Inside a COVID-19 testing lab to check on Trump’s prediction for increased output l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president said, “if people want to get tested, they get tested,” which is key to reopening the country, but some locations still have a limited supply and require a doctor’s order.

Companies ramping up at-home saliva tests for coronavirus are banking on ‘endless’ demand:

#ABCNews #Covid19Test #Trump


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Inside a COVID-19 testing lab to check on Trump’s prediction for increased output l ABC News”
  1. In NYC now you can get tested ALLOVER without symptoms. Go NYC get your tests. Anyway negative results do not mean you're not infected. People have had full blown COVID-19 in ICU and still tests negative on swabs. So if you test negative you can still be infected and have pneumonia that shows up as ground glass opacities on scans. And if it gets into central nervous system you can have negative on swab, but positive when spinal fluid is tested. So negative swabs are not as reliable as positive swabs. And many people with positive swab tests may not have antibodies when tested weeks later, but still had COVID-19 with symptoms. So a negative antibody test doesn't mean you weren't infected. There's a better nasal test that is more reliable but not as easy to be performed like swabs or saliva. It's a better test for central nervous system involvement especially when this virus passes into your brain and cause neurological symptoms seizures, strokes, convulsions, paralysis but no cough nor fever nor tell tale respiratory symptoms. It's not just a respiratory disease like a flu. It's way more complicated unfortunately.

  2. I called my doctor and said I had an eight day headache and back and kidney pain like suggested.
    He said call the state and tell them you should be tested.
    Called state ..they asked if I had been to China in the last 30 days and had a fever?
    I said No then they said I shouldn't get tested. There is no cure so I just stayed home and waited it out.
    If I died at home it would not have been recorded as a Coronavirus death.

  3. Donald Duck do not want people to get tested bc the number of infected will increase which will undermined his presidency. Whereas everyone in white house get tested everyday.

    A lot of quacking with not action. Quack quack quack Quack quack quack

  4. SO SO SO very important that we wade through all the fake news surrounding colloidal silver #colloidalsilverkillsall
    99.99% – it's the other 0.01% you gotta worry about
    It's a good thing I have a head start with my masters degree in physics, those peer reviewed journal articles can be a doozy! I have been killing my brain tumor with colloidal silver, nutritional ketosis, a few other things. Colloidal silver creates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cancer cells do not have a defense against
    Colloidal silver kills MRSA if that tells you anything …. "Good enough for NASA, good enough for me", I say. It's part of the water filtration system on the ISS because it kills listeria. That's the stuff that almost put Blue Bell out of business and the bane of existence for anyone in the food industry
    I make my own and spray it everywhere – cutting boards, countertops, kitchen towels …. it kills bacteria viruses fungi and does not leave behind superbugs like MRSA
    If you make your own, most of what you have is ionic silver. Well here's the great thing – #1 colloidal silver gets ionized anyway in your stomach assuming you ingest it (I drink about 2 ounces of 20ppm daily, of ionic silver) and #2 the ionized form is what you want anyway, to kill germs and induce apoptosis in cancer cells
    You can buy colloidal silver at the health food store for a pretty penny, or you can make your own. DON'T USE TAP WATER use DISTILLED water (I use the stuff they sell at the grocery store but it's not hard to make your own), and 99.99% or higher pure silver. I recently bought some new silver rods for around 9 dollars a piece. The old rod has lasted me about a year. The other electrode is still like new (the anode, the one that gets plated with silver cations)
    Lots of free peer reviewed journal articles at Pubmed and Google Scholar. I also love the collection of articles and links at The Silver Edge
    P.S. don't believe the unsupported claims at Medline WebMD Harvard Medical School etc that colloidal silver doesn't have anything to back it up. Do your own research and stay healthy!
    P.P.S I didn't buy my colloidal silver generator from the silver edge, but I really like the articles and links (God Bless Steve Barwick!) and here's a video on how to make your own

  5. The White House gets tested regularly and it is most likely working there – they are able to identify and isolate those infected, as well as track who those people come into regular, close contact with. This is what the general public needs, but we're not there yet. In this vid, it projects we will be there in September, but this is the point of shut down – to get to that point before things open up. There will be an even worse second wave with 10's or 100's of thousands more deaths. Remember, Trump led the national response to this imminent pandemic, and bears the responsibility for our weak and late response.

  6. Trump is a narcissistic psychopath?

    Grandiose sense of self-importance. …

    Believe he's great, that everything about him is magnificent…

    Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur. …

    Needs constant praise and admiration. …

    Sense of entitlement. …

    Exploits others Without Guilt or Shame….

    Demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others.

  7. Trump already explained this back when that cruise ship wanted to let it's COVID-19 infected passengers come ashore. Remember, he said he didn't like it because it was going to mess up his numbers and he wanted to keep them low? Trump never changes, so why would you expect him to embrace widespread testing now? He doesn't care if it might save lives, it will mess up his numbers.

