Mississippi is declared a major disaster area amid the coronavirus outbreak

Mississippi is declared a major disaster area amid the coronavirus outbreak

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves discussed the impact COVID-19 has had on his state.


21 thoughts on “Mississippi is declared a major disaster area amid the coronavirus outbreak

  1. Keep safe to all the Family , Regards to my boyfriend Kristin M.Picard at Foxworth ,Mississippi . I love you take care always♥️🥰😍

  2. Tate has screwed my state again. He just won’t close the state

  3. Lmao, there are people out all over southern Mississippi, some non essential businesses and manufacturing places are still operating .
    Best of all, he has to beg churches to find a better way to worship but refuses to put penalties on them. He also thinks prayers are the only answer in a time like this……..

  4. "Even stronger coming out of it".. I hope that was just empty words, not a reference to the culling of the weak and elderly that is about to take place. Think of all those savings on entitlements that can now be diverted to paying off Trump's tax cut for the rich!

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