Over 20% US population now fully vaccinated – Car Mod Pros Portal

About 68 million Americans have been fully vaccinated as some centers have closed temporarily anticipating a supply shortage of Johnson & Johnson vaccine.


By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Over 20% US population now fully vaccinated”

  2. 12-18 yr old teen vaccine is really good news: available summer for my own kid. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I got both Moderna shots, feel great, ready to help our country move forward.

  3. 4/12/21
    COVID Vaccines Are Ineffective
    Dr.  Pamela A. Popper, President
    Wellness Forum Health
    For the past three weeks both video clips and this newsletter have featured information about the companies that make and sell COVID vaccines. They are convicted criminals – convicted for things like bribery, lying, scientific misconduct, racketeering, violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and hurting and killing people. Why are these companies allowed to continue to do business in the U.S.? No one has given me a satisfactory answer to this question.
    In spite of the nefarious backgrounds of the companies making COVID-19 vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control enthusiastically encourages people to get a COVID-19 vaccine. A CDC website features these statements:
             "All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States have been shown to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19."
              "Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you."
              "Clinical trials of all vaccines must first show they are safe and effective before any vaccine can be authorized or approved for use, including COVID-19 vaccines. The known and potential benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine must outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine for use under what is known as an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)"[1]
    But these statements are false. An FDA briefing document includes these statements concerning the Pfizer vaccination:[2]
              "Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against asymptomatic infection."
              "Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (virus) from individuals who are infected despite vaccination."
    Concerning the Moderna vaccine, the FDA reports the same limitations, and describes plans for a trial to measure infection prevention which will be completed by December 31, 2023.[3]
    The FDA’s documents for the J&J vaccine report basically the same thing. The vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission of SARS-CoV-2.[4]
    The CDC Advisory Committee that recommended the EUA for Moderna stated, "the level of uncertainty for the benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was…type 4 (very low certainty) for the estimates of prevention of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and all-cause death."[5]
    CDC guidance for vaccine administrators features this question and answer:
    Can a person who has received a Covid-19 vaccine still spread COVID-19? At this time, we do not know if COVID-19 vaccination will have any effect on preventing transmission."[6]
    The World Health Organization concurs:
    We do not know whether the vaccines will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission."[7]
    Why were these products approved for use under an Emergency Use Authorization? There is no benefit and considerable risk. A quick look at the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System website would frighten most people, particularly since the FDA states that reports to this database represent only 1% of the events that occur.
    But in addition to the usual reports of serious reactions and deaths from vaccines, there are reports from all over the country about vaccinated people getting infected, hospitalized, and even dying of COVID-19.
    As of the end of March, 102 people in Washington State tested positive for COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated. Eight of the patients required hospitalization and two died. All developed COVID-19 within two weeks of getting the vaccine.
    Yet, according to Umair Shah, the Washington State secretary of health, "It is important to remember that every vaccine on the market right now prevents severe disease and death in most cases. People should still get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible, and encourage friends, loved ones, and co-workers to do the same.
    "Finding evidence of vaccine breakthrough cases reminds us that, even if you have been vaccinated, you still need to wear a mask, practice socially distancing, and wash your hands to prevent spreading COVID-19 to others who have not been vaccinated."
    Here is the English translation of Umair Shah’s comments: "In spite of the fact that I am a public health official, I know nothing about health. I am a sheep. Someone put a chip in my head and forces me to regurgitate the same statements over and over again – even if they make no sense, such as ‘The COVID vaccines are safe and effective. The COVID vaccines are safe and effective. The COVID vaccines are safe and effective.’ "
    Washington is not the only state from which there have been reports. Vaccinated people have tested positive in Idaho; 134 cases have been reported in South Carolina, and dozens of Florida residents contracted COVID-19 more than 14 days after vaccination.[8]  As of March 24, Minnesota reported 89 COVID infections following vaccination, and some patients required hospitalization.[9]
    According to a letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, 36,659 healthcare workers received the first dose of a COVID vaccine and 28,184 received the second dose. After the first dose, 379 people tested positive, and after receiving the second vaccination 37 additional healthcare workers tested positive.[10] It is interesting to note that 23% of healthcare workers opted not to receive the second dose.
    While these are relatively small numbers, and medical officials are quick to remind everyone that this is nothing to be concerned about, a letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal tells a different story. The author cites a Danish study reporting a 40% increase in infections in the first two weeks after the Pfizer BioNTeach vaccine was administered in nursing homes, even though residents of homes with recent outbreaks were not included in the vaccination program.[11]The author also reports that there were significant numbers of people who tested negative before vaccination and then became infected right after getting the jab.
    Diving further into the data in one study, it appears that the elderly in care homes were shielded from outsiders more after vaccination than before, and there was no change in general behavior other than allowing healthcare workers to deliver the shots. Yet outbreaks occurred in care homes throughout the entire country.[12]
    This was consistent with the original Pfizer trial data, which showed a 40% increase in COVID after vaccination, with 409 cases in the vaccination arm in the first week of the trial as compared with 287 in the placebo arm.[13] In other words, significantly more vaccinated people became infected than unvaccinated people.
    A logical question to ask is, "Are COVID-19 vaccination programs actually superspreader events??"
    It is unconscionable that there is no review of this information with prospective patients at vaccination sites prior to receiving the vaccine, and without it there can be no informed consent. And it is extraordinarily concerning that such a significant percentage of our population is willing to follow directions without investigating at all. This information is not difficult to find. I’m sure our rulers are taking note of the fact that tens of millions of people will do almost anything they are told to do – including subject themselves to potentially considerable harm. What else might some of these people be convinced to do?
    Who should we be more afraid of these days – the government or the sheep?

