Trump makes unsubstantiated claims on mail-in voting | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Pressed by ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl, Pres. Trump makes a number of unsubstantiated accusations about mail-in voting.

Twitter added fact checks to the president’s tweets this week. Multiple studies have shown no evidence of widespread fraud in mail-in voting. #donaldtrump #jonkarl #voting #mailinvoting #twitter #socialmedia

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By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Trump makes unsubstantiated claims on mail-in voting | ABC News”
  1. Biden says masks work…we wear them to do everything else, but we can't vote in person? Sounds suspicious to me.

  2. If it’s so easy to cheat with mail in voting , why is it something only the left would do?
    voter suppression is a bigger threat to American Democracy than mail in voting.

  3. LOOK OUT!!!!! First Class Mail is now being treated as BULK Mail!!! This is according to the US POST OFFICE. Don't expect ballets to be delivered on time as First Class Mail.

  4. "We would be the laughing stock of the world." I'm pretty sure you've done a great job ensuring that. But at least we're #1 in the virus race, go America!!!

  5. AMERICA WAkE UP Mailboxes are going this is to control your elections.Believe me by experience get ready for more to come it is call you know what is call that is how it all start it in my country and then ha ha ha ha you don't have any more rights.Wake Up before it to late.It all started like it starting here slow bit by bit oh and you followers are in this too only using you for your votes and you don't mean anything to a person like this.Wake up!!!!!!

  6. Universal mail-only ballots overload the US Postal Service, whose officials are already scrambling to meet the unprecedented and massive load of election pieces this scheme would require. In Nevada, over 223,000 ballots were reported “undeliverable” in its June primary. “Automatic” or “universal” mail-only voting schemes currently proposed by Democrats are entirely different and completely insecure. Ballots are not requested, but sent to an address without confirming that the recipient is still there, or even still alive. Millions of unverifiable ballots could potentially fall into the wrong hands. This is particularly problematic in residential centers with high turnover rates like senior residences and apartment complexes. The suggestion that photo ID is a “barrier” to voting is a political tactic, not a practical reality. It is used by the left to dishonestly accuse the right of voter suppression while cynically soliciting votes by offering a false choice based on a lie. “Maryanne” and “Morley” of Redondo Beach, California, had a shock recently when they opened their mail and found seven ballot applications from Los Angeles County. There were two each for Maryanne and Morley, and three for the nephew who previously lived with them but moved to another city five years before. The nephew also received multiple applications at his new address. If election officials and their software are already issuing multiple incorrect ballot applications, there is clearly no safeguard against processing multiple requests—or votes. And with more than 25 million registered voters in California, insisting all signatures can be validated is ludicrous. Ballot harvesting, which allows professional campaign operatives and political activists to have access to absentee ballots and authority to recruit voters, is allowed in 27 states and the District of Columbia. Two Senate Democrats—Ron Wyden of Oregon and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota—have proposed a bill that would, among other things, allow nationwide ballot harvesting. They are promoting the legislation as a means to allow more voting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics of ballot harvesting say it exposes voters to coercion and intimidation in their own homes, without protections normally present at polling places. There is also a significant record showing that legal vote harvesting leads to illegal fraud and intimidation. In Minnesota, Attorney General Keith Ellison, a Democrat, settled a challenge to the state’s ban on ballot harvesting. Under the settlement, candidates in that state will be allowed to help cast ballots.

  7. There is tons of evidence of mail in vote fraud. In the unblemished, trustworthy city of Portland (haha), they haven't mailed my ballot to me since 2008. There's evidence to suggest that's because I wasn't a registered Democrat. I registered Democrat in Portland Oregon just so that I could get a ballot and was quickly sent a ballot in the mail. And now I'm afraid to vote in this city because mail in ballots are not confidential. You have to sign your name on it so everyone knows who you voted for. That's dangerous here. Sad, but that's what it's come to.

  8. Just make an app for phones that takes your picture and thumb print… the location is auto tracked anyway then you vote from home and the government knows exactly who you are. Zero percent chance of fraud! Why don’t they hurry up and make one! It would take maybe a tech wiz half a day to build an app like that… why is it people at the top have no creativity or problem solving capabilities? They are the ones we rely on for exactly that purpose! If you can cash in a check by phone why not vote by phone? Wake up people!

  9. If the dems are so concerned about Russian election meddling, they should not be supporting mail-in voting. Apparently democrat election meddling is A-OK. They are trying to change the rules in the middle of the game.

  10. I see his point but it's the most unlikely thing to happen. I don't think kids would raid mailboxes for ballots. The only concerning thing is at 1:20 but I'm not knowledgable about that.

  11. 28 million mail in ballots went missing in 2012. Ballot cloning is coming from China. What else can happen?

  12. So… it was cool when HE voted by mail right???… "Trump has used the absentee voting system in at least three elections: Trump voted by mail during New York’s mayoral election in 2017, cast an absentee ballot during the state’s midterm election the following year, and again used a vote-by-mail ballot in Florida’s primary election in 2020. "

  13. democrats can't win if they don't cheat…. soros voting machines, that switch names, using u hauls to remove republican votes…..back room trash cans….
    I'm with President Trump…. ! Virus is only an excuse to give democrats what they think they can win with…. mail in votes…

  14. Trump, as usual is full of sh*t. Arizona and the US military have been voting by mail for years. Both always lean right. Fraud, you say? The very stable compulsive liar in chief is setting us up. When he loses in November he's going to invalidate the results, declaring fraud and refuse to leave office.

  15. Donald Trump has made unfounded accusations of widespread voter fraud a centerpiece of his presidency, as well as his reelection campaign. He claimed millions of people voted illegally in 2016, created an inept committee to investigate voter fraud, and now opposes mail-in voting, claiming it’s inherently fraudulent.
    Now it appears that the president himself committed voter fraud.
    On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported that when Trump registered to vote in Florida, he claimed the White House as his legal residence. On the same day he filled out his voter registration, however, Trump formally declared himself a “bona fide resident” of Palm Beach, the location of his Mar-a-Lago club. The president therefore tried to register to vote under an out-of-state address that is not, in fact, his legal residence.

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