Texas Invitational Fall TEASER – 200MPH Roll Racing!

Texas Invitational Fall TEASER – 200MPH Roll Racing!

Http://www.texasspeedsyndicate.com to register & for more info. October 3-5th in Dallas -3 classes: KOTS, 6 Speed Challenge and the NEW Rear Wheel Drive class!


36 thoughts on “Texas Invitational Fall TEASER – 200MPH Roll Racing!

  1. Hey opponent, hold up. It'll take me about 2 full minutes to hit 200mph then we can go ok? 

  2. Can we just give the trophy to UGR now? Lol.

    6speed winner:

    RWD winner:

    KOTS winner:

    How it will unfold:
    1. Between the  Alpha20, BL2200 and ETS at least 2 will break. A16 equivalents and the lone A20+/- hero car will have to fight for the GTRs.

    2. UGR is going to smash some record while winning the event, all while the 3r/X pkg sits in the pits, waiting for the year 2016 and the rest of the competition to show up.

    99.9% sure that's how it's gonna go down but i'll still watch in the hopes of an upset. That and to watch the Supra run, lol.

  3. If in could go ahead and do my stroker kit and pro charger I would try. But not happening yet. I'm only at 506 whp now. Wouldn't do much against these cars. Hard to beat a turbo Lambo, or heavy boost gtr.
    Lambo will win this year's for sure.

  4. So this time around, are we gonna see something else other than a UGR Lambo circle-jerk?  As fast as they are, the races are kind of boring.  

  5. whats the name of the song used in this video? 
    And no its not darude sandstorm ! lol

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