GOP Targets Teachers Unions, Reopening Schools To Win Back Suburbs | NBC News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

GOP leaders Pete Snyder and Mitch mcConnell are calling out teachers unions to reopen schools. NBC News’ Allan Smith reports on why House Republicans believe that this issue could be big enough to win back control of their chamber.
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GOP Targets Teachers Unions, Reopening Schools To Win Back Suburbs | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “GOP Targets Teachers Unions, Reopening Schools To Win Back Suburbs | NBC News NOW”
  1. It is past time to get rid of the huge cost center that is public schools. Set up schools that offer a competitive product parents want to purchase for their kids. Except politics, what other institution has the luxury of not having to respond or be competitive, innovative or accountable to the public. Defund the police – NO. Defund the schools – YES.

  2. Time to fire the teachers and replace the military soldiers who have the backbone to get the youth of our nation back to school,it's time that politicians stop pandering to teachers unions and prioritize the needs of our nation's youth need for in person learning cause education isnt just about learning but also socialization,it's time the government follow the lead of Republicans with education plans

  3. From the start, it's been possible to reopen schools. People like Mitch McConnell refused to give people and schools the money to manage it. Now Biden has given teachers and the unions enough money to afford the precautions they're required to take. I still don't think it's safe for everyone, but it would be a lot better than if precautions weren't taken at all.

  4. Federal +State Governments MUST REHAB ANCIENT SCHOOL VENTILATION SYSTEMS~ ONLY THEN will PPE +Vaccinations be enough to keep Children +Staff SAFE in this NATIONAL HEALTH SECURITY CRISIS

  5. It should be against the law for teachers unions to directly get money from the federal government and then turn around and use that money and elections. If the teachers unions take a percentage of the teachers salaries then they should not get money from the federal government but of course it's Democrats like Nancy Pelosi who pay off these teachers unions for votes

  6. Teachers nowadays are useless and don't teach important subjects. All they teach is hate, transgender lunacy, and lies. Teachers are not that smart. They clearly have no knowledge of how a healthy immune system works and natural herd immunity. I find it disturbing that they had no issues working during previous flu seasons before the democrats and media brainwashed everyone to live in fear .

  7. I say shut down all public sector white collar collective bargaining and declare collective bargaining for private sector workers only. Any dispute in the public sector should be handled by immediate mediation and unions for such sector should be dedicated to team insurance buying, training, and connecting workers to other signatory employers.

    Also, shut down some of these useless school and focus only on the fundamentals. No more indoctrination BS.

  8. There going on vacation saying don't post vacation pictures these teachers are getting paid to stay home take there paycheck and bet they would open up

  9. Now that the Covid relief money has passed through, you can bet the Teachers will soon be back in school. That money science works ya know.

  10. Break the teachers union! The amount of money it cost to educate one child at a crappy public School is around $7,000. Why doesn't the state's governor give a voucher to the parents and let them decide where they want to have their child educated? BREAK THE TEACHERS UNION'S NOW!

  11. Well people better get used to it with virtual learning its noting new. Its been happening at colleges and as more and more schools go under funded they will close. Virtual learning will be the way to go. Last year I lost my contract job and now I do remote IT support for schools. Lot of these parents who have technical issues refuse support but then complain their child is missing class. They blaming virtual learning for their child failure. These parents just want a babysitter not a teacher. Maybe we need to go back to the old days when the man only worked and woman stayed home with the kids. It wouldn't be an issue then.

  12. It's time to end public education and defund schools and public teachers unions. Parents and all property tax payers should immediately stop paying taxes. It's time for private schools to rise up and provide more efficient educations for all students. Parents should have the choice to pick schools based on quality and free choice. Public schools are racist and a failure. School administrators are the most racist people because the take away choice and freedom from minority parents. Government and unions are institutional racism at their core. Please copy this message and add it to further comments. We the people must rise up and take back the education of our children.

  13. What if we saw people from healthcare holding signs saying they are unable to perform their jobs out of fear? Teachers want praise as hero's…earn it as our healthcare workers have the past year. Its much easier to protest on the street and receive a paycheck and demand respect. In my eyes its disrespectful to the youth of our nation to refuse to return to school. And you people as educators should be the most passionate – considering that is you chose for your life's work, to educate as a TEACHER!

  14. " but i dont wanna go to work…i just wanna stay home in my yoga pants and get the same pay". im just guessing thats what teachers are saying

  15. The teacher union in LA is now saying they won’t return even if all the teachers are vaccinated cause it’s still not safe for them? At what point will we every try to return to normal? At what time will it be safe? If it’s about saving lives why don’t we also lower the speed limit in every state by 10mph.

  16. Wow! Matt Meyer Berkeley Federation of Teachers President, California, blocks opening public schools in-person, yet has had his own child in in-person school since June 2020. Stop the hypocrisy. Our children are suffering. Open schools full-time Now

  17. What I wanna is why is they doin this at the last minute the school year almost over and if we have to get that vaccine I’m not going like just end the school year already and and have they forgot that we need to take our masks off to eat I can’t wait to see how this fails 😛

  18. I find it interesting that the argument to reopen schools is not coming from the poor or minority communities, that being those most dependent upon duel incomes to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, but rather from upper middle class, white suburbanites who are using their children as a political weapon, abandoning the personal safety and wellbeing of both their children and the educational staff, primarily because they can't postpone the career of a parent and maintain the debt and lavish lifestyle they've grown accustom.

  19. I'm a teacher and have been face to face, in class full time this year. We are essential workers and it is possible for us to teach through this so long as proper precautions are taken.

  20. Dig another hole GOP, use some sense then we all move on!😟👍🤔

  21. Old people are out working and these dumb teachers union can’t risk working when they are not even considered high risk

  22. To hear some parents say that their children are suffering mentally and academically makes me wonder about all the kids that were home schooled before covid.

  23. They are gambling the lives of those suburb children and their families at home. Teachers have said they would go back if much smaller class sizes, safety measures like better air circulation and PPE for all, and teachers get vaccine for the lower grades. But GOP is holding that up by not supporting the Biden package so they are canceling out their own efforts. When will GOP supporters wise up?

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