White House won’t issue CDC reopening guidance – Car Mod Pros Portal

The CDC had drafted guidance but the administration says it’s up to states.

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#ABCNews #WhiteHouse #CDC #TaskForce #States #Reopen #Guidelines #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Pandemic #Health


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “White House won’t issue CDC reopening guidance”
  1. Is the CDC trying to kill us??? What is the point of the CDC if they don't tell us how to proceed in re-opening safely??? It is CRIMINAL that they are withholding vital information that could save lives! The CDC should be shut down. Why should our tax dollars pay them to protect us when they are NOT DOING THEIR JOB??? Disgusting!!!

  2. Trump doesn't want to document anything that may restrict patronage to his establishments. He's living on credit and the bills are coming due. Do you think he cares one whit about anyone else ? He also needs governors to blame for his mishandling of the whole situation. Just wait for it.

  3. National Security. COLORADO shootout by Genius Neuroscience student.
    I am 1996 OSHA surgeon wrote the 6 month Gun law Mental health
    Federal HIPAA national security health act
    A week after the 4/!2011 breach the $250,000 civil arrest warrant for 10 times uttering FORGED instruments for $1200
    Worth of Groceries at PUBLIX grocery store . A GIDEON , out of the blue contacted me on Facebook messenger we started talking this was a week after the breach. Maybe two weeks I don’t know whatever couple weeks after the warrant breach. GIDEON told me that he was an ex cop and he chuckled and said I probably wouldn’t like him knowing he was an ex cop ODD why would he say that ?
    Anyways GIDEON contacted me from Tampa Florida. he was living in Tampa Florida GIDEON told me he was selling high-end cabinets he made it very clear they were HIGH END CABINETS, high end cabinets more expensive he said he was living in Tampa Florida he was adamant about meeting me.
    he kept contacting me nonstop on Facebook messenger.
    he drove from Tampa Florida to meet me in person and I took him for a drink with my brother who is a builder.
    after I met him in person , I stop talking to him and my brother said he kept calling him , and thought it was weird. STRANGE. he wanted to go surfing whatever.
    now my brothers building cabinets linda said ?
    then 2012 the COLORADO shootings occurred after the GIDEON the ex Colorado cop contacted me end of 2011.
    Now a GIDEON is manager of FROG BONES Family Shootout BAR and GUNS not grill. 404 Dixie Hwy Melbourne FL

  4. So it’s die while working or stay home and starve and go into crumbling debt great choice we have in the country right now

  5. We appreciate President Donald Trump, but I think these are great risks 🇺🇸🙏

  6. Trump admin should be charged with involuntary manslaughter……. “Amendment 25 now America ……before it’s too late!”

  7. Trump gives us personal rights (10 Amendments) and brings us personal liberty 🙂 and not an unjust and dishonest treatment like Flynn and the Hair Salon owner got.

  8. Well there is Trump justifying why he put millions of Americans health and safety on the line so he can feel good about the stock market

  9. Who cares if the White House won't release the CDC guidelines for reopening economy. It is such pathetic attempt to continue forcing everyone not in the white house to make their own way through the pandemic. Guess what White House, these CDC guidelines you are so afraid of, they are already out there, on the Internet, everywhere, in a thousand different outlets. All you are doing by cutting off the flow of good information for all Americans is showing just how pasty–faced scared you really are of loosing the election.

  10. Trump: "If you upset me I will ignore all warning! You all will pay"
    CDC: "Here are the clincally recommended guidelines to be honored before fully opening the country"
    Trump "CDC letter place on my NOT URGENT pile"
    CDC: "National Day of Prayer: God help us all"

  11. Trump wants the worst case scenario so he can use the crisis to his advantage (steal 10s of billions from aid money, undermine the USPS to cripple vote by mail, create a second crisis wave to interfere with cold winter November’s election, fear of illness, long lines, fake felons lists, malfunctioning corrupt voting machines, closed or moved polling stations, orchestrated Electrical outages, lost (destroyed) voter registrations, chaos and havoc so he can have an excuse to call for martial law, annul the election outcome if he loses, and steal 10s of billions more from a second aid package. Trump is using the pandemic to create his own Hitler / saddam moment to consolidate power under his reign. The pandemic is his vehicle to achieve that. He could care less how many Americans die the more that die the more he can use those deaths to claim he needs to take full control of our entire government (authoritarian powers). Trump has been instigating his ignorant followers to protest testing how many will respond and hoping they spread the virus into high gear overwhelming our health system creating chaos and anarchy so he can declare dictatorship (Hitler/saddam)

  12. “Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.”

    Well, we know who DIDN’T say that.

    The man who did was Dwight Eisenhower, who led the invasion of Europe, coordinating fractious service branches and national interests, and achieving an historic success.

    When you see what real leadership looks like, why in the world would you ever choose Trump?

  13. America : we are reopening our country 😷

    Coronavirus : Thank you. I'm just getting started 👹

  14. If people are still dying and we have been under quarantine for over a month, than why stay at home? it's apparent that not getting Sun v-D is killing people.

  15. In the midst of the Civil War, Lincoln signed the legislation establishing the National Academy Of Sciences.

    How far the US has fallen to have this ignorant ass ignoring experts in favor of his own stupidity.

  16. This is a plandemic! Event 201 was a staged pandemic exercise held in New York, New York on October 18, 2019. They planned this plandemic and then made it happen! Don’t believe me? Notice Dr. Caitlin Rivers here at 0:52. Type in, Event 201 Highlights Reel and go to 1:08. It’s the same person. Do you know who helps sponsor John Hopkins University and the CDC? Bill Gates. The same man that is involved in creating and profiting from a poisonous and deadly vaccine for this. Event 201 was also sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Bill is a eugenist disguised as a Philanthropist. He’s already responsible for thousands if not millions of sterilizations, vaccine injuries and deaths. This man has a lot of innocent blood on his hands, as does his father. Bill’s dead was the head of planned parenthood. Fauci is just as evil. Keep your eyes open and do your homework. Look into both Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Look into Event 201, Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, depopulation, the elite 1%, the Georgia Guidestones etc…Do not trust the media, they’re liars. Watch Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Judy Mikovits (who worked directly with Dr. Fauci and has a lot to say about him), Alex Jones and others. Do your homework!

  17. Thank you Trump the CDC ,Task force and WHO are corrupt with Bill Gates money only Trump himself can stop this fake scare & that’s coming from a black man

  18. More than 30 million people are out of work. If you don’t want to leave, then by all means stay home, but America needs to avoid total economic collapse

  19. So our only defense is ignore White House and decide for ourselves how we stay safe. Looks like staying home will be in my future since we get nothing but total incompetence from our leaders. I will continue to order online when I would prefer spending my money locally but too many uninformed people out there who shoot folks for trying to follow common sense safety procedures. Nobody was behind seatbelts but lots of lives have been saved as a result of use. I am totally disgusted with this administration’s handling or lack thereof this crisis. Total chaos and plans change from one day to the next. Trump lies constantly but now his lies are costing taxpayers and lives, LIKE WE’VE NEVER SEEN. UNPRECENTED

  20. Isn't this the type of "leadership" we've come to expect from this worthless, scumbag cheat and traitor?? Anyone who supports him is no better than that. A cheater and/or a traitor!!

  21. Petty Dbag of a president contradicting the nurse who is his guest. I trust what a worker in the trenches says over Glorious Leader Yellowbelly any day.

  22. Stop BS'ing about getting country back, please.
    We all agree already.
    Let's discuss how we're going to do that in details.
    Plan & execution, anyone?

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