. The government gives our money millions to other countries who hate us. But our own elected officials refuse to help us out. Cooperations were even allowed to call people peasants. This was back in the bush jr era.

  20. Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y.1, Gen Y.2, Gen Z, Millennial, Zillennials,
    C-19rs, when this video is watched after COVID they will still be
    wearing a mental mask, and the video and your comments would be
    completely irrelevant. the important thing to do throughout history and
    from this point forward is, "Do what Jesus tells us to do and we will be

  21. Our children's future MUST come first:
    GOD'S message to ALL believers IS–and herein lies our POWER:
    2 CHRONICLES 7:14:

    Then if MY people, who are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, if they will PRAY and seek ME and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will HEAL/RESTORE their land.

    …(HE did it for the righteous kings in the OLD TESTAMENT.) (KJV  )
    HE can surely do it for us (America).

  22. US open investigation of criminal Barack Hussein Obama !

    obama was via @YouTube

    버락 후세인 오바마의 충격적인 과거

    미국은 범죄자인 버락 후세인 오바마를 공개 수사를 하여라

    What did Obama in America do for black people in 8 years?

    Only he is shouting 'I can do it'.

    Was he dreaming of becoming a comedian?

    He doesn't seem to be able to do that. If he weren't the president, would he really make people laugh?

    Was President Obama's mother white?

    Obama of the United States is a citizen of the United States because his mother was an American citizen, right?


    This is retaliation between Hillary and House Speaker Palosi for Trump.

    It's a retaliation for Trump's saying four years ago that he's imprisoning Hillary. Trump had to imprison Hillary at my command. But he did not work. It is Trump's mistake not to follow GOD's orders.

    Biden's vice president, Harris, used the phrase'I have a dream' (Martin Luther King) in the Democratic Party's primary. And she is the one who said she would make that dream come true.

    When I said that Obama had already been president for eight years and that Obama did nothing for the black man, she didn't speak any more. Harris is not black. She is Indian and Indonesian.

    But Obama put Harris next to Biden and she became Vice President. The United States must now obey the orders of mixed-race children in India and Indonesia.

    이것은 힐러리와 하원의장인 팰로시에 보복이다.

    트럼프가 힐러리를 구속을 시킨다고 4년전부터 말을 한 것에 대한 보복인 것이다. 트럼프는 나의 명령대로 힐러리를 구속을 시켜야만 했다. 신의 명령을 따르지 않은 것이 트럼프의 실수이다. 바이든의 부통령인 해리스는 민주당의 경선에서 '나에게는 꿈이 있다'는말을 이용을 하여서 자신이 그 꿈을 이루겠다고 말을 한 사람이다. 이미 오바마가 8년동안 대통령을 했고 오바마가 흑인을 위해서 한 것이 아무것도 없다고 내가 말을 하자 그는 더 이상 말을 하지 않았다. 해리스는 흑인이 아니다. 인도와 인도네시아인이다.

    그러나 오바마가 해리스를 바이든의 옆에 있게 하여서 부통령이 된 것이다. 미국은 이제 인도와 인도네시아의 혼혈아의 명령을 따라야 한다.

    Biden wanted to become president in order to hide the crime for himself and his son. Naturally, he wants to use the power of ex officio so that he and his son are not punished by the law for crimes. Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Bush and Obama are in the same situation as Biden.

    바이든이 대통령이 되기를 원했던 것은 자신과 자신의 아들에 범행을 숨기기 위해서이다. 당연히 그는 직권남용의 권력을 사용을 하여서 자신과 자신의 아들에 범죄에 대한 법에 처벌을 받지 않기를 원하고 있다. 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 부시와 오바마도 바이든과 같은 상황이다.

    For Biden of the United States, a strong countermeasure against China is a drama of lies and manipulation to be shown only to people. Already, Biden of the US is signing laws and policies for China.

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.

  23. Biden wanted to become president in order to hide the crime for himself and his son. Naturally, he wants to use the power of ex officio so that he and his son are not punished by the law for crimes. Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Bush and Obama are in the same situation as Biden.

    바이든이 대통령이 되기를 원했던 것은 자신과 자신의 아들에 범행을 숨기기 위해서이다. 당연히 그는 직권남용의 권력을 사용을 하여서 자신과 자신의 아들에 범죄에 대한 법에 처벌을 받지 않기를 원하고 있다. 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 부시와 오바마도 바이든과 같은 상황이다.

    For Biden of the United States, a strong countermeasure against China is a drama of lies and manipulation to be shown only to people. Already, Biden of the US is signing laws and policies for China.

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.


