Elizabeth Warren bows out of presidential race | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

Warren, who was the last remaining top-tier female candidate, declined to endorse Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #ElizabethWarren


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren bows out of presidential race | WNT”
  1. OMG lol she fucking lied again – "the pinky promises" those poor little girls , if only they knew the half of Lying turd they would have known what was coming.

  2. Deeply decent LOL now because she worships the devil flip that upside down and BOOM Shallow Pig! Trust me i have been watching these people for years all upside down and backwards.

  3. Bernie Sanders was right–a woman can't be president. Guess we'll have to wait for Nikki Haley to shatter that glass ceiling in 2014.

  4. oh how will divers nation survive no woman no color ahh man whos gnna be democrat candidate not white male again oh no diversity how will u survive that

  5. Her problem…..the media made her think she actually had a chance – she never did. Shes so unauthentic/fake, it’s irritating. Then basically blames her loss on sexism, like Kamala Harris.

    Her endorsement – she’s waiting for whoever gives her the best deal. But no one really cares about her endorsement, she did terrible and has very minimal support where it matters.

  6. Slowly heat electricity between a spark gap with a laser and eventually you get cold fusion. That's all, dinner server. And the world can watch as it will be the birth of a Sun the size of a neutrino. I don't want to ruin the suprise but everyone will witness the truth of thermodynamics unfold before their eyes and the reason that we do not have an iron core to our own Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and probably even Mars, only Saturn and the rest besides probably Neptune. That's MASS for you, MASTER, ASS SUPER STRINGTHEORY, inward. Infinite energy, information storage and possibilities for creation of new sun's, stars and planets, right at our finger tips. I sent a bunch of emails to the white house about this and true thermodynamics solved

  7. It’s clear by the stand warren took that the establishment is bullying everyone in the race for nomination to back off and support Joe Biden who can be puppeted unlike the one who is currently in the White House who goes the American way.

  8. There you go folks you heard it straight from the horse's mouth( Hillary). JOE BIDEN is the Total opposite of what we have now.
    So you'll get the following if you vote for Biden and if he wins:
    1) a poor economy
    2) more illegal immigrants in the country
    3) more unemployment
    4) less blacks and minorities working
    5) more countries talking crap and looking down on the USA
    6) less secure borders
    7) more people on welfare
    That's just naming a few.
    Think twice before you vote.

  9. Oh my God ! Poor woman ! Poor little girls have to wait, cause white men never gave a chance to poor Native American Sleezy Lizzy. We need to call such women out.


  11. Elizabeth Warren elected to sexism as being a reason why she didn't do well. What a crappy message to send a little girls. If you lose or you're not successful you get to blame it on other people and you don't have to take responsibility for your own faults along the way? Just like Hillary Clinton. They definitely are not champions of women. Maybe one of the reasons she did so poorly is she literally said she was going to choose a transgender child to pick her Secretary of Education? WTF? Why is the left so goddamn Looney? All they care about is identity politics and separating people by their race gender and economic class… Donald Trump in a landslide 2020

  12. Food for Fraudcasters like CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. My related diagnostics + prognostics, Based on my long observations of the Washington-Swamp-Rats::: Senator Warren is likely shopping for the highest bidder to endorse; Bernie-Sanders will likely NOT bribe Warren for her endorsement, probably because she demands over $10 millions, so Aipac-Crime-Syndicate will buy her out to endorse Aipac-Stooge-Joe-Biden, and then Warren will disappear from sight as if she never existed; Aipac will pretend to back Biden all the way towards the elections, when Aipac-Mafia-Men-Fruman+Parnaz publicize details of Hunter Biden mischief in Ukraine; The embarrassment alone puts enough dent in Biden's campaign that he would lose a landslide election to Aipac's best ever US-agent, the Orange Man.!!! The Fix is in!!!!

  13. Hillary Clinton is an idiot. And Warren A haha haha she’s such a f$&/& fraud. Oh “sexism” lmao. Not even her own state wanted her that’s embarrassing. Bernie is done. And Warren will back the establishment candidate.

  14. I think Hillary Clinton‘s endorsement would actually hurt Joe Biden in the general election she has a lower approval rating than Trump at this point.

  15. Now we're down to creepy old Joe and Weekend at Bernie's going to be real entertaining when November comes around when Trump been them over both his knees and gives him a good spanking for being bad boys that's the best the Democratic party could come up with these two freaking idiots

  16. Now she can get home and start drinking that beer I wonder if they get to keep the money that everybody distributed to the campaign probably why she did begin with honey we need a couple more million

  17. She tried to run with Bernie last time and he turned her down why would she turn around and endorse him also the other guy's a Kitty diddler you know Warren's nat gonna endorsed that

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  19. She's not an idiot because she's a woman. She's not a liar because she's a woman.

    Yet, she hints she might blame gender for not making it.

  20. In grade school, female authority dominates a young boy's life, which is why most men do not want a female president. At work, men do not like female authority because it reminds them of grade school. Do people understand now? Men do not like being treated like boys by female authority. Warren comes across as a teacher, the image of which she embraces. Men do not want to go back to grade school when female authority dominated, at school and perhaps at home, too. Most men are raised by women – moms, aunts, and older sisters. Enough already with the collective ignorance on this matter.

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