Trump calls on meatpacking plants to stay open amid outbreaks l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president signed an executive order designed to keep plants open even as a top industry executive and union leaders issued dire warnings about the supply chain amid coronavirus.

#ABCNews #Trump #DefenseProductionAct #DPA #Covid19


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Trump calls on meatpacking plants to stay open amid outbreaks l ABC News”
  1. After 2 months of deaths and confusion, we're finally talking about "HOW" we can open businesses, not "WHEN". Damn, I expected better from this great nation.

  2. COVID-19 Reaches U.S. Slaughterhouses
    Unhygienic slaughter caused the current pandemic,

    “Wet markets” in China where exotic animals undergo cruel and unhygienic slaughter caused the current pandemic, as they did SARS, say experts. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House coronavirus task force says he is incredulous that wet markets are still open. “It boggles my mind how, when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface, that we just don’t shut it down,” he said. “I don’t know what else has to happen to get us to appreciate that.”

    Martha Rosenberg
    April 10, 2020

  3. Give trump SUPORTERS those meat JOBS. They protested against the LOCKDOWN. Let the MEATBALS earn some monny. THAT is what they wanted, so let them have IT.
    WIN-WIN situation.

  4. I work at meat factory.. and someobody at my job already had the Corinna virus and the Human Resources offices tried to keep on the low. Sadly we are still working.

  5. @George Varner  You write what's in your bigotry, hypocritical heart. Consider, your own words, that are condescending….food stamps; 25% of this country citizens have used food stamps and it have propelled them to an higher education, income, ownership and "intelligence", which you don't have.
    Now you have more than, that number in bread lines, at pantries and asking for help, not a hand out, but to survive; them and their kids. Shall the babies feel like you, and look down on food stamps or starve….Now that the playing field, is leveled, it truly reflect, pain, dissatisfaction and destitution.
    In closing whites. have utilized the food stamp program more than other races.
    Do you really know the data, who, when and why (food stamp usage)?
    I'm glad my parents taught me better, not to be a bigot nor ignorant as you…shame on you, you are the terrible side of humanity and our beloved. country…. Also, you dummy, 30 million Americans are now on unemployment, and not to forget added to the food stamp program.
    Go, tell your sentiments to them, if your man, enough.😀

  6. @George Varner  You, wish you had one of my four degrees…..I'm too, bless for your mess.
    You must be a bigot, and yet you don't even know my race, you idiot.
    I could be white, asian, mexican, Italian, indian, etc., but one thing, I'm not a bigot, nor a person with a sorry complex, like you have.

  7. Ya ok… Like our government has made good on any promises so far😂😂😂😂😂 Got any more jokes💨💨😂😂

  8. I'd like to see him going to work there every day very easy to sit in the White House safe and well and probably getting medication to protect him

  9. Y'all are complaining about having food available. Weird. Imagine in a few weeks when there's no meat available and the same people ripping this decision now will be angry they don't have food lol

  10. Donnie Trumps BBQ PORK CHOP RECIPE
    (SERVES 4, OR JUST ONE IF YOU ARE FAT BOY TRUMP)Trump only serves himself!
    1. Four One INCH loin pork chops
    2 Three Tablespoons (ground) Hydroxychlorquine
    3. 2 cups of bleach
    4. One can Lysol spray
    Salt &pepper to taste
    Mix bleach, hydroxy, salt and pepper in bowl- blend well.
    Add pork chops and marinate for 3 days on counter-DO NOT REFRIGERATE, You will ruin the dish.
    Drain marinade. Save for another day- if you live that long!
    Pat chops dry and grill or pan fry. Don't worry about cooking until fully cooked- Pork is tastier when nice and pink.
    When done to your liking place chops on platter and spray with Lysol to make a quick glaze. Serve with a nice healthy vegetable and green salad…YUM! Enjoy😵

  11. What are they waiting for? Retrofit the plant with plexiglass cubicles for each worker on the line. Build an extra cafeteria or two. The federal government should pay for it. Someone make a deal for chrissakes, if we can’t get regular governance. Get a move on Tyson! Hello!!!! Are other companies in the food supply chain paying attention out there????!!

  12. There isn’t a single person in my family that’s not lived past 100. Always 110+ and we’re all meat eaters. 😂 ☕️

  13. This could help the obesity problem. If the .99 cent menu disappears fewer people will eat fast food daily. The underlying conditions causing death from from covid 19 are related to being overweight/obese

  14. 6,000 Meat Packing Workers exposed you Covid.
    trump’s plan
    – pass a bill saying they HAVE TO go to work because they’re essential.

    A REAL Leader’s plan
    – have different members of the task force become responsible for coordinating and planning protective equipment and measures for foreseeable services needed to keep the Country running in JANUARY!!

  15. Science and AI is the answer…

    In 2017:
    Heart Disease: Deaths in 2017: 647,457
    Cancer Deaths in 2017: 599,108
    Unintentional injuries Deaths in 2017: 169,936
    Chronic lower respiratory disease Deaths in 2017: 160,201
    Stroke and cerebrovascular diseases Deaths in 2017: 146,383
    Alzheimer’s disease Deaths in 2017: 121,404

    (sarcasm and button poking as well as thoughtful banter to follow)
    So let us take the AI Movie Scientific approach shall we:

    NEVER AGAIN should humans leave home!
    Top reasons people get heart disease:
    Diabetes, Overweight and obesity, Unhealthy diet, Physical inactivity, Excessive alcohol use.We will tell you what to eat and how much, what to drink, and ban anything we feel dangerous, we will make you go to work camps so you get exercise.

    Top causes for Cancers: Smoking and Tobacco, Diet and Physical Activity, Sun and Other Types of Radiation, Viruses and Other Infections. WAIT, no work camps outside, we will put you in gulags, we mean warehouses, ban smoking, ban alcohol, ban all fast foods, just what we say is good.

    No knives, no guns, no rope, no driving, no shoelaces, nothing you can have an accident with, no stairs, no elevators. NO ACCIDENTS.

    Causes Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease? Tobacco smoking is by far the most important risk factor for chronic bronchitis and emphysema, accounting for about 80% of all cases. YES, no tobacco, no vaping, no nothing. Food and water, this is all you are allowed.

    Causes for Stroke and cerebrovascular disease: smoking, obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise, diabetes.
    See you must trust AI, we know best, any noncompliance and you will be jailed, gassed or shot.

    SO ….everyone MUST panic and fear, 24/7-366, don't do as we say and die. Or do, and you will still die anyways.
    This has been a public service announcement.

  16. @George Varner  And its obvious, your the negative, where you don't add up to nothing; a zero is still a number, they say. So now you can say your a zero of a negative number.

  17. Top scientists are working on discovering a food source other than meat… hopefully they find it before we starve to death. 🥦🥔🥕🍎🍉🍞🍇🍚🌽🥜

  18. Workers at the meatpacking plants have already been infected with the virus. Why doesn't trump go work beside those same infected workers.

  19. if you have any ground, plant some Butternut Squash. They taste delicious and can last a couple of years. also plant beans and potatoes, there are tons of cool YT videos on growing potatoes in stacks, dont even need rmuch ground. Im gonna grow 12 Butternut Squash plants, calls for plants to be 6' apart, haha!

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