    US open investigation of criminal Barack Hussein Obama !

    obama was via @YouTube

    버락 후세인 오바마의 충격적인 과거

    미국은 범죄자인 버락 후세인 오바마를 공개 수사를 하여라

    What did Obama in America do for black people in 8 years?

    Only he is shouting 'I can do it'.

    Was he dreaming of becoming a comedian?

    He doesn't seem to be able to do that. If he weren't the president, would he really make people laugh?

    Was President Obama's mother white?

    Obama of the United States is a citizen of the United States because his mother was an American citizen, right?


    This is retaliation between Hillary and House Speaker Palosi for Trump.

    It's a retaliation for Trump's saying four years ago that he's imprisoning Hillary. Trump had to imprison Hillary at my command. But he did not work. It is Trump's mistake not to follow GOD's orders.

    Biden's vice president, Harris, used the phrase'I have a dream' (Martin Luther King) in the Democratic Party's primary. And she is the one who said she would make that dream come true.

    When I said that Obama had already been president for eight years and that Obama did nothing for the black man, she didn't speak any more. Harris is not black. She is Indian and Indonesian.

    But Obama put Harris next to Biden and she became Vice President. The United States must now obey the orders of mixed-race children in India and Indonesia.

    이것은 힐러리와 하원의장인 팰로시에 보복이다.

    트럼프가 힐러리를 구속을 시킨다고 4년전부터 말을 한 것에 대한 보복인 것이다. 트럼프는 나의 명령대로 힐러리를 구속을 시켜야만 했다. 신의 명령을 따르지 않은 것이 트럼프의 실수이다. 바이든의 부통령인 해리스는 민주당의 경선에서 '나에게는 꿈이 있다'는말을 이용을 하여서 자신이 그 꿈을 이루겠다고 말을 한 사람이다. 이미 오바마가 8년동안 대통령을 했고 오바마가 흑인을 위해서 한 것이 아무것도 없다고 내가 말을 하자 그는 더 이상 말을 하지 않았다. 해리스는 흑인이 아니다. 인도와 인도네시아인이다.

    그러나 오바마가 해리스를 바이든의 옆에 있게 하여서 부통령이 된 것이다. 미국은 이제 인도와 인도네시아의 혼혈아의 명령을 따라야 한다.

  24. Excuuuuuse me! Female reporter said " Mr. Biden " & " president trump" How insulting is that? Should always be PRESIDENT BIDEN & the former White House occupant .

  25. People brutally punish Twitter executives and employees for violating the law, destroying ethics, and committing heinous and wicked offenses through ex officio abuse. People use democracy law to block and halt all social life and work against Twitter criminals. Criminals have to ensure that all criminal groups on Twitter are completely blocked in societies in all countries and brutally punished by law.

    사람들은 법을 어기고 윤리를 파괴를 시키며 가증스럽고 악한 범행을 직권남용으로 저지르고 있는 트위터의 경영인과 직원들을 잔인하게 처벌을 합니다. 사람들은 민주주의에 법으로 트위터의 범죄자들에 대한 모든 사회의 생활과 일들을 차단을 하고 정지를 시킵니다. 범죄자들은 트위터의 모든 범행 집단들은 모든 나라의 사회에서 완전히 차단을 시키고 법으로 잔인하게 처벌을 해야만 합니다.

    <From Twitter ; Account suspended

    Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules>


    Broadcasters criminals,

    Because of your crimes, people are dying in pain amid the plague and confusion of GOD's punishment. In addition, everything is being destroyed and robbed by the epidemic of 'Corona virus 19'. In the future, You and your own peoples are will continue to die in the pain of great massacre and abuse. Don't make the news of an abominable drama. You and your family must be cruelly killed in the torments of slaughter and abuse. It cannot be compared to the crimes of massacre, abuse, robbery and destruction beyond your imagination. Only then will normal days return.

    방송국의 범죄자들아,

    너희들의 범행들로 사람들이 신의 형벌의 재앙 그리고 혼란 속에서 고통 속에 죽어 나가고 있다. 또한 '코로나 바이러스 19'의 전염병으로 모든 것을 파괴를 당하며 강탈들을 당하고 있다. 앞으로도 엄청난 학살과 학대의 고통들 속에 죽어 나갈 것이다. 가증스러운 드라마의 뉴스를 만들지 말아라. 너희들과 너희들의 가족들이 잔인하게 학살과 학대들의 고통들 속에서 죽어야만 한다. 너희들의 상상을 초월을 하는 학살과 학대 그리고 강탈과 파괴의 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 그래야만 정상적인 날들이 돌아온다.

  26. Just to be clear. Transition of Power results in transitions in policies as a result of transitions in political promises. Got it. "This is the Way."

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