‘We need help’: Alabama prisoner pleas for assistance in fighting COVID-19 | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Homer Venters, Topeka K. Sam, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson are interviewed on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Prison #Coronavirus #COVID19


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “‘We need help’: Alabama prisoner pleas for assistance in fighting COVID-19 | ABC News”
  1. Oh hell no oh hell no my nephew has a home and family that loves him there's plenty of us out here that have family they love them they want their family members home don't go there that's bullshit you're passing the butt buddy these people need their family to come and check on them y'all sitting on your ass making a fortune off of the inmates the guards are bringing his cell phones and drugs quit you freaking talking and do something! Cuz I'll tell you one damn thing this girl right here won't give up I've got evidence of embezzlement cell phones being brought in drugs being brought in you just don't even know it's all fixing to come down on y'all

  2. She was well spoken and appreciated. What she said is scary. I hope they release most non violent prisoners. This is not a time to commit crimes instead we need to stay home more, pray, and stay alert.

  3. This is no excuse to let out murderer's for god sake .just burn them all alive .they all killed someone and that's the final straw burn them

  4. So yall complaining that they aren't able to enforce the 6ft buffer ..AS IF a bunch of covicts are going to follow that rule even if they had they space ! Smoking a joint in their cells passing it around 🙄 Then she moans that they are locked down only allowed out 3x a week after just moaning about them not being able to isolate 🤔 it's almost like they are keeping them in cells ..staggering smaller groups in and out of showers and the yard TO PROTECT THEM!! Suggesting we just let them walk free because boohoo! It's not fair is ridiculous she just wants money off her 15 baby daddies in that jail alone 😂 GOOD people veterans ..nurses etc are dying and suffering it's not just effecting scum bags you. Know !

  5. I refuse to prioritise these people when nurses and drs who CHOOSE to risk themselves and family's everyday to save the lives of complete strangers ..are DYING..alone ..drowning in fluids …not getting the gold standard of care they spent entire career giving to others because there is not enough vents..meds O2….! They go in as if they are the only ones suffering or dying !

  6. I'm from United States Warm appreciation to Dr. Answer for curing my covid 19 with cannabis oil and healing soap. My dad had covid 19 he Died in hospital my brother had same covid 19 also died in hospital with this lost in my family I was tried and confused. It was hard for me to move on, months later I attended a birthday party after the party few days I started feeling sick with covid 19 at home I knew I have gotten this covid 19 I said I rather die on my bedroom than to die in the hospital like my dad and my only brother. I didn't tell anyone about it only called my mom that I'm about to die with covid 19 she cried but she said to me she can't let that happen again and cut the call day later she called me and said she have a solution with a magical Dr she knew years ago she told me she talked to him about it and the Dr gave her a solution and told me let us give it a try I thought it was a joke, she brought me cannabis oil and healing soap at my door and said I should use it for 7 days with the instructions I did as she said my greatest surprise I felt strong and I went to test it was negative. I really appreciate Dr Answer for your help in bring back my lost life with the help of his high quality Cannabis Oil and healing soap, i am so grateful to you Dr for all the love and concern that you showed me and i would keep on giving my testimony about your Cannabis oil and healing soap how it cures covid 19 within 7 days of treatment. it just like a Miracle that has happened to me. Thanks be to God Almighty for sending you my way Dr, i hope and know that you would keep on putting smiles on world at large with this great medication spells. email dranswerdranswer@gmail.com  for all solution to covid 19 and other diseases.  For hopes and help, kindly contact Dr. Answer for full knowledge about the medication and magic spell  Services you. email: dranswerdranswer@gmail.com for all solution to covid 19 and other diseases

  7. My name is Katie Wood and my father has contracted Covid19 in Utah State Prison. Many fellow inmates in his section have died from the virus. My father can barely walk now. I have not seen him for almost 10 months, since they locked down the prison. The elderly were taken from their sections. Even when they had single cells and where placed in an open dormitory with beds 4 feet apart. That area alone had aproximately 10 people in his section die within the last 3 months. I have put together a plat form on YouTube for inmates and families of inmates to post their experiences and I emploer you to make your own videos. People need to know how bad the health care and response was and is currently in the criminal justice system during this pandemic. This goes for all prisons in every state and all the families with and without their loved ones. Give them a voice through you. We are in this together to create change. Please share this https://youtu.be/RgtoW4ZmuJQ

