Trump administration takes aim at China – Car Mod Pros Portal

The administration is claiming China intentionally covered up COVID-19 to hoard medical supplies for themselves. ABC News’ Alex Presha reports.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Trump administration takes aim at China”
  1. Something new in the biological war of the billionaires
    against the common people is the finding that most of the casualties are
    obese.  This affects mainly minorities
    that happen to be poor and fat, because of the inequality that has been forced
    upon them. For more than a decade, Dr. Stephanie Seneff has been warning that
    the use of Glyphosate, together with corn sugar, induced the obesity pandemic
    in the whole world – with 1.2 billion cases. Countries such as the US or
    Germany have more than 30% of the population obese. Dr. Stephanie Seneff and
    her team of researchers of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have
    established that the molecule Glyphosate may replace the amino acid Glycine in
    some key enzymes, including those that manage the immunological system. Obese
    people simply cannot fight against the new pandemic of COVID 19. Glyphosate has
    induced obesity, simply because Glyphosate has also changed enzymes that are
    used to burn fat accumulated in the adipose cells. In short, obese people cannot
    burn their own fat, even if they make lots of exercise, and this has been
    confirmed at large by several studies. Forty years of the use of Glyphosate, especially
    in key crops as corn, wheat and barley (beer) for the last 40 years has caused
    the increase of autism, obesity and now, the high mortality of obese people
    infected by Covid 19.  This virus has a
    long history, since the first paten obtained for a Corona Virus by the
    Institute Pasteur, in 2004, this virus has been studied in several labs, where
    they tried to modify it in order to obtain a vaccine. This was performed in the
    virology lab of Wuhan, China, in 2014, with the help of three American
    Universities, and the agreement of Dr. Faucci. Later on, the Americans left the
    Chinese project to continue their own investigations in Fort Detrick and other
    labs, under the auspices of DARPA. Now accusations are made against China, but
    no disclosure is made of the US and European investigations of the same Covid
    19 as well as of many other pathogenic viruses that will become the future
    pandemics. Smartly enough, the Academy of Veterinary Sciences of China has
    warned that they have managed to obtain a hybrid virus of the Avian Influenza
    virus and the Human Influenza Virus, that may cause a pandemic that kills 100
    million people. This, just in case someone launches this new virus and tries again
    to blame the Chinese.  All these
    dangerous proceeds should be aborted and the labs dealing with viruses should
    be under international supervision, otherwise, we may have entered the time of
    the “culling of the herd” proposed by the billionaires.

  2. Coronavirus In Pittsburgh: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19

  3. people in the word should strive as a unit to reduce the painful people are suffering rather than blame each other at this moment.

  4. Once upon a chinise virus…..😆😆😆😆… It's time to make fool the world by animated cortoon …China already made fool the world by third class medical equipment and testing kit…
    All news on corona virus by china are fakes .. when there most of mobiles (made in chine) are untrutable they are not working more then 4 months.. how the corona death datas working more then 3 months..

  5. 终南山院士,在今天早上已经开发出了抗病毒药物——“莲花清瘟”胶囊


    Don't Need Trump actually, Although America spend billions of dollar on Vaccine, Chinese have already sent to almost every citizen;

  6. DUMP TRUMP: He will go down in history as “ The President of Wishful Thinking”! Amongst other things, Trump has wished that the pandemic was a hoax; it would disappear like a miracle; he had it all under control; household disinfectant cures the virus in seconds; the mission has been accomplished; the economy will quickly return to normal (?); Americans will blame China for his bungling; etc. What next? TRUMP IS A DANGEROUSLY UNSTABLE IDIOT!

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing the downward spiral from meritocracy into mudslinging in the US as it happens. Brace yourselves.

  8. American have today witnessed how China completely destroys our intel, our people's lives and our economy with a single virus weapon. If you vote for the Dems, you know you are siding with China. It's time for us to unite behind president Trump and rebuild our country.

  9. The problem is that why other countries are so successful stopped this covid19 but you can’t Donny trump, did China only lying at you or you are too stupid to respond?

  10. Trump might be to blame for U.S., but how about Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Germany, and now all of South America?

    If all Americans are as stupid as this comment section, china deserves to replace you idiots as the world's economic super power.

  11. I don't care for your fears NBC keeping people in a low vibration is coming to back fire on your People who try and control the world (NBC)… stop watching the news people.

  12. That reporter that said that this would be the third round of money needs to shut his mouth! Because if it's not equal given Lee equal to everybody then there was never a second round. The second round went to small business it did not go to the regular people so so now y'all are talking about a third round jeez

  13. Why does this George Stephanopoulos has to come end of every single news with this loud sound, this is annoyingly unnecessary.

  14. How is he going to take on China “ not pay the debt back that the US owes” China is buying all of the US debt at the world bank level what’s he going to do really that’s actually gonna work

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