Investigations ordered after election chaos in Georgia l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

People waited in line for hours to be able to vote in the state’s first election during the coronavirus pandemic.

2020 Georgia primary election results:

#ABCNews #GeorgiaPrimary #GeorgiaElection #Politics #MailInVoting


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Investigations ordered after election chaos in Georgia l ABC News”
  1. Georgia Republicans under Brian Kemp and KKK Kris kobach. Are notorious for purging tens of thousands of black voters and making it very difficult to vote.

  2. All terribly run cities are Democrat. Trump gave black People lowest unemployment in history. The Republican Party was started by blacks. Lincoln was Republican. The KKK was a Democrat group. I could go on and on. Black People may wish to review actual history, before being fooled by the corrupt Marxist Democrat Party again.

  3. Why would black People vote for Biden when that idiot uses racial slurs all the time, "Put you all back in chains", "You ain't black if don't vote for me", asked a black reporter if he was "a cocaine junkie". Biden like all of the Marxist Democrat Party is simply using black People for votes. Don't be fooled vote Trump 2020, at least listen to Trump's rallies then decide.

  4. Biden is the racist scum bag, whose idle was Senator Robert Byrd a KKK leader. Trump is the one who never uses racial slurs, funds black colleges, puts millions of black People to work, believes in Law and Order, and appreciates the black vote.

  5. DON'T COUNT ON THE U.S. MAIL PONY-EXPRESS FOR YOUR NOVEMBER VOTING, THAT HORSE WON'T RUN!!!!! This is somehow going to backfire on Trump! I believe most folks are going to show up at a Polling Station Nov 3rd,., or do early voting. I for one, do not trust mail-in voting now; one of Trump cronies may manage to get hold of a few thousand bins of those Mail-in Ballots and Opps! into the river that truck goes…Ha Ha! Never mind, I'll be walking my behind into the polling station to drop my ballot in the machine MYSELF!!!!!! I believe a lot of folks will do just the same, so I'd say don't miss the opportunity to do EARLY VOTING. Florida has it and it has been a dream for shortening those lines. I have never waited in a line to vote here. Key is to go on the between hour times, like 10a.m. -11, and 3-5p.m. during the week days. I did do early Saturday morning one year, and no wait. I guess folks wanted to sleep-in on the weekend; my gain.

  6. Almost everywhere where Senate seat up this major trouble heard they rig election so the dems can impeach Trump again
    Cause they thing Biden can't win

  7. This is happening in Democrat (blue) counties, hmmm who would've thought? 🤔 You're telling me that Democrats are no better at running fair elections than their competitors? O.M.G. what's next are you gonna tell me that the Dems are corrupt too?!!

  8. Trump is the first liar of USA
    He doesn't care about deaths
    The USA is chaired by a incompetent fool
    😂😂😂😂Shame on him😂😂😂😂
    Vote him out

  9. We should have federal troops making sure every single one of those people get to vote, no matter how long it takes. Everyone should be able to vote with a paper back-up as evidence. I don't appreciate that drump knows my address from the stimulus checks. I thought they were only giving direct deposit information only. But I will be send the letter he sent me back with kids my as on it.

  10. In 50 years I have never spent more than 10 minutes voting in Australia. That includes walking to polling station. Each primary school becomes a polling station on election day. I wait for a few seconds, I am then identified from the roll, i receive my ballot papers, mark the ballots papers and then place the Senate ballot and the House of Representatives ballot in the right box and go and have a sausage sandwich from the sausage sizzle. State, Federal and council elections.
    100% of Adults vote. It is our right but also our responsibility. I had no idea that in the self professed "Greatest Democracy in the world" less than half of adults vote. How can that then be a democracy. Your representatives are only elected because there are less barriers to certain members of the population voting. We have mail votes, we have early voting, we have whatever there is to make it easy to vote. Maybe you need to have UN monitors to supervise voting in the USA.
    Also we had a State election during pandemic. No problems. Mail voting. No problems.

  11. Cant congress shut off funds to Georgia until they hold fair elections? I'm sure they play way less in taxes than they get from Uncle Sam.

  12. Guess what we are under lockdown guess what this is what happens when the president is like Donald Trump he made this happen this is all going according to plan

  13. This is all messed up we need to start again the covid-19 the whole deal has ruined our chances of a fair election we've had outside in we've had a run of my president how are we supposed to think that this election could be anything anything real it's a joke it's a joke

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