  4. 4/12/21
    COVID Vaccines Are Ineffective
    Dr.  Pamela A. Popper, President
    Wellness Forum Health
    For the past three weeks both video clips and this newsletter have featured information about the companies that make and sell COVID vaccines. They are convicted criminals – convicted for things like bribery, lying, scientific misconduct, racketeering, violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and hurting and killing people. Why are these companies allowed to continue to do business in the U.S.? No one has given me a satisfactory answer to this question.
    In spite of the nefarious backgrounds of the companies making COVID-19 vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control enthusiastically encourages people to get a COVID-19 vaccine. A CDC website features these statements:
             "All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States have been shown to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19."
              "Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you."
              "Clinical trials of all vaccines must first show they are safe and effective before any vaccine can be authorized or approved for use, including COVID-19 vaccines. The known and potential benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine must outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine for use under what is known as an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)"[1]
    But these statements are false. An FDA briefing document includes these statements concerning the Pfizer vaccination:[2]
              "Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against asymptomatic infection."
              "Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (virus) from individuals who are infected despite vaccination."
    Concerning the Moderna vaccine, the FDA reports the same limitations, and describes plans for a trial to measure infection prevention which will be completed by December 31, 2023.[3]
    The FDA’s documents for the J&J vaccine report basically the same thing. The vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission of SARS-CoV-2.[4]
    The CDC Advisory Committee that recommended the EUA for Moderna stated, "the level of uncertainty for the benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was…type 4 (very low certainty) for the estimates of prevention of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and all-cause death."[5]
    CDC guidance for vaccine administrators features this question and answer:
    Can a person who has received a Covid-19 vaccine still spread COVID-19? At this time, we do not know if COVID-19 vaccination will have any effect on preventing transmission."[6]
    The World Health Organization concurs:
    We do not know whether the vaccines will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission."[7]
    Why were these products approved for use under an Emergency Use Authorization? There is no benefit and considerable risk. A quick look at the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System website would frighten most people, particularly since the FDA states that reports to this database represent only 1% of the events that occur.
    But in addition to the usual reports of serious reactions and deaths from vaccines, there are reports from all over the country about vaccinated people getting infected, hospitalized, and even dying of COVID-19.
    As of the end of March, 102 people in Washington State tested positive for COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated. Eight of the patients required hospitalization and two died. All developed COVID-19 within two weeks of getting the vaccine.
    Yet, according to Umair Shah, the Washington State secretary of health, "It is important to remember that every vaccine on the market right now prevents severe disease and death in most cases. People should still get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible, and encourage friends, loved ones, and co-workers to do the same.
    "Finding evidence of vaccine breakthrough cases reminds us that, even if you have been vaccinated, you still need to wear a mask, practice socially distancing, and wash your hands to prevent spreading COVID-19 to others who have not been vaccinated."