    I was also featured with others in an article written by the Deseret News. https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/11/20/21571641/coronavirus-utah-state-prison-covid-19-outbreak-inmates-families-despair-virus-spreading

  8. This united states of America need to take there prisons to Russia or adapt Russia tactics because this convict needs help so we need to give him help just watch Black dolphin

  9. Thats a poor effort of an excuse to suggest all prisoners are useless drifting drug addicts. What about all the elderly and fathers who have families waiting for them?
    Say it as it is! Its a corporate money making machine wheres the pay per body system ensures you'll fight any effort to release anybody if possible, even despite any health issues.
    Remember, they had to demonise a part of society before they could justify locking so many people up in this gross prison model.
    If you spent less on invading innocent countries, and creating a wealth of rackets (that make these people look holy in comparison) to suck up public funds, then you would have money to invest in poor communities and help prevent people becoming homeless and desperate.
    Better if Americans put a R.I.C.O on the establishment, and replace them with people who genuinely believe in democracy and the greater good of all its citizens!

  10. I hate to say it but A lot of people don’t care if it doesn’t affect them directly

  11. The state of Tennessee just locked up my 15 year old for fighting with his 8 year old brother. Let's talk about the kids in homes and juvenile facilities as well.

  12. Prison isn’t supposed to be luxurious. Currently people that are dying aren’t the homeless nor from prisoners. Catching STD or AIDS is much worse than catching coronavirus. There is no cure for aids and you have 99.99% survival rate with coronavirus. I think they can tough it out.

  13. The officer is a moron . He's getting on the defensive when this is not an attack on who is and isn't doing their job. And you basically said most of the inmates are drug addicts and are going to go out and overdose . You are a sad sad man. Atleast if you release some of them they have a fighting chance. And I thought the system was meant to rehabilitate , you just stated it only postpones the inevitable relapse and death. Shame on you .

  14. white man says, I'm not about to throw away my own bread and butter! Easy for the sheriff to say this at the comfort of his home while our fellow Americans are being given potential death sentences for non violent "crimes" everyone with a non violent criminal history should be released. Especially if the remaining time of their sentence is less than 5 years. Put them on probation at the very least and let them have a chance at living.

  15. Madison County in Al need to step up and actually do their job to help the inmates that are innocent until proven guilty. Set up video calls or something. Also, they need to realize that their laws for the inmates that innocent unless proven guilty. They need to fix their phone calls. Its upsetting.

  16. They will be OK. They decided to break law and be in PRISON. So stay in prison and with that comes bad consequences.

  17. y'all got spoiled for decades so stop crying lilbitches🤣😂🤣
    3 meals with clean cell
    for decades y'all in vacations 🤣😂🤣

  18. Another dumb liberal half baked idea let prisoners go home via early release due to COVID19. The old white guy is right. Prisoners released likely have no where to go so they enter congregate homeless shelters where like in prison there is no possibility of social distancing. The homeless ex-con has little to no money so he has to steal or go to congregate homeless feeding centers and wait in line without 6 feet distancing. Tent encampments are also congregate settings where tents are directly next to each other to leverage safety in numbers on the streets.

    For the ex con's lucky enough to have somewhere to go they return to a crowded house populated with many people. This house crammed with people together likely have a minimum wage jobs in public facing service that increase COVID19 infection exposure risk. Many people more densely packed in a poor ill ventilated home than would be the case in prison. With so many solid citizens without jobs and desperate for work Ex-Con's aren't likely to be hired. Ex Con's might bring domestic abuse, drugs and violence into the home since they can not survive in the legal economy. A thug will eventually do the criminality he knows.

