Police officer fatally shoots man at Atlanta fast-food restaurant – Car Mod Pros Portal

Atlanta police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks after he allegedly resisted arrest at a Wendy’s drive thru.

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By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Police officer fatally shoots man at Atlanta fast-food restaurant”
  1. Police powers should be limited..I know sometimes people's activities are dangerous but why bars are made..keep them in jail u have got taeser too..so stop killing people otherwise u won't be bad to call murderer..

  2. Typical politician , Mayor tosses the cop under the bus to pacify the mob , rather than wait for a complete investigation before deciding on a course of action.

    Mayor needs to resign is more the proper course of action here .

  3. Two, well trained professionals can't handle one suspect? Perhaps these two 🐷s are better suited to work as Wal*Mart Receipt Checkers. Then again, a grandma using a walker might be able to sneak past them with a flat screen TV.

  4. this is moronism. What else could they do? He was drunk, on probation, took the taser, shot the cops with it and ran away. This is racism towards whites. I found out about this on one Russian-language channel about the police

  5. Yep let’s just let the high guy fight the cops grab their tasers and the cops should totally just let him taze them no questions asked and then let him get away high as a kite with a stun gun 🤗 good thinking guys!

  6. America free in every state!? But really this way …. when Martin Luther King marched to kill fighting what year was it?🤔 But come on America🥴🤕🥂😜

  7. To any of you mass shooters out there that actually want to do this world some good with your final actions and kill possibly the most evil people on this planet ABC news is located in Manhattan

  8. Resisting arrest… once again, learn to comply.. these shootings are almost always because someone isn’t complying or resisting

  9. If he only had the stun gun, shoot him in the leg and bring him down. I thought the police were trained to shoot. Maybe just trained to kill and ask questions later. Surely a man sleeping in a car is no threat to anyone.

  10. The cops did everything right. !!! Why do they always resist points the gun at the police. # drunk or on drugs shouldn't be driving going to kill someone innocent whole car load of people Democrats have turned on the police

  11. Why would the chief resign?? All she had to do was reign in the officers. They had grounds to shoot the idiot. Just not in the back. Wait for him to turn around.

  12. So many snowflakes on here you could build a snowman!!! He resisted arrest, got the stun gun and pointed it at the officer, if that officer was incapacitated the offender could easily have got his gun and shot him, therefore I don't blame the officer for shooting him.

  13. I am kinda torn about this one. Yes, the idiot should not have resisted, should not have taken the taser, should not have run, should not have pointed it at the officer. But here is something to consider, once the suspect was more than 15 feet away, he posed no threat whatsoever to those officers. None. At that point, any justification for the shooting evaporated.

  14. Police are fools, government makes money seperating us with value to control us (does not even exist just paper and a number on a server), gives diamonds value which are actually just rocks, then gets all of your weapons away and gives the cops a gun and stick to kill you when you "misbehave", if you get too smart or uncontrollable they call you crazy and start doing psyops with remote neural monitoring sending their informant dogs to gangstalking and use remote neural monitoring even giving you voices in the head to make sure you are driven mental with laser microwave auditory systems (https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-laser-lapd-crime-data-program-20190412-story.html) unknown tech to citizens. This world is about mass control and depopulation and the government is trying to keep its system of enslavements alive. Snowden told the truth they are influencing and reading your mind with EEG neuro feedback technologies. They love to play psychological warfare with your personal data gathered by phone and internet activities (use VPN and encryption) even making personal psyop scripts by their intelligence teams to take your head down. Dark skinned men are very strong and therefore cops just want to make an example out of them. They do not want things to unite or any revolution in their own advantage. And cops always get right they always have an excuse ready or cover by an judge like the person was mental or pulled something out of his pocket stuff it is pathetic http://www.isaizu.com

    The gangstalkers in general are paid large sums of money and view these operations as a job they do not ever care for the target or what happens with it. When things go wrong they clearly try to use dark NLP to bind fear in triggers and anchors them so (for example their red car) to hope the target will retreat and experience fear when they see one. Once the target knows all the tricks of this "program" (like I do) the gangstalkers are doomed and their fates are laid in the hands of the target and the groups of people he/she convinced of being stalked by the gangstalker group. People like this will do as if they have evidence against you but can never show any, neither inside any time limit to still get an valid court case, proving that RNM is fake ass for stress inducing, informat rat protecting purposes to win court cases with suggestion and dark NLP. Never will thoughts ever become facts, so never will Remote Neural Monitoring be of any worth then harassment and trying to gesture a case for winning by pre-illegal-methods and personal disturbance of targets, without a valid reason as Edward Snowden once stated.

    There are many targeted individuals around, most seem to be WHISTLEBLOWERS, ACTIVISTS and PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING MUSIC OR DOING SOME KIND OF PERFORMANCE or HAVING A INTERNET CHANNEL/BUSINESS. It seems jealousy, greed, envy and hate has no limits online. Those targeting innocent people are pathetic and weak. They will try to prevent anything for you to use violence on them, do not fall for their fake stories, hit them on the head, without the mercy they expect to get. Everybody all around the world has the SAME story. New neighbors and afterwards harassment, false accusations and reports, remote neural monitoring and gangstalking, THAT is NOT a coincidence, THAT is a PSYOPS. Here are some targets:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q73oOUE2gik | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O4s6sf-ikg | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpDeeXZOvM0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dV7cz4kMPU | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ6rojN-GM | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8VCO_pmflA

    Police (corrupted ones with their snitches) admits shooting audio lasers, these are corrupt community policing/infragards that think they are cops and can violate rights with data without knowing anything for sure or having real evidence therefore they try to take people down and create false accusations and evidence: https://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-laser-lapd-crime-data-progr… | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGzxWxjriQ

    Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person's life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a "ganging up" by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic "terrorizing" of an individual.

