Washington’s coronavirus stay-at-home order will extend beyond May 4 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan discusses what it will take for Seattle to successfully reopen and what it will look like.

#Pandemic #StayAtHomeOrder #Seattle #MayorDurkan


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Washington’s coronavirus stay-at-home order will extend beyond May 4”
  1. You can forget mandatory testing or mandatory contact tracing, I will not do it and I suggest all of you reading this not submit yourselves to anything mandatory, the government can figure out another way without infringing on citizens rights to privacy…!!!

  2. Dont need contract tracing. This isn't nazi Germany damit. Just stop being scared. Trump will win the next election and just get over it Democrats. You're acting like a little kid who get their way and are throwing a fit

  3. I think they are looking at the political science. The people telling you to stay home are still getting paid. Both these people aren’t using their mortgage payment to buy food like many my customers.

  4. “I never thought I would get 4 weeks to the gallon. Best milage yet !!!”

  5. Know your enemies and stop listening to this crap! Fact; More people that have coronavirus have no symptoms so there is no way to give stats on coronavirus death rates. If you don't test everybody on the face of the earth then you have no ideal how many people are coronavirus positive. This is supposed to be a highly infectious virus. So if say 1 billion people have coronavirus then the death rate is about .002%. And if 4 billion have it then the death rate is half that. 20 million people have died this year 2020, so far, 147k people died April 30th 2020 in the world, but not from coronavirus. Coronavirus is actually very low in the world of death rates. Simply put, if you haven't tested everybody and you really don't know how many people have it then you have no ideal what the death rate is! Coronavirus is here just like car crashes, alcohol deaths, cancer, aids, malaria, suicides, starvation, all of which have higher death rates this year than coronavirus. (See worldometer or the CDC websites for death rates and many more statistics worldwide) They are now talking about the number of deaths from coronavirus in the USA has passed the amount of people that died in the Vietnam war. Death sucks for someone somewhere no matter what and at least 20 million people know that this year. But if we lose our freedom and constitutional rights than every person who died in all of the wars we fought, and from fighting our government, died for nothing! Think about that please! It will take years for the world economies to come back from this if they ever do? Look at all the facts and research for yourself, the information we need is all in plain sight. This is not about Trump or Biden, Democrats or Republicans, Race, Creed or Color. This is about you losing your fundamental rights as an American! Know your enemies and stop the divide and conquer that is going on! Cure for coronavirus, stop listening to this crap! The world is a beautiful place and there are many good people on this earth! Live life and enjoy the time you have here because someday you will be one the 20 million deaths so far one year in the future! This message is for everyone everywhere, look at facts, not fiction and always remember that fear is not real, danger is!

  6. This is a MOVIE gone live producers the who actors the politicians stories about a vaccines & micro chip gone warp speed stay tuned

  7. Do you have the answer???????????    I love how the left is going crazy over this.  Calling everyone white supremacist.  They think they know every situation. 

    Here is one.  And if you stay at home people have an answer let me know.  I work in the OR.  so we are not doing surgery, or elective surgery.  I applied for UE 4.5 weeks ago.  It has been in limbo.  Still waiting.  My stimulus check was given to my son's mother to pay for back child support.  I have my other son who lives with me 100% of the time.  Following so far.  I have two kids.  They took my tax return and gave it to her.  So, they took my tax return, my stimulus check, and I can't get UE.  So $0 income.  None.  Now I was suppose to receive an additional $500 dollars on top of the $1,200 to feed my kid that lives at home.  Mom also got a check for her and my other son.  So she is getting $3,700 and I am getting nothing.  So I can't work.  So for all these stay at home people what is your answer to me being able to take care of me and my kid when I cannot make income? 

    These stay at home people think they have the answer.  Yet people like me cannot get any help.  I can't get a job that pays the rent and my other bills.  But they say to bad and stay at home.  What is your answer??

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