Nation’s food supply chain facing challenges l ABC News

Nation’s food supply chain facing challenges l ABC News

More meat processing plants in the Midwest have closed due to new confirmed cases of COVID-19 among workers. ABC News Kimberly Brooks reports.


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23 thoughts on “Nation’s food supply chain facing challenges l ABC News

  1. Personally, l haven't noticed any shortages or price hikes. I still get my meat delivered with truLOCALUSA from local farmers in Illinois. I even get free meat with every order with coupon: meridian4life or VN25 for up to $25 off, so this whole meat shortage is all nonsense to me, just another panic video.

  2. "Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. " [Romans 8:21-22, KJV]  "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward [is] with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." [Revelation 22:12, KJV]

  3. BS… a way to raise prices. Fire their behinds and hire other people. Gas prices are down and plenty of people out of work. Hire someone else! Sorry but I dont buy that prices are going to go up crap!

  4. Don’t believe in globalist depopulation plan yet ? Ok give it some time it will set in just sit back relax and enjoy the ride .

  5. 1 virus… ONLY thing this is showing is how vulnerable we really are to biological terrorism. our health care system is SUB STANDARD we do not produce enough out own.

  6. As the USDA continues to dump and throw away tons of "Edible Food", and shutting down Beef and Chicken processing plants, due to workers testing positive for the coronavirus (or so they say), preparations for the NEW WORLD ORDER, are in place, and soon everybody will need to be "Chipped", in order to buy, sell or purchase food and necessities, which will be operated and carried out by FEMA and U.S Military personnel.

  7. gee, Trump closes immigration, and now food processing plants are closing — are we surprised ? Did they think the chickens will just turn into nuggets by themselves ? Who do you think works at these plants?

  8. They not facings challenges we facing terrible economic collapse it’s i good thing I have veg gardens in plant city fl from Hillsborough County greetings to all

  9. food supply? in my aread, we still have no toilet paper. it's already over a month. when are they going to restock the toilet paper? lies, all lies! people better start hoarding food now because the media lies so as to not cause panic. everyone better go buy 3 years worth of meat and freeze it!!!!!

  10. Stop scaring people! That’s what truly hurts us !

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