‘There is a giant gaping hole in the economy right now’: Rebecca Jarvis | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Jen Ashton, Tom Bossert and Rebecca Jarvis discuss the threat of coronavirus on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Coronavirus #COVID19 #CDC


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “‘There is a giant gaping hole in the economy right now’: Rebecca Jarvis | ABC News”
  1. This is the beginning of the greatest transformation of wealth the world has seen since WWll. What will you tell your kids or grandkids 25 years from now when they say, gee daddy, gee grandpa what were you doing other than having your thumb up your ass during the greatest transformation of wealth in human history. Most of you will tell them nothing, It doesn't get any better than this! By signing up for a FREE account today you will receive $10 in digital assets. A lot of people think you need thousands of dollars to invest, but that is a lie. $5 here $10 there can go a long way, just think of all the worthless junk you are already spending your money on. Take Control Of Your Financial freedom today!


  2. Hospitals go down they cant handel it they are not ready for this get real people I can show u how to get this done what they are doing will never work and they know it

  3. The insurance companies are watching this closely. They're looking at kicking out a huge number of the one group that use recources the most after paying premiums for years.

  4. 🛑Senile Joe Biden Ignored All His Own Coronavirus Advice at debate.
    For instance, former Vice President Biden answered CNN's first question about the disease by coughing right into his hand. That was a great indication of how the rest of the debate would go.
    It's pretty surreal that Biden would mix up coronavirus with H1N1, and get that name wrong too, considering that pandemic broke out during the Obama/Biden administration. He also jumped the gun on the new coronavirus emergency relief bill in Congress. Following those mixups, confused Biden instructed the audience to avoid touching their faces. This was just after he touched his hand to his forehead. Confused forgetful Joe Biden wants to be President. As for Bernie Sanders he would bankrupt the country before his first term ended with all the “free stuff”he wants to giveaway with know way to pay for it. Sorry PresidentTrump
    gets my conservative Democrat vote in 2020.

  5. But…no one's saying close churches.

    No media outlet, no government official, no politician running for office.

    Why, when it's a KNOWN FACT that churches across the world, and New York pointedly, are the epicenter of massive outbreaks???

    ((rhetorical question))

    (I know why)

  6. Stupid – No more then 500 people. Plus stay 3 to 6 feet away or more from other people. Okay i have one question. HOW IN HELL DO U DO THAT IN THE SUBWAY during Rush Hour ? It was the Subways that spread the damn VIRUS thru-out the City. MTA Buses too. Don't want to shutdown the subways ? Then pay the piper and you will. Remember 1918 ? Shutdowm mass transit now. They Will sooner or later.

  7. When I 1st saw the Title to this Video- I thought my Ex-Wife was gonna be on You Tube! 😀🤪😜

  8. A pandemic you think the clinics will keep going what about all the people on methadone I better stock up on with a piece you know top it off with a tad of cristina cant forget about her

  9. Pushing fear and causing additional panic doesn’t help anybody. Trump derangement syndrome gone too far.

  10. Now would be a good time for the richest in the United States to stand up ….between all of you have more money then the hole country …and you cant use it all ….together you all could help everyone in the U.S….so family's just like yours could stay home take care of what we need to get through these times ….I call on all of you to stand up and be hero's…do something good with what you have …y'all together could give more money to everyone in the US ..to help…people be able take care of things and keep everything going and survive for better days and a better world ….I call on all of you to be the hero's…..mike Bloomberg spent 500 million on his campaign….wasted…if had give that to ( everyone ) in the U.S…..how much would that be per person…he would be a god in the worlds eyes ….think about ..no homeless ..no hungry …no one fight to have the things everyone needs and to have the healthcare we need at these times ..economy would grow even greater then its ever seen ….I call on all of y'all to be those hero's….people …please read this and pass it on to the ones that can be our heros …please !!!!…..ABC NEWS….please read this and pass it on to ones that will help….PLEASE !!!!

  11. Restaurants and hospitals should not be closing. Only very large events. This is an overreaction to a bad flu virus. The panic and loss of income for those who can’t afford it is worse than this virus will ever be. It’s fine for wealthy people with savings and excess income but people working paycheck to paycheck are being hit hardest. Maybe they should be unselfish and help out people who can’t afford to not work. That would be ideal but I doubt it will happen

  12. So who’s gonna pay for road repairs to keep up with the extra trucking of supplies? Our freeways are our lifeline

  13. Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama so there was a pause on this bio-weapon and Obama took the pause off. So everyone who thought Obama could walk on water. This was made at the University of North Carolina.

  14. You can't be in a recession. They only occur following a spike in energy prices; the bigger the spike, the worse the recession (2007 being the prime example with its ENORMOUS spike). Likewise, spikes in energy prices usually precede recessions. The energy prices are falling like a rock. That means the exact opposite. The only thing the disease can do is temporarily suppress this upward surge, and it's going to compound into surge-squared, when it's past, like shaking a soda can before opening it.

  15. If you listen we are doing everything to leave hospitals and doctors free to focus on those in serious need while we have outside staff coming to your community to handle the petty testing and evaluation. The goal is to pay for us all including business through this.
    Limiting gathers and travel is all part of the goal to slow the spread to stay under out hospitals capacity.
    So far we are doing a great job.
    Compared to other that got it when we did we are doing great.
    It appears that countries with free healthcare has to choose who gets treated or not because they don't have doctors .its always hard to have quality docoters if they don't make money.

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