Bernie Sanders turns up the heat on Joe Biden | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Sen. Bernie Sanders tries to slow former Vice President Joe Biden’s momentum leading into the Michigan primary.

#ABCNews #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #MichiganPrimary


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders turns up the heat on Joe Biden | ABC News”
  1. Un saludo para todos los políticos y no me importa del partido q sean para mí es igual todos son los hijos de Dios y la madre vienen d juadalupe y no importa d el partido lo q importa q Sean buenos y ayuden a las personas y pues a la comunidad pienso yo pues échenle ganas y q gane el mejor jiji pero siempre no se olviden de todos los seres humanos q los necesitan eeee es todo pues muchas gracias y dios y la madre bebey viejensita d juadalupe au q yo no sé si qren en ella pero yo si y con es basta jijii tks y AM love todos los mundos y planetas y todo lo bueno q exsita am love ….+*+*+"-*+*+*+**++*+**++*+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+*+*+*+*+**++*+*+**+*++*+*+**++*+*+**++*+*+*+*+**+*++*+*+*+*+*+**++*+*+*+*+$$7734859954847737358595847589557589696688558855774585884848483848484488473626#6#7$$78473627348488969848485858475785858696858586869686969966869696858586968858596858569696969796996858596799696586869698574587474747574747474747474747447747_7_748474747474858585585858856858585858855858688557756886588585855885858585855858855885588585858558856868585868686868695858585858585785855858686968686868686868686969968558(_++_+_+___+_+58966969696886686996868586966969868585968574578569686869699696866886685757586858577585585858587457585885745758586868699669699669699679699696696868+_+$$++$-*;+*"+++""++*+*+*+"+"+"+""++"*++**++"($+"("+"+*+*+"+"+*+*+"++*"("(+*+*+*+"+*(""!("+"+*+*+*(""+(""(+""+++*+*+*+*+*+"+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+_&7696996748484845868857484689696688585586868858558866969966885585874746969696858759696969668696985748569695885696885588585+$+$-#-+*("+"+"*+*+-+*+"+*+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+$+_(_747484585884588596967+*+*+$($_((_+$-*+""++_+"+"-*+*+"+*-+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+*+*+*+*+*+-*++*+*+*+*+*++*+"+"+*+*+"+*+*+*+"+*+*+*+*+*+*+"+"+*+*+*+*+*+*+**+$7$7383734859594763738485589696965855855786688569695884_87_7$7$+_775857474758574745858858596855969969669966969696969969658586868868658858668866969696969685885686875966996868_+_$–$+_+&+_+_+&+_7585698658685858_+_+588599696689668688696966885(5+;"+-$&#-_++_+-_+_++-$-$-$-$+$+_-$-$-$-$+_+_+_5(688668688686686896696968866996698585847785746374588585744574748569(&585885+$-*:°%°%°%=%=%=%=©{©{©{Â¥=©=©{©{Â¥{¥×√×√π׶π{^{^^{Â¥=:"_++_+_+_85587458969696585858855885856996699558(_+"+_+'("+"++"+"+"+$+$"-$-"-"--"-$+"+_+_+_+_+$+_+_7_855874588585588585858585589696858558958586968569968658689696(&(&&((&+&+-$-_+&-$-$-_+_+4557588568955858856869686996966868686869696869966969966968688658869686686969969686966868858558&)$(&$-9$(&*&7*8&*8-"-8"&("(-"8&"8&"&8"&8*8*&8&$&8$68$6$85#858#5838636936936936447758558$-&#_658+_+_+'&(8&+&+_+_855858

  2. You guys wonder why Bernie supporters go so hard on people who don't vote for Bernie not voting for Bernie is saying screw your kids and their medical needs your parents or siblings or sisters or brothers all in between voting for Biden is voting for Trump

  3. When you for 40 years back policies that negatively impact ordinary people you are not a good guy. NAFTA, Iraq war, crime bill, extending Bush tax cuts, bank deregulation, trying to Social Security and Medicare.

  4. You racist anti-women demoncrats! You mutts are so "woke",but still so asleep! Please stay stupid.
    Two old old white guys? A commy and a idiot? Tulsi G. is still running. Shes not an embarassment.

  5. Contra those who argue that Americans in the upcoming Democratic primary states should cast a ballot for Joe Biden, I would argue that it doesn't follow that a fellow lying, half-demented stooge of the ruling elite is uniquely positioned to beat Trump.

