Doctors finds disturbing trend of strokes in young coronavirus patients l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Thomas Oxley of Mt. Sinai in New York said five COVID-19 patients in their 30s and 40s with no underlying conditions presented with strokes at the hospital.

‘They are terrified’: Fearing coronavirus, people with potentially fatal conditions avoid emergency care:

#ABCNews #Strokes #Covid19 #MtSinai


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Doctors finds disturbing trend of strokes in young coronavirus patients l ABC News”
  1. Guys … young people dont show common symptoms… it's either mild flu or severe headache. Atleast they get diagnosed with strokes. In my country they dont admit yound people unless they are on the verge of death.

  2. I know this is unpopular and often removed but many doctors are giving a list of natural therapies and vitamins to keep your immune system up so you will be able to fight off ALL germs. I would search. Dr. John Bergman has mentioned it, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe, Motivational doc. So together, they have said to keep your immune system up with good vegetables and fruit, AVOID GMO, take High C, hi b , hi d, hi potassium, zinc, selenium, melatonin, olive leaf extract, oregano oil or extract, garlic, pineapple, lemon juice, sprouted broccoli seeds, sea salt, hot drinks, benzoin and peppermint or other disinfectant oils in a vaporizer cup, in vaporizer water put peroxide, sea salt, and liquid iodine, I like kelp iodine which also comes in pill form. I put a drop of iodine in a bottle eye sailine for nasal spray and I put a few drops of kelp iodine on the back of my throat with lemon juice for nasal mucus. Kelp iodine has almost no flavor and is clear. A doctor said lemon juice is great for opening airways and hacking choking cough. I tried it, works for me. And if you're overweight, lose it. Get out in the sunshine and walk.

  3. I had no symptoms for covid19. Now i had a stroke and cant speak correctly. My memories are messed up and my vocabulary is screwed up. I didn't show anything for a stroke. I just had a headache like a migraine. Its scared now of i have another stroke. I have kids. This is worrying. My life has stopped. Now im on temporary disability. I cant work. I cant even speak correctly how to tell my kids their chores to do them. Its a nightmare that wont stop. Its really horrible. Whats in my future like now???

  4. The timing's just coincidental but even Wuhan had massive 5G towers rollout!!!- radiation protein coagulation! (Don't buy the mainstream media bullshit hype! – It's the radiation rollout! All the inventors and research point out that it's microwaving us 24/7! We must stop it like Silicon Valley residents have been trying to!) Check out Dr. Rashid Buttar's censored YouTube videos!

  5. How can they say, patient's waited to Long, when Most get Rejected for Help, they are told to go Home😔

  6. That's sad!
    But it validates the findings, by New York doctor's, with patients whom have COVID-19 : found that as the virus progresses; it causes blood clots. They can migrate to the lungs causing a pulmonary embolism or,migrate to the heart causing cardiac arrest, due too the smaller arteries and veins.
    Truly disturbing, God bless amen. 😷🇺🇸🇺🇳

  7. Doctors at mount sinai making the decision to treat as many patients as they can with HIGH DOSE Blood THINNERS BEFORE THEY EVEN SEE EVIDENCE OF Clotting??????????? What i dont understand????

  8. Someone said they had a blood clot pass them barely when they were younger. My question is if we do form a clot but it does pass, does that mean no permanent consequence from it? Such as, lowered thinking ability, difficult speech etc which happens for stroke victims? Reason i ask is, apparently it can cause any of those symptoms if a clot is forming, but it's only ever mentioned as permanent in a vague way, such as if you actually do get the stroke.

  9. Why did she say the critically I'll, umm the report was people who were at home were getting strokes. People who also were Asymptomatic too. I hate TV doctors.

  10. People need to continue to take this virus seriously. It's wouldn't suddenly disappear, it's not a hoax.

  11. ¡¡un vegetariano!! es muy probable que por eso haya pasado eso y no necesariamente por el covid-19

  12. Excellent! The dumb tiny Virus is so much smarter than we can imagine. Hitting at the right spots. "Things to come" H G Wells. Many more to come. Black Swans and Fragility…

  13. The said they were critically ill, did they not catch the part where the first doctor said the ppl let's stroke symptoms had little-to-no symptoms of the Covid.

  14. Any chance increase in blood clotting could be from lack of mobility, as many people are sitting at home, much less walking and much less activity compared to usual?

  15. Why. are the hospitals sending people home to self quarantine, when they know. You are sick. Were are all the hospitals that have supposedly been built for this very reason.somthing is very fishy here.

  16. Kim isn't playing dead. I still think this is the first stone thrown in mass biological Warfare.👁👁

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