  8. Of course trumps lying 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 Has trump ever told the TRUTH?

  9. What good is testing anyway right now? There's no immediate results as of yet and it takes a week to find out anything. Meanwhile ten minutes after getting the test you could contract the virus from anyone around you. Then when you get your results it's incorrect because you're already infected. You still have to take precautions every minute of everyday until they have a vaccine people.

  10. We don't all need to be tested just keep the Democratic cities shut down that's what they want anyway we should build a wall around every one of them

  11. why is anyone taking anything of value that comes from the Trump Administration when it comes to science, this the same group of people who don't even care about Climate Change. Let alone called a whole virus a Hoax. Cancel that Task Force. And just allow Fauci to do all the talking from now.

  12. The Democrats have blown this FLU virus way out of proportion 😥😥😥

  13. I Never Did Trust the government. And Trump has done nothing but lie and he's good at Contradicting himself 👍 it doesn't take a Scientist to figure that out. It's no wonder why the virus is coming after them🤔

  14. Giving power to the beast , they are DNA profiling us into a data base . Before covid, it was only inmates that did not have the right to refuse now they are asking and sheep~L are giving it out of fear.

  15. The Presidents only fail here is assuming all Americans have common sense. But it's better than what the other side assumes, that is that everyone is an idiot. OF COURSE you have to go through a DOCTOR to get tested.

  16. She's so surprised that lump lies! Astounding. Here's a tip, darlin'. If his lips are moving and there's sound coming out…it is a lie!

  17. Brandon Rodgers
    8 hours ago
    1. Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl's?
    2. Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?
    3. Why has no health official talked about real immune strength?
    4. Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?
    5. Why can't kids (who are at little to no risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
    6. Why don't people know that these are "recommendations" not laws because they have not gone through due process?
    7. Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, but not common citizens?
    8. Why the fear, when this virus has a less than 1% death rate?
    9. Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
    10. Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass vaccination?
    11. What makes one person essential and another not?
    12. Doesn't shelter at home; mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can?
    13. Why are they dividing us?
    14. How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?
    15. Where has the flu gone?
    16. Why do the homeless consistently demonstrate the lowest infection rates?
    ——->this ^ one REALLY intrigues me
    17. Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown?
    18. Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
    19. What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our kids and to us?
    20. Why have most other death rates dropped since the virus?
    21. Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019?
    22. Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government?
    23. Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
    24. Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
    25. Why did Obama/Fauci give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars?
    26. What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus vaccines?
    27. Why ID 2020, Agenda 21 and 2030?
    28. Why do they need a bill (HS 6666) for contact tracing? Is it only for funding?
    29. Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a " SURPRISE PANDEMIC " and then runs the pandemic team?
    30. Why are they infringing on religious freedoms?
    31. Why can 500 people shop at Menards or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into a religious building or the wide open spaces of parks, camping fields, beaches?
    32. Why has the germ theory never been proven?
    33. Why have the tests during the Spanish flu that disproved person-to-person contact not been taught in schools, to doctors, and known to the general public?
    34. Why are doctors being censored in FB/Twitter/Youtube, but Gates, who is not a doctor, but is taking a leadership role in global "health", hasn't been?
    35. Why is an ex-terrorist the head of the WHO?
    36. Why has Youtube said it would ban anything that doesn't agree with the WHO when the US, because of mismanagement, have temporarily disengaged from the WHO?
    37. Why are dem. Govs following the exact protocols of China/Italy and France when numbers and cultures are so different?
    38. Why was the HQC test rigged, yet known for sars to prove a higher effective rate than remdesivir that is lower, but more expensive.
    29. Why did Fauci oversee the remdesivir trial?
    39. Why have the ventilator protocol issues never been addressed?
    40. How exactly is it that (they say) one can have the COVID-19 virus, recover, but not be immune. Yet, a vaccine, for a virus they still don't understand, is going to give you immunity?
    41. Why is this virus political?
    The list of contradictions and inequities in policy and directives seem almost endless, these are just a few…
    I don't care if you’re Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or vote for unicorns, if you're not asking these questions you should be.

  18. Lies lies lies fake news to get us focused on covid 19 lol peaple its out there but flues greater good things are comming through the covid 19 fauci new about this virus like sars aids all part of his plan to infect peaple gates gelrge soro pelose shift all coming out watch the show treason there running scared the blood of those effected and those have doed and those living wkth thease vkruses are on there heads theyll be judged by our lord JESUS CRIST enjoy the show dont fear trust the ALMIGHTY where in control

  19. Why do you need to be tested if you're not showing any signs of actually being infected. Save the testing someone that actually needs it


  21. Im from india…but very sad for the news of America..i pray god All American stay home,stay happy..its time fight the pandemic situation..

  22. TTL Time: 2min 31sec. Segment Content: Direct, Clear, Concise, Accurate, Actionable, and Informative. End-to-End.
    Thank you for an excellent #CV19 update!

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