    Over the years, Biden has:

    –Supported a 2005 credit-card industry backed bankruptcy bill (sought by, among others, MBNS, a Delaware-based financial services company and Biden’s largest contributor in the late-1990’s) that made it more difficult for working class Americans to file for bankruptcy

    –Opposed a proposal to require credit card companies to provide more effective warnings about the consequences of paying only the minimum amount due each month

    –Opposed amendments to the bankruptcy bill that strengthened protections for people in the military or with large medical debts and that would have stopped corporations from “judge-shopping” for their bankruptcy cases

    –Supported on numerous occasions cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s benefits, depicting himself as brave for standing with fellow millionaires in their attempts to lower working class living standards

    –Supported the deregulation of the telecommunications industry (Telecommunications Act of 1996), which intensified corporate control of media

    –Supported deregulation of investment banks (Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which repealed the Glass Steagall Act), leading to consolidation of the banking sector (by 2016, there were 5,000 fewer banks and the ten largest firms controlled half of banking assets)

    –Supported slashing welfare for the poor in 1996, which has since caused the numbers of Americans living in extreme poverty to double

    –Supported the passage of NAFTA, a massive giveaway to his corporate backers

    –Supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which if it had passed would have granted the corporate sector massive new powers at the expense of the working class and environment

    –Wrote the Omnibus Crime Bill of 1994, which significantly expanded prison construction and heavy-handed policing, especially of black and brown people

    –Sponsored and co-wrote the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of the 1986 which caused a huge disparity between the sentencing of crack cocaine and powder cocaine, leading to a very large increase in the numbers of African-Americans serving long prison sentences

    –Advocated for and supported the establishment of the “Drug Czar” in 1982 and criticized Ronald Reagan for not giving enough money to police the drug war.

    –Introduced the Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1983 and advocated for increased use of civil asset forfeiture by law enforcement agencies.

    –Supported the Patriot Act of 2001, which massively increased surveillance of American citizens

    –Supported the Iraq War, voting for the Authorization of Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

    –In October 2004, more than a year and a half after the Iraq War had been launched, Biden declared, “I never believed they (Iraq) had weapons of mass destruction,” when the truth is he had argued otherwise since 1998 and that diplomacy would never solve the problem

    –Supported the the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized the construction of 700 miles of fencing along the Mexican border

    –Opposed Sanctuary Cities in 2007

    –Supported a bill in 1993 that deemed homosexuality “incompatible with military life,” thereby banning gay Americans from serving in the United States armed forces in any capacity without exception

    –During the Clinton Administration, he supported “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which effectively mandated that gays and lesbians in the military remain closeted.

    –Voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which prohibited the federal government from recognizing any same-sex marriage, barring individuals in such marriages from equal protection under federal law, and allowing states to do the same

    –Voted in 1981 and 1982 for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe V. Wade, which if established would have criminalized reproductive freedom for women

    –From 1976 to June 5, 2019 supported the Hyde Amendment, which barred the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except to save the life of the woman or if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest

    –Claimed in 1987 that he marched in the Civil Rights Movement only to disavow that claim a few months later. In recent times, he’s gone back to making the same fallacious claim.

    –Voted in 1979 to rollback bankruptcy protections for college graduates with federal student loans.

    –Supported the massive bail-out of Wall Street (the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008)

    –Helped negotiate the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which permanently established the “temporary,” highly regressive tax policies of the George W. Bush administration.

    –Claimed on three occasions in 2019-20 that he was arrested protesting apartheid in South Africa, a bald-faced lie

    –Has admitted to repeatedly plagiarizing speeches while campaigning for political office and plagiarizing written work while in law school

    –Claimed falsely in the 1980s to have gotten a full scholarship to law school, scored at the top half of class, and received three degrees (the truth was he got a half a scholarship, scored in the bottom of his class, and received one degree).

    –In early 2020 gave a campaign speech in which he declared he was running for the United States Senate and that those who didn’t support him could “support the other Biden.”

    –Declared in 1975, when asked about the legacy of slavery, “I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”

    –Asserted at a presidential debate in September 2019, when asked about how to address the legacy of slavery, that African-Americans want to help their children, but “they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the — the — make sure that kids hear words.”