    No no no the liberal releases ex-cons from prison to make themselves feel good. You see Limousine Liberals don't have to live in the overcrowded houses, homeless shelters steeped in disease and filth on in a tent on mean streets. You see do what makes them feel good because, they can't see the suffering they cause in the green safe leafy gated communities they call home. Limousine Liberals ride in a cocoon of social economic and racial privilege that tints the windows of their Limousine Liberal world. You see Limousine Liberals don't care about the people they affect they care only about feeling good. Hey a 2 bedroom apartment paid for by 8 poor people with minimum wage jobs and 2 children each might have 12 people in it so why can't one or two more ex-con's fit in.

    Limousine Liberals care about doing what makes them feel good not what solve the real problems.

  19. They'll be OK. Just leave them in there packed close together. They will be OK if they social distance and wash their hands.

  20. Nathan turner 269286 is my son he was handed a projected maditory release.to come home and i was so happy even though he is in childersburg work release they are on lockdowwn . paroled then unparoled double jepordy.

  21. I have done time in alabama prisons and was just released out of the mobile county metro jail where i was a trustie who went in and cleaned cells in the infirmary where patients were positive with covid 19 and if anyone would look at security film they would see nurses leaving bio hazard bags open in hallway where everyone who in intake will walk by along with the idea of cleaning cells with paper gown and given a state of alabama jacket due to its color white the illusion of being a biohazard suit that have been seen wearing by correctional officers i even had to fight for my own and others to have mask while sgt.poling was taking masks saying she dont care about who says what her cincern was inmates removing a piece of metal so they can tattoo , really …..i run tattoos in jail prison and have many other ways of doing it way beyound the virus but we knew and know how importamt it is to cover mask. have they improved after i left doubt it with the violation of so many 5th 8th and other it is a violation to house inmates in confinement due to a world pandemic where the enemy can not be seen and is not set. In one perticular of symptoms i was as the docket man a title that says the type of work and jurisdiction my work entitled i seen the admitance of all kinds of people who waited on a nurse to check temp for fever and once let in a s we know you dont have to have symptoms to caarry the virus is put directly among population and was not adhearing to cdc remark about quarintine for 14 days amoung intake and due to not being acomidating to those standards the jail is over crowded parts of the jail is broke off into what we call wedgesl a through f and gthrough l 12 total each wedge houses 8 cells design for 2 people. That is 16 people makeing it 100% capacity there have been known to at any time house 40+ inmates all of which forces inmates to sleep under beds and under toiles causing many fights and esp.the unsanitary conditions of splashing urine on each other and i have documented many things and the poor die they have devised a way to only feed out of the totall amound of days in a 28bday cycle a full 3 meal for only 26 days meaning the jail is not giving food to 3 meals a day feeding twice on weekends and all of this believe this is how the prison is over crowded many people will ple out to cases to crimes that they didnt comment due to distress thinking anything is better than this the jail ….for the most part after the stabbing case i got at g.k.fountian in 2018 they removed the top racks but only did little to over crowdness and the return of inmates ….let me add this there is absolutly no corrections in correction meaning no cure and matiance no implementation of the frontal lobe with the deprogram and reprogram and with the inconsistency of lack of knowledge of our uncondition self meaning we have no predetermined thoughts or action states we can remove impediments from our selves and condition our selves to other modes of thinking and subsequently lead to different thinking but imprision means we imatate what we see and how to survive the prisons caters to the r complex and is directly related to survival and if it is over crowded and violance and now being subjected to waking up to find out the virus is only a few inches away is a horror for most if not all in side shut the prison down how is hundreads of thousands of people indanger to nonviolant and some violant criminals who are elder and can do harm to anyone but them selves they cant be more violant than the ccp who released the virus and no more violant than the makers of alcohol who is leading the way with addictionand death compare with the covid 19 around the world that has killed the economy well my name is rodney waldrop from mobile alabama HETEP AUSAR NUN ATEN

  22. Know one talking about the prisoners what's up with that. Sometime is not right. Please people call someone one or somebody l think the prisoners that are black are dieing and some of them are innocent.

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