    False accusations, street theater, laser audio (https://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-laser-lapd-crime-data-progr… | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGzxWxjriQ) and a lot of rumors going on about me to get me discredited (like that I would be a criminal or pedo) and beaten up by others (getting as much hate support against me they can). Local police from Groningen works with this infragard/community policing/rats snitches alike people because they do not want me to grow or get influence. They want to take me down under the reason for whistleblowing and activism. I guess this is what the government's cybernetic mind hive teams do these days experimenting on people like Guinea pigs and looking ways to use psychological warfare on remote to mass control people, the entertainment industry (NSA illuminati script), prevent revolution by targeting activists and whistleblowers and silently assassin people to perform population control. It has shown that long exposion to microwaves for years creates this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinogen meaning that you will get cancer.

    This girl tells it right: https://www.facebook.com/notes/francesca-valerio-invernizzi/the-main-goal-of-gang-stalking-is-to-influence-the-life-of-the-victim-and-to-con/420663351337935/

    Remote neural monitoring: http://www.isaizu.com/docs/remoteneuralmonitoring.pdf

    Informants wrecking lives: http://rats-nosnitch.com/

    Confused person setups by agencies: http://verwardepersonen.nl/

    Gangstalking: https://www.stopeg.nl/

    Het Programma: https://hetprogramma.wordpress.com/

    People who try it at me: http://www.isaizu.com/…/illegalePolitieGroningenGGZhandelin…

    Persoonsgerichte verstoring: https://www.nrc.nl/…/persoonsgericht-verstoren-is-illegaal-…

    Gangstalking manual: http://www.isaizu.com/docs/manualforfoolsbyfools.pdf

    How gangstalking works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plrHU4VKbRM

    Proof of gangstalking recorded: https://youtu.be/hmf23NfAjiQ

    Remote neural mind altering patent proof: https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en

    Legal kidnapping: https://youtu.be/I0OiNdj2aP4

    Robert Duncan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qUTWPqjJSw

    Technics of Neuroweapons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y51LkLazgDA

    Bone sound conduction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_conduction

    Microwave auditory effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect

    Police admits LASER program: https://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-laser-lapd-crime-data-progr…

    Community infragard LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGzxWxjriQ

    Getting Cancer by radiation & LASER: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinogen

    Me gangstalking for over 9 years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXP6ATBdP78

    MIT audio LASER: https://www.extremetech.com/…/284743-mit-creates-lasers-tha…

    More audio LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSGnzbGcCDg

    Another audio LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBdVfUnS-pM

    Beaming audio LASERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCTqC2-AN7o

    Sending audio LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x97jqwO5nQ

    LASER spying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTpZsKCUvcc

    MIT audio LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4vipRHAiNU

    DARPA neural interface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvUHDK59Igw

    Elon Musk Neuralink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jOjh6lwp9w

    OpenBCI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX9Q_4KgemU

    Dr. Robert Duncan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgPuZpbK5M8

    More info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVZnGYrqnkY

    Ex gangstalker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jJebz5dsA8

    Gangstalking: https://ongangstalking.blogspot.com/…/satanism-and-gangstal…

    NWO: https://911nwo.com/?p=6485

    My gangstalker operator looks like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qqc2UUJFI – Friendly face while being the devil himself a gangstalker looking just like mine from Groningen Netherlands (http://www.isaizu.com/…/illegalePolitieGroningenGGZhandelin…) remember that it are the people who ACT friendly charismatic who are being the most devilished in a stealth way from the inside. They are unthrustable and lure to make money. RATS. http://www.rats-nosnitch.com/

    CIA Robert Duncan tells about government killing dark skinned people in the world using Remote neuro technologies and Psyops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rMM0tiCf9 (VIDEO SEEMS TO BE REMOVED NOW ON PURPOSE)

    Read these books if you want to GROW I've read them all:

    -iSaizu a new lifestyle at http://www.isaizu.com (Iffie IsaiZu)

    -How to tame a Demon (Robert Duncan)

    -Project soul catcher 2 (Robert Duncan)

    -Guinea Pigs (John Hall)

    -A new breed (John Hall)

    -Outwitting the devil (Napoleon Hill)

    -Banned mind control tactics unleashed (Daniel Smith)

    -Legally kidnapped (Carlos Morales)

  15. Any one found drunk in their cars should have their cars taken away.. not their lives.. they can run.. but their car isn't.. don't take their lives.. take their cash.. that hurts them more, because their alive to the pain of being.. drunks.. tow their cars away.. it's the pain that they then have to pay for.. it's even a better way than sending people to jail for shitty small crimes.. reality of a drunk not moving in their car.. no one is hurt.. just stops people from getting fatter from the food their eating.. isn't an actual crime.
    The reality of what police need to be taught.. cash is king.. dead people don't pay.

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