RNC chair on GOP convention, mail-in voting – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ronna McDaniel discusses the president’s threat to move the GOP convention from North Carolina, and the battle over mail-in ballots for the November election.


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “RNC chair on GOP convention, mail-in voting”
  1. Look, I was a Republican, now an Independent, never a Dem, but the Republicans are so full of doo-doo on mail-in voting. They want to selectively support mail-in voting for our troops overseas, support it for the elderly, support it in white suburban precincts, and support it in every state where mail-in voting would help them, then they act like it will lead to fraud and they threaten legal action whenever it is done in a precinct/State where it would harm them.

  2. Next to Covid 19, what concerns me most is Trump being reelected. We might not be able to cure corona, but we CAN vote the dotard out.
    Ronna McDaniel says states are reopening that would allow 20,000 people to get together in an arena? What states?

  3. California is such a gorilla in the room Electoral vote should be designated to who was voted for not all for the democrat. Integrity is the truth.

  4. A question for both Democrats and Republicans. Have you ever seen the Democrat Party run an election that was not screwed up? The Democrat Primary 2020, did it work or was it an embarrassment to the democrat party? If the Democrat Party screws up so much when they make changes to elections, why the hell would anyone want to change an election to anything the Democrat Party wants? If the Democrat Party themselves know they can't run an election, are they pushing so hard for mail-in voting in the 2020 election so they can cheat?

  5. The RNC representatives is just another Trump mouthpiece. As far as the convention, their all out of their minds thinking of putting over a thousand people in one areana. And, she states that they would or could test to get in. What a joke! Citizens of the U. S. Still can't get testing, but the RNC can test all those thousand plus people who want to attend the convention?! She lost my interest at that point.
    And Mail in Voting. Their scared to death of it. There is no substantial proof, that people fradulently vote. It's all hype. I hear her give reasons or explanation about the integrity of voting and it's weak. A number of States have mail in voting and it's not been an issue. It was only 2016 when Russia interfered in our voting system. Russia can't interfere with mail in ballots. People need mail in voting. Without, and this is what Trump hopes, there are many that wouldn't be able to vote. And the majority of those are low income, people, peole without transportation, illness, disabilities, minorities, elderly, etc, etc, etc. Those are the groups that Trump, the RNC, Congress, don't want voting. If that wasn't the case, there would be no debating it. I'm on a fixed income, disabled, and no transportation. I also happen to be educated, an Army Veteran, dedicated voter and a damn good person. I've been mail in voting for years. And during this entire time I did not have to ask permission to mail in vote, write letters, show proof. I'm a registered voter. Oh ya, I'm also white from a middle class family and upbringing. I'll never ask permission if I can mail in vote. I will not show proof of my circumstances so I can mail in vote. I'm registered and that should be good enough. Trump and the rest of his congregation are going nuts on this. They, they are the ones interfering with the election and voting process. I am an American, born and raised. I will not be told or threatened how to vote.

  6. Please put the mailed in ballots over there, next to the copier machine.
    We will need more room for all the fake ballots coming from the warehouse.

  7. Only way for Democrat is going to win both house and senate and the White House must vote by mail because none US citizens will vote for Democrat.

  8. seems to me the RNC has so many scenarios cooked up to mess with voting they sound quite guilty, like my daughter when caught stealing spun the most fantastic tale… I know liars when I see them. Also this chick really needs a voice coach for that whiny, nasal voice but that just might be her lying voice…

  9. Dipshit Donald’s assistant trying to defend stupidity. Just “ get over it” lady🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  10. Should we sue Russia and Japan for failed nuclear programs that led to people all over the world developing cancer? Just wondering if we were penalizing countries for failed crisis management, or if we were still practicing sovereignty.

  11. That's an easy answer – millions of Americans choose not to register to vote because our political system is a nightmare. If a citizen who hasn't participated in our elections receives a ballot, they might actually use it!
    How is an unfilled and unverified ballot in a trash can a problem? You cannot use a ballot that does not belong to you. Rofl.

  12. Gov. Cooper, let the RNC hold their convention in Charlotte if they don't want to protect themselves from.covid 19 let them. I will be staying home

  13. The NC GOP are the full bloom cheaters…and twitter's finally fact-checking Prez Fart! It's the beginning of the End!!!

  14. Man… are they sweating… If everyone that has the right to vote gets to vote… there will never again be a Republican president.

    Every citizen gets a ballot. Every citizen is responsible for their own ballots mailing… then the US postal service is our hero.

    Why not… why not… blah, blah, blah. Remember Wisconsin! Remember what we can do to stop these repugnant cowards. We won Wisconsin by 150,000 votes on a Supreme Court seat they were up by a rigged 7% to win at the start of that day. 🙂

  15. “Whether coronavirus comes back…”

    Really, ABC, we’re now assuming it’s gone? With the number of cases rising in some states?

  16. This lady is probably a flat earther as well. Republicans made Wisconsin hold it's election thinking it would help a republican win a judges seat that was vacant. They lost.

    In Los Angeles they were holding a primary with mail in ballots which republicans were against. This lady just said that the republican candidate was winning when they decided to allow in person voting, which is what the republicans are demanding. Their candidate was ahead, they had the lead through the mail in voting and ended up losing after the in person voting was over.
    They lost two elections conducted in the manner demanded by republicans. They're losing elections for no other reason than stupidity.

  17. Doesn’t she look rat-ish? I’ve don’t mail in voting for years, I have never had a problem. Never, she’s been a drama queen. Show me the facts- she’s absolutely lying.

  18. For f*ucks sake, the virus can be spread through Asymptotic people… CHECKING TEMPERATURES WON'T GUARANTEE SHYT! I'm so tired of hearing people use that as a safety measure. How can we feel safe with ineffective methods. Go to the convention at your own risk.

  19. Totally biases. People go groceries, parks, shopping 🛍, restaurants etc… but can’t vote 🗳 in person? It works well for corruption and fraudulent dilemma

  20. I like how she has the story about gavin newsome openning regular poll sites but conventionally forgot Marc Harris in North Carolina who basically was destroying mail in ballot just 2 years ago.

  21. We're looking at UMMM?… Never trust ANYONYONE who is supposed to be "IN". THE FRIGGN THE KNOWING OF THE "DATA" saying ummmm… What the hell? Get out of the business of UMMM!!!

  22. She doesn't answer questions (typical Republican) and keeps pushing an issue that means NOTHING. A ballot in the garbage is a NON-VOTE IDIOT!

  23. You can certainly tell she’s a Trumpster! Election integrity? Obviously the RNC didn’t have integrity in 2016.

  24. 6:10 all of us Americans are "frightened"? In these "uncertain" times? Wait, I thought America was great again, and there is nothing to fear?

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