    –Supports the objectively-racist death penalty

    –Opposes Medicare-for-All, claiming to support a public option, which he made no audible effort to support when vice president, and which, if passed, would serve as a dumping ground for the sickest and neediest patients and would not move us closer to a universal system of affordable, quality health care

    –Opposes making public colleges and universities tuition free

    –Opposes liquidating student and medical debt

    –Opposes the Green New Deal, instead preferring a patchwork of hopelessly inadequate changes that would do nothing significant to avert impending climate change catastrophe

    –As vice president, supported opening the eastern seaboard and the Arctic to oil drilling

    –As vice president, supported opening of millions of acres of public lands to oil drilling and fracking

    –As vice president, supported the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants

    –As vice president, supported the right-wing coup in Honduras

    –As vice president, supported the sale of billion in weapons to the Islamist dictatorship in Saudi Arabia and assistance to it in its genocidal war against Yemen

    –As vice president, supported Israel’s massive bombing and strangulation of Gaza, which killed thousands of Palestinians.

    –As vice president, supported the $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) upgrade of America’s nuclear arsenal

    –As vice president, supported the massive fortification of the national security state and its surveillance capacities

    –As vice president, supported a very large increase in drone warfare; in 2016 alone, the last year of his vice presidency, the US dropped more than 16,000 bombs in eight different countries

    –As vice president, supported Justice Department policies that led to no convictions of Wall Street bankers and other criminals

  6. Biden Bullies are like a corporate club. They have no concern or care for the people of the U.S. Vote for Bernie Sanders / Medicare for All / Education for All / Disability Support System … doing the right thing ethically and morally support all people equally.

  7. I’m always for anti establishment 🙏🏻

  8. Btw, Sander' healthcare plan is the best thing than could happen to the U.S. because if Bernie is cutting tax subsidies for the fossil industry or generally at places where its not needed, one could expand medicare. This is important for several reasons.
    -People will be less often sick as they can afford medical treatment; thus, miss out less days at their office and remain more productive, which ensures higher economic growth. As there will be higher economic growth, the goverment can take in more taxes from e.g. increased speding of consumers and use that revenue to fund the medicare completely without having to raise taxes.
    -The health care industry is an imperfect market and leads to the exclusion of unattractive customer groups. This leads to less employment because people will not be able to work or work to their full potential as they will be suffering and fighting their disease, from not being able to afford health care. While the economy benefits from full employment because "resources produce the goods that satisfy the wants and needs that lessens the scarcity problem. If the resources are not employed, then they are not producing and satsifaction is not achieved ." (Source: As result, people are worse off and living standards fall; and scarcity is more of a problem. (Source:

  9. WTF is wrong with people? It's just simple common sense to vote for Bernie Sanders! A no brainier, he's honest, consistent, and has never deviated. From having the American people's priorities in mind, and taking action. All his lifelong work has been for the betterment of America, point blank.

    There's nothing to think about. With Trump, everyone has lowered their expectations. To where if he's able to complete a sentence, he's presidential.

    But Bernie Sanders dedicating his whole life to the prosperity of the American people. Being everlastingly loyal to YOU so call Americans, is not reason enough to have faith in him!

    What a bunch of biased, hypocrites with double standards! Do NOT waste your vote, make it count. Do NOT vote against your best interest again.

    Please vote for the prosperity of yourself and your loved ones.

    Contact your County Clerk for questions on Vote by Mail. If you prefer no party affiliation. Find out what you can vote for as an NPP. Or No Party Preference.

    Vote for Bernie Sanders!

    There's a time and a place to goof off, this isn't the time for it! This is the one time to act like adults. Take this seriously. And get, how damaging it'll be for the country. To keep going in the direction it's currently going.

    Why NOT vote for Joe Biden .

  10. No mention of jesse jacksons endorsement , all msm channels are hiding it. Imagine if Biden got it, they would be screaming constantly about it. msm are blatently corrupt and in the bag of the wealthy

  11. OK ABC tell us all about Biden, how about reading your own comments , and report on the overwhelming support Sanders.

  12. Who has never changed his policies and what he says? Harris can't even stick to what she said in the second debate while attacking Biden, Now she is backing the guy she said stood against the equal rights movement and segregated her on her bus to school. Amy, Gay Pete and all the rest are fakes and frauds do whatever the DNC tells them to. Sanders never changes and that's why he is the only one you can trust!

  13. Biden's team released possible picks:
    Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan): Treasury
    Anna Finucane (BofA): Treasury Mike Bloomberg: World Bank Harris or Patrick: VP
    Tom Nides (Morgan Stanley): Commerce

  14. Biden will never beat Trump. Have any of the Biden voters seen him speak lately? He's gotten pretty senile. I hope Sanders gets his endorsements in a hurry.

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