Trumps says he’s taking hydroxycloroquine | WNT

Trumps says he’s taking hydroxycloroquine | WNT

He told reporters that he’d been taking the anti-malaria drug as a treatment for COVID-19 for little more than a week, though he has no symptoms.




#WorldNewsTonight #Hydroxycloroquine #Trump


46 thoughts on “Trumps says he’s taking hydroxycloroquine | WNT

  1. What doctor would prescribe that drug to the president knowing how dangerous it is? 🤥

  2. " obamagate" WTF is that stable genius talking about. Wash it down with bleach and Lysol idiot. Trump followers get in line and follow your leader Don Gotti Trump. He's got the brains God gave a Christmas goose no offense to the goose.

  3. Same person that said to take Clorox Bleach to kill Coronavirus but make sure to dilute it with water…🤦‍♂️😂

  4. Hey guy who listens to liberal censored news.
    1. FDA has approved it for the treatment of emergency use for critical ill patients only(because healthy people taking it will cause a shortage)
    2. All drugs have side effects idiot, here is the side effects of tylenol:
    jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes).


    stomach pain,

    loss of appetite,




    dark urine,

    clay-colored stools,
    3. Get educated

  5. Yes…a lot of people are taking it…..because they have malaria, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Which, by the way, is becoming harder for those patients to get their meds to keep you functioning.
    He sounds like the drunk uncle in the back room of your grandma’s house……

  6. I think it’s funny. People are like he said to drink disinfectant he’s an idiot. He said take this pill. He’s an idiot. In fact you are all idiots because you sick the News Penis.

  7. I TOLD ALL THE TRUMP CULTIST,MR OBAMA AN MR BIDEN HVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!!! Lmao, how about cultist fools, Mr Biden will be YOUR next president an trump dump knows he's losing votes every day, I hope to GOD Mr Obama is Mr Biden vice president an yes it's legal, don't believe me??? Google it, !!!!

  8. Soon, he will claim that he injected disinfectant to his body. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. We need a few more Covid19 "condolence checks" from the POTUS … ummm … I mean $timulu$ checks.
    I rather have an income instead of a prescription of Hydroxycloroquine. 😤
    Not buying the bullshit the POTUS is telling us.

  10. Nobody:

    Someone with no evidence: Here's my evidence I get a lot of postive calls about it. 🤣🤣🤣

  11. There are side effects to every single drug on the market just watch the commecials on TV antibiotics have terrible side effects but we still use them when necessary …that is an ignorant argument against the President .

  12. What kind of doctor prescribes anything without a real need? Michael Jackson’s doctor … and the like.

  13. USA Kim. Jung un √

  14. I hope he 😜

  15. I don’t take anything trump backs up. Don’t forget he tells billions and billions of lies. It’s because he has stock in one of the manufacturers. He doesn’t care what happens to people , just his pocketbook. Maga: Making Assholes Greedy Again.

  16. Says Donald Trump "himself has a financial stake in the French company that makes the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.”

  17. How do you if Trump has taking HYDROCYCHLOOQUINE? Was someone with him other than his own people? How do you know if Trump doesn't have the virus? Almost all his cabinet people wear mask. Come on people you're smarter than that, to believe that rumor. Look whose spreading the rumors.

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