    Here is the English translation of Umair Shah’s comments: "In spite of the fact that I am a public health official, I know nothing about health. I am a sheep. Someone put a chip in my head and forces me to regurgitate the same statements over and over again – even if they make no sense, such as ‘The COVID vaccines are safe and effective. The COVID vaccines are safe and effective. The COVID vaccines are safe and effective.’ "
    Washington is not the only state from which there have been reports. Vaccinated people have tested positive in Idaho; 134 cases have been reported in South Carolina, and dozens of Florida residents contracted COVID-19 more than 14 days after vaccination.[8]  As of March 24, Minnesota reported 89 COVID infections following vaccination, and some patients required hospitalization.[9]
    According to a letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, 36,659 healthcare workers received the first dose of a COVID vaccine and 28,184 received the second dose. After the first dose, 379 people tested positive, and after receiving the second vaccination 37 additional healthcare workers tested positive.[10] It is interesting to note that 23% of healthcare workers opted not to receive the second dose.
    While these are relatively small numbers, and medical officials are quick to remind everyone that this is nothing to be concerned about, a letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal tells a different story. The author cites a Danish study reporting a 40% increase in infections in the first two weeks after the Pfizer BioNTeach vaccine was administered in nursing homes, even though residents of homes with recent outbreaks were not included in the vaccination program.[11]The author also reports that there were significant numbers of people who tested negative before vaccination and then became infected right after getting the jab.
    Diving further into the data in one study, it appears that the elderly in care homes were shielded from outsiders more after vaccination than before, and there was no change in general behavior other than allowing healthcare workers to deliver the shots. Yet outbreaks occurred in care homes throughout the entire country.[12]
    This was consistent with the original Pfizer trial data, which showed a 40% increase in COVID after vaccination, with 409 cases in the vaccination arm in the first week of the trial as compared with 287 in the placebo arm.[13] In other words, significantly more vaccinated people became infected than unvaccinated people.
    A logical question to ask is, "Are COVID-19 vaccination programs actually superspreader events??"
    It is unconscionable that there is no review of this information with prospective patients at vaccination sites prior to receiving the vaccine, and without it there can be no informed consent. And it is extraordinarily concerning that such a significant percentage of our population is willing to follow directions without investigating at all. This information is not difficult to find. I’m sure our rulers are taking note of the fact that tens of millions of people will do almost anything they are told to do – including subject themselves to potentially considerable harm. What else might some of these people be convinced to do?
    Who should we be more afraid of these days – the government or the sheep?

  5. Ummm, why are you people so upset? It’s completely optional to get one. Don’t trust it, don’t get one. Let everyone else make their own decisions. It’s not affecting you. Go back to worrying about how all the damn ‘socialists’ are ‘coming for your guns,’ or whatever. At least having sensible gun legislation would make it slightly less convenient for you if you did plan to buy one. Other people choosing to get vaccinated should be none of your concern.

  6. 5 years later:
    "Have you or your loved one suffered paralysis, cancer or death due to the ill effects of the Covid-19 vaccine? We're here for you! Call 1-888-LAW-YOUR to get ahold of one of our attorneys and receive your settlement. Don't wait! Associates